Biden: Republicans Will Impeach Me If They Win

Well you, Mitt, and Neville tell me how that works out for you.

I intend to fight for this Republic and the Constitution it's based on.

If the GOP want to be the "kick dog" for democrats - fuck em'. Time for a new party that supports and promotes America.
That Anathema guy... seems on another thread/post he said something about hitting his .. significant other, a female..

so yeh.. that post from him comes across as hypocritical as hell
I intend to fight for this Republic and the Constitution it's based on.
The Constitution has been dead since 1861 and this nation with it. I’m not big on Democracy or the Republic. Nice ideas but extremely naive to believe they can work in this day and age.
If the GOP want to be the "kick dog" for democrats - fuck em'. Time for a new party that supports and promotes America
I’m neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I’m a Traditionalist Conservative and an Authoritarian. I hold no party allegiance and never will.
The Repugs have no valid basis for impeaching Biden. I

the Invasion is an act of war. Americans have had to prepare to fight illegals to save their property and other valuable things or persons .

And that's not a reason?

Then there's this little tiny issue: He violated the law to get the illegals to invade..

You dimrats sho is dim
The Nazis didn't have enough to remove Trump the first time. He wasn't even in office the second time. That didn't stop them.

"Turn the other cheek" just gets you bruised.

Republicans can't ever learn. We win the majority and then squander it by "reaching across the aisles."

Point to ANY time the fucking Nazi democrats reached across the aisles? You can't - it's a one way street and a fools game. If we FAIL to stand up for ourselves and impeach Biden, then DeSantis gets impeached the SECOND the Nazis have the house.

You want this shit to stop? You have to hit them back. Unless the democrats fear reprisal, they will NEVER stop. This is why we lose, over and over and over and over.
Which is why we need to try the 25th.

Hasn't been used before, to my knowledge, and will make more of a statement than a tit for tat impeachment.
The Constitution has been dead since 1861 and this nation with it. I’m not big on Democracy or the Republic. Nice ideas but extremely naive to believe they can work in this day and age.

Sheer idiocy.

I’m neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I’m a Traditionalist Conservative and an Authoritarian. I hold no party allegiance and never will.

"Conservative" and "Authoritarian" are diametrically opposed in the modern American parlance of "conservative." Sort of like "dry water" or "democrat integrity."

Conservatism is based on individual liberty and personal responsibility.
Which is why we need to try the 25th.

No, the goal is not to remove Quid Pro. The goal is to make the democrats pay for the thuggish acts they have committed over the last 7 years,

They pull this shit and pay no consequence, We MUST exact a price from them for what they have done. Impeaching Biden repeatedly will thwart the Nazi agenda of the democrats and will make clear that the scorched earth policy of the Reich cuts both ways.

It is critical that we impeach Xi's man.

Hasn't been used before, to my knowledge, and will make more of a statement than a tit for tat impeachment.

I'm not sure what statement it would make - and congress can't do it - Quid Pro's cabinet would have to invoke it - and they won't - ever.
No, the goal is not to remove Quid Pro. The goal is to make the democrats pay for the thuggish acts they have committed over the last 7 years,

They pull this shit and pay no consequence, We MUST exact a price from them for what they have done. Impeaching Biden repeatedly will thwart the Nazi agenda of the democrats and will make clear that the scorched earth policy of the Reich cuts both ways.

It is critical that we impeach Xi's man.

I'm not sure what statement it would make - and congress can't do it - Quid Pro's cabinet would have to invoke it - and they won't - ever.

have you figured out what to impeach him for?

Biden: Republicans Will Impeach Me If They Win

4 Nov 20232 ~~ By Solange Reyner

President Joe Biden on Thursday warned that Republicans will seek to impeach him if they win the House majority next week.
“I’m already being told if they win back the House and Senate, they’re going to impeach me,” Biden told a crowd at MiraCosta College near San Diego, California, while stumping for the reelection of Rep. Mike Levin. “I don’t know what the hell they’re going to impeach me for.”
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has introduced five articles of impeachment against Biden. Ten House Republicans have either introduced or sponsored 21 articles of impeachment against Biden and his top officials, according to the The New York Times.

Indeed, there's a hundred good reasons to impeach The Big Guy. But I think a better strategy would be to repeatedly demand that he be removed under the 25th Amendment. Of course there's no way te DNC Party headquarters would allow that...unless Kamaltoe Harris resigned and was replaced with someone who had a chance of being *elected* President.
Although it may be a great idea. the consequences' may be worse than the cure.
With a majority in both House's of Congress Joe Biden will become ineffective and just a lame duck. He would only do much more than drool on and sign EOs.
Then again you reap what you sow!
Maoist Democrats went all in with repeated impeachments on Trump regardless of how trivial, then seeing this come around to you should be no surprise, but not practicable.
EL TRUMPO incited a RIOT on January 6th

THAT was an impeachable act
No, the goal is not to remove Quid Pro. The goal is to make the democrats pay for the thuggish acts they have committed over the last 7 years,

They pull this shit and pay no consequence, We MUST exact a price from them for what they have done. Impeaching Biden repeatedly will thwart the Nazi agenda of the democrats and will make clear that the scorched earth policy of the Reich cuts both ways.

It is critical that we impeach Xi's man.

I'm not sure what statement it would make - and congress can't do it - Quid Pro's cabinet would have to invoke it - and they won't - ever.
I pity you

What would happen if you lived in Moscow and criticized Putin?
No, the goal is not to remove Quid Pro. The goal is to make the democrats pay for the thuggish acts they have committed over the last 7 years,

They pull this shit and pay no consequence, We MUST exact a price from them for what they have done. Impeaching Biden repeatedly will thwart the Nazi agenda of the democrats and will make clear that the scorched earth policy of the Reich cuts both ways.

It is critical that we impeach Xi's man.

I'm not sure what statement it would make - and congress can't do it - Quid Pro's cabinet would have to invoke it - and they won't - ever.
I'm not sure what statement it would make - and congress can't do it -
yes, they can

"Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President."
The Repugs have no valid basis for impeaching Biden. If they try it will be a clown show - and they'll lose the impeachment vote. They won't have enough votes in the house - Not ALL Repugs are slimeballs.

Correct, but all Democrats are slimeballs. If they weren't they wouldn't have pulled the stunts they did. Now is payback time. We don't need a valid reason to impeach. The Communists changed the rules with Trump. They want to make new rules when the opposition is in power and change them back when they get power. I say no go, or as Rambo said in the first movie "I didn't draw first blood sir!"
When my father threatened me with punishment, it made me behave.

Maybe, but if no matter how much punishment you still didn't behave, he would have had to try something that worked.

I think what a lot of people don't understand about all this is that it's much more than Donald Trump. The US Constitution lays out the requirements to be a US President--not the Democrats.

But as far as the Communists are concerned, they own this government. Oh, they lose elections and power, but they still own it in their minds.

Their message of phony impeachments was not only directed at Trump, but to any outsider that didn't meet Democrat criteria, and that goes double for the traitors in the Republican party like Cheney. Don't you dare bust through those doors and take the highest seat in the land. You work your way up to that. You wash my back and I'll wash yours. And if you do work your way up that point, you still need our approval to run and hold that office.

I'm sick of Democrats calling all the shots. I think Donald Trump was the best President we had since Reagan. I don't want outsiders to feel threatened by running for President. I want more outsiders if anything.

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