Biden leads Trump by 10% in hypothetical 2024 matchup (Marquette)

Biden's ratings will plummet as more people learn that he intends to snatch some loud-mouthed black broad off the street, then force her onto the Supreme Court.

Better believe it...
I called congressmen in the 1980s, complaining about illegal alien voting. Incredible that proof of citizenship has never become a requirement.
Lol I can totally see your Karen ass doing this.
^ Brilliant.

The poll cited in the article says the poll cited in the OP is bullshit.

See above, Brainiac.
Lol what? How does that make the other one bullshit? This logic can easily be applied against you: How are you so sure the one in the OP doesn’t make the other bullshit?

God you republicans are such snowflakes lol. You can’t handle any sort of cognitive dissonance. Any real adult would look at this and just accept that both polls are real.
Lol I can totally see your Karen ass doing this.

Lol what? How does that make the other one bullshit? This logic can easily be applied against you: How are you so sure the one in the OP doesn’t make the other bullshit?

God you republicans are such snowflakes lol. You can’t handle any sort of cognitive dissonance. Any real adult would look at this and just accept that both polls are real.
I'm not a Republican, moron - read my signature.

That the cited article presents another poll which contradicts the OP claim, and also closely conforms with the incredibly low opinion of demented rapist Biden nationwide makes it clear to any real adult that the OP's cited poll is bullshit.

But clearly you can neither handle cognitive dissonance nor think clearly.

Thus you should not vote.
It looks like Trump was so bad that even the unpopular Joe Biden would beat him again.
Trump supporters should ready their "voting machines cheated" claims.

Still, what does this say about that doofus, Joe Biden that he only has a 10% lead against the worst president we've seen in lord knows how long, maybe ever.
Still, what does this say about that doofus, Joe Biden that he only has a 10% lead against the worst president we've seen in lord knows how long, maybe ever.
Trump was one of the best presidents in decades.

Demented rapist Biden horrendously bad & belongs in prison.

As to the poll, from the linked article:

A Wednesday poll from Politico and Morning Consult found that 45 percent of registered voters would support Biden if the election were held today, and 44 percent would support Trump, which would make for a tight rematch. Eleven percent said they would not vote.
It's a little early
And cmon man after his first year it's a complete train wreck lol Joe ain't leading jack shit
2020 midterms would be encouraging if GopE and the establishment Communist Party get wrecked across local and state lines ...

Lots of young right wingers out there whit a hard on to take on the establishment ....
At the least It'll drive the sheep up a wall
It looks like Trump was so bad that even the unpopular Joe Biden would beat him again.
Trump supporters should ready their "voting machines cheated" claims.

Why are you so willing to lie for the far left? They would throw you under the bus in a heartbeat.

We are witnessing quite possiblity the greatest collapse of a president in our history.

President Biden was 20 Points above water when he took office to 10 points below water. That's a THIRTY POINT plunge in only one year.
It looks like Trump was so bad that even the unpopular Joe Biden would beat him again.
Trump supporters should ready their "voting machines cheated" claims.


Biden's ratings will plummet as more people learn that he intends to snatch some loud-mouthed black broad off the street, then force her onto the Supreme Court.

Better believe it...
PLEASE, do your self a favor, look up the qualifications of the six being put up as possible for the court. Then look up the qualifications for the last three seated & see if they meet or surpass them. Then tell us what you found out.

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