Biden has turned this into such a 3rd world country that now napkins are a luxury item

I'm talking to you, you idiot.
What a line of bullshit. The shortages are the result of recovering from a long period of being shut down and a long standing pattern of shipping at the last possible minute to reduce required storage space. The shortage will end.
I stopped reading at “you idiot.” When you learn to address a lady properly, I’ll continue.
I stopped reading at “you idiot.” When you learn to address a lady properly, I’ll continue.
If you ever become a lady, I'll address you differently. For now, you're just another brain dead idiot.
It is unbelievable just how quickly Biden and the left have destroyed this country! It‘s like a scavenger for food. For example, I am in a hotel and went downstairs for a soup and a caesar salad. Used to be easy, right?

The first place I stopped (this is all in hotel grounds) had soup but they were OUT OF SALAD. (At 6 pm.) The second place had caesar salad, but they had run out of soup. The third place I went to only had garden salad, and no soup at all. So, I went back to the first place and ordered the soup, and a Diet Pepsi.

They served the soup In a styrofoam cup, with a plastic spoon. I asked for a napkin, and the woman rudely said, “I just TOLD YOU we are out of napkins!” (I didn’t hear her.) Then I was bold and asked for a cup so I didn’t have to drink out of a bottle. Abut nope….they were out of cups, too.

This is where Biden has us: In middle class America, you can’t find soup; you can’t find a salad; you can’t even get a napkin! And the people working are rude as hell.

The midterms are going to be catastrophic.

But before that the Dems will desperately attempt to convince their people that the pandemic is over. I predict this will happen right after the holidays. "Everyone has vaccines! Look--it's over!"

Yeah, good luck with that Dems. The panic button don't turn off as easy as it turns on
The midterms are going to be catastrophic.

But before that the Dems will desperately attempt to convince their people that the pandemic is over. I predict this will happen right after the holidays. "Everyone has vaccines! Look--it's over!"

Yeah, good luck with that Dems. The panic button don't turn off as easy as it turns on
Even if they convinced their brainwashed followers that the pandemic is over, they still have to contend with:

1) The absolute swarm of unskilled, uneducated people overtaking border control and invading our country by the hundreds of thousands.

2) The anti-white racism sweeping through the schools, with leftists going so far as to sic the FBI on parents who object to it.

3) The fact that after Biden promised we wouldn’t exit Afghanistan until all Americans were out, he left hundreds behind terrorist enemy lines.

4) And that Biden is becoming increasingly senile.
Even if they convinced their brainwashed followers that the pandemic is over, they still have to contend with:

1) The absolute swarm of unskilled, uneducated people overtaking border control and invading our country by the hundreds of thousands.

2) The anti-white racism sweeping through the schools, with leftists going so far as to sic the FBI on parents who object to it.

3) The fact that after Biden promised we wouldn’t exit Afghanistan until all Americans were out, he left hundreds behind terrorist enemy lines.

4) And that Biden is becoming increasingly senile.

Agree with all of this--but of course, they won't even get past step one: convinced their neurotic minions the pandemic is over.

This is a real life case of "be careful what you wish for" and in some ways it's glorious--or it would be if it weren't hurting so many real people. That is, Trump hurt their precious feelings so they had to oust him, but because they are short-sighted and evil, they couldn't do better than Joe Biden. So they got what they wished for and it will be their undoing.

Perfectly Biblical, really.
The midterms are going to be catastrophic.

But before that the Dems will desperately attempt to convince their people that the pandemic is over. I predict this will happen right after the holidays. "Everyone has vaccines! Look--it's over!"

Yeah, good luck with that Dems. The panic button don't turn off as easy as it turns on
You brain dead idiots said it would be over as soon as Biden won.
But yet -- if we brought in the Nat Guard to clear out those docks -- how old would THOSE drivers be? You trust an 18 yr old to move an artillery piece or 10,000 gallons of fuel thru a war zone?

I thought getting a govt license was a GUARANDAMNTEE of competence and safety...
In the guard, probably mid 20s and up and would have an assistant driver in the cab.
Since that's a fantasy and will never happen......that leaves we The People with the responsibility.
Oh wait.....that'll never happen either.
Oh well. get used to losing everything. If you think that's an exaggeration....visit Venezuela. It's where we Americans are headed.

Not even sure why immigrants are still flocking here. I guess as long as there's still a little bacon fat left in the bottom of the frying pan.
It's just a dangerous here, the leadership is just as tyrannical and shortages are beginning to become real.
They didn't count on the Democrats acting like communists.
This is the problem with Republicans.....they assume they're dealing with decent people across the isle from them.
I've read some really dumb remarks, but that one was extra special.
If you ever become a lady, I'll address you differently. For now, you're just another brain dead idiot.
This ^^ from a leftard who can’t accept that his God Xiden has fucked up the entire country in record time. You are an ass who refuses to see reality.
What was the oil price when this happened? And, what is the oil price now? There are so many factors (US dollar value, the stages of econ ...., money supply). Stock market value means shit. In fact, I don't like what Trump and his minions did at the stock market when he was the POTUS. Then, I guess no one complained when it was free money.
Oil prices dropped into negative territory while Trump was President because of the dramatic drop in demand due to the pandemic.

Oil is spiking now because of a massive surge in demand while Russia and OPEC are holding back on increasing productivity. They like high oil prices because their economies are wholly dependent on oil.

This is affecting the entire planet, not just the US.

Meanwhile, oil demand is not the only thing spiking. The demand for consumer goods is the highest it has ever been, and that is leading to supply snarls.

Nevertheless, these spikes in demand are a good sign for the stock market, which is why it is at its highest level ever.
Well why don't you just tell the class why we have a supply chain issue at all ?? Would this have happened under Trump ? Be honest if you can now.
Absolutely this would have happened if Trump was re-elected. Supply chain problems are not the fault of the president.

The fact is, consumer demand is the highest it has ever been in our history. The economy is surging and the supply chain is scrambling to catch up.

As for how much you paid for gas, that is a GLOBAL problem right now. Oil demand is surging along with everything else, and Russia and OPEC are deliberately holding back to keep prices high to benefit their own economies.

DIE, BIDEN, DIE!!! :102:

Europe’s energy crisis goes from bad to worse as Dutch and U.K. natural gas prices see double-digit gains


Fuel Prices Soar Across Asia as Global Energy Crunch Deepens

366h34d beagle9

As you can see below, consumer expenditures are at an all time high. You would be praising Trump for this if he were in office, because this is tremendously good news for our economy.


As a result in this spike of spending and consumerism, the number of shipping containers and the number of container ships at our California ports is also surging tremendously. This is overwhelming the system.



This is great news for our economy. We are busting at the seams!
^^^ When liberals are unable to refute the obvious - that the country is quirky going downhill in a number of aspects in the nine months since a dementia patient took over as president - they resort to sarcasm.

The question is, did you see the point I was making or not?

Can you refute that point? I doubt it.
366h34d beagle9

As you can see below, consumer expenditures are at an all time high. You would be praising Trump for this if he were in office, because this is tremendously good news for our economy.


As a result in this spike of spending and consumerism, the number of shipping containers and the number of container ships at our California ports is also surging tremendously. This is overwhelming the system.



This is great news for our economy. We are busting at the seams!

They were praising Trump for having the highest post war unemployment rate ever...

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