Biden / Hillary Launch 'Gay' Salvos


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
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Hillary amazingly and hypocritically attacked Carson and Cruz on Gay Rights.... AFTER she declared she believed marriage was between a man and a woman and WHILE accepting millions of dollars from Islamic nations that MURDER gays.

Biden, not even running, had to throw his '2 cents' in as well by falsely claiming thd GOP candidates are 'homophobes', proving Biden is incapable of having an intellectual debate using facts, but instead has to engage in political theatrics and name calling.

According to liberals, if you don't agree with the President's policies it is only becauae you are a 'RACIST', if you don't agree with Obama's gun control that violates the 2nd Amendment you are a 'nutjob' and a 'conspiracy theorist', and if you believe in the Bible and the sanctity of traditional marriage - like Hillary once said she did - then you're a 'homophobe'.

Still waiting for an honest, intelligent, honorable, moral, law-abiding DNC candidate that should NOT be in prison, should NOT be running for President in some socialist nation like Cuba, or who IS capable of giving a 2 munute sound-byte without making at least 2 -3 gaffes during that time.

SERIOUSLY...Is THIS the best the DNC has to offer this nation?! Sad...
they don't have anything good to sell so it's back to their tried and true tactics of CLASS WARFARE and stirring up HATE amongst us all.

how anyone votes for that is sickening
they don't have anything good to sell so it's back to their tried and true tactics of CLASS WARFARE and stirring up HATE amongst us all.

how anyone votes for that is sickening
Caution: Graphic Picture

This is sickening

Uncle Joe ain't runnin' for Prez...

Vice President Joe Biden Won't Run for President
Wednesday, October 21, 2015 | WASHINGTON - Vice President Joe Biden says he won't run for president in 2016.
Biden made the announcement Wednesday afternoon from the White House Rose Garden, alongside his wife Jill Biden and President Barack Obama. He said he and his family are still grieving after losing their son, Beau, to cancer earlier this year. "As my family and I have worked through the grieving process, I've said all along what I've said time and again to others, that it may very well be that that process, by the time we get through it, closes the window on mounting a realistic campaign for president, that it might close. I've concluded it has closed," he said.

Biden's decision finalizes the Democratic field of White House candidates. His decision bolsters Hillary Rodham Clinton's standing in the Democratic primary by sparing her a challenge from the popular vice president. Still, he vowed to be a forceful voice in the campaign.

"But while I will not be a candidate, I will not be silent. I intend to speak out clearly and forcefully, to influence as much as I can where we stand as a party and where we need to go as a nation," he said. Biden isn't the only Democrat letting go of 2016 Oval Office ambitions. Former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb announced he was dropping out on Monday.

Vice President Joe Biden Won't Run for President - Politics - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
they don't have anything good to sell so it's back to their tried and true tactics of CLASS WARFARE and stirring up HATE amongst us all.

how anyone votes for that is sickening
Caution: Graphic Picture

This is sickening


I agree. It is sickening that the GOP used the tragic deaths of Americans for political purposes. Their memories deserve respect. Not the circus that Goudy is prancing in front of that has always been nothing more than a political attack to reduce Hillary's popularity.

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