Biden mocked after appearing to check notes in response to question about Russia


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden mocked after appearing to check notes in response to question about Russia​

Richard Grenell: 'Americans are horrified by these weekly videos highlighting Biden’s mental state'

4 Jul 2021 ~~ By Cortney O'Brien
President Biden appeared to check his notes after being confronted by the press on whether Russia was behind a recent ransomware attack while he was shopping inside a store in Traverse City, Michigan, on Saturday.
"With the most recent hack by the Russians, would you say that this means – " a reporter is heard asking about the attack that targeted Miami-based IT software management company Kaseya, before Biden interrupts her to say that they "don't know" yet if it was the Russians.
"I'll be in better shape to talk about it – hold on for one second," Biden said, before taking a piece of paper out of his jacket and putting on a pair of glasses. He said he had just been "briefed" on the hack, but still appeared confused by the inquiry.

Confused Joe Biden Has To Pull Out Notes To Answer Question On Russia

This is scary. Americans view moments of Joey Xi like this and wonder. Who is running this government?
I have to admit that his handlers often seem to pump Joey Xi full of something and he sometimes performs in public a bit better than expected. But in this clip he isn’t pumped full of anything, and he seems very lost.
Had Trump ever had a single moment like that, Congress would have initiated the 25th immediately. Remember that PM/DSA Democrats demanded that DJT take a cognitive test and he passed with no trouble. Joey Xi has yet to prove himself.
If Republicans don't get control of at least the Senate and hopefully the House as well, in 2022, things are going to get ugly. At that point the damage the Commies are doing may be irreversible.

I can remember a time when Reagan was always looking down at his notes also..
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Biden mocked after appearing to check notes in response to question about Russia​

Richard Grenell: 'Americans are horrified by these weekly videos highlighting Biden’s mental state'

4 Jul 2021 ~~ By Cortney O'Brien
President Biden appeared to check his notes after being confronted by the press on whether Russia was behind a recent ransomware attack while he was shopping inside a store in Traverse City, Michigan, on Saturday.
"With the most recent hack by the Russians, would you say that this means – " a reporter is heard asking about the attack that targeted Miami-based IT software management company Kaseya, before Biden interrupts her to say that they "don't know" yet if it was the Russians.
"I'll be in better shape to talk about it – hold on for one second," Biden said, before taking a piece of paper out of his jacket and putting on a pair of glasses. He said he had just been "briefed" on the hack, but still appeared confused by the inquiry.

Confused Joe Biden Has To Pull Out Notes To Answer Question On Russia

This is scary. Americans view moments of Joey Xi like this and wonder. Who is running this government?
I have to admit that his handlers often seem to pump Joey Xi full of something and he sometimes performs in public a bit better than expected. But in this clip he isn’t pumped full of anything, and he seems very lost.
Had Trump ever had a single moment like that, Congress would have initiated the 25th immediately. Remember that PM/DSA Democrats demanded that DJT take a cognitive test and he passed with no trouble. Joey Xi has yet to prove himself.
If Republicans don't get control of at least the Senate and hopefully the House as well, in 2022, things are going to get ugly. At that point the damage the Commies are doing may be irreversible.

It’s likely irreversible already.
Any elections in 2022 that could tip things to republican majorities will likely be stolen by democrats.
2020 was the precedent.
Before Biden was ever gifted with the presidency his family knew he was already suffering
from dementia. Yet he was never thought to be unacceptable for the office due to his
deteriorating mental state.

If anything democrats probably thought it would make him more easily controlled and pliable.

Democrats have zero regard for the American public. Joe is proof.
Before Biden was ever gifted with the presidency his family knew he was already suffering
from dementia. Yet he was never thought to be unacceptable for the office due to his
deteriorating mental state.

If anything democrats probably thought it would make him more easily controlled and pliable.

Democrats have zero regard for the American public. Joe is proof.
Right-wingers have nothing but fantasy. This was the Greatest of the Great on the right-wing y'all voted for twice:

The thing that some old school republicans don't get to their heads is that Joe Biden knows politics since he was 21.
Now, if he dies, you will end up with a bitch as president.
Why he picked her?
I have no clue.
That bitch Harris is not even American.
Half Jamaica and half India.
And I'm talking India in Asia and not native Indians from America.
You lefties don't have to worry about Joe doing that. He can't compose a statement, much less a misleading one.
Thank goodness he still has plenty of able people to help out.


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