Biden Has Succeeded In Screwing Up So Much In Just One Day That It's Difficult To List It All


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
President Robinette has succeeding in pissing off our neighbors, weakened our energy independence and made us more dependent on foreign oil, raised taxes, destroyed about 11,000 jobs with the stroke of a pen, created a march toward recession, told the government troops that protected the Capital to go fuck themselves, laid the groundwork for war in Syria, weaponized the FBI to attack conservatives, refused to do anything to create unity, told women that they don't matter, and had articles of impeachment presented on him in the House.

He's mandated mask wearing and broke his own rule on the day he signed it.

This guy couldn't even make it through his honeymoon period...or his first day without causing many that voted for him to regret doing it.

The cheerleaders in the press are going to spend the next few years trying to minimize the damage Robinette did in his first 24 hours, but the American people are going to feel it in the pocketbook.
Robinette and the press will spend their entire term of office blaming Trump for his mistakes......which aren't really mistakes....because everything he does weakens this country and is why the Chinese wanted this loser to get into the White House.

BIden was exhausted after just 3 hours on the job which really inflamed is senility

Trump worked his people like a taskmaster......he was about getting things done.
Robinette sits there and waits for them to bring him shit to sign.
He doesn't even understand what he's signing.
Reporters asked him about one of his EOs and he pulls out the "Come on Man" garbage.
President Robinette has succeeding in pissing off our neighbors, weakened our energy independence and made us more dependent on foreign oil, raised taxes, destroyed about 11,000 jobs with the stroke of a pen, created a march toward recession, told the government troops that protected the Capital to go fuck themselves, laid the groundwork for war in Syria, weaponized the FBI to attack conservatives, refused to do anything to create unity, told women that they don't matter, and had articles of impeachment presented on him in the House.

He's mandated mask wearing and broke his own rule on the day he signed it.

This guy couldn't even make it through his honeymoon period...or his first day without causing many that voted for him to regret doing it.

The cheerleaders in the press are going to spend the next few years trying to minimize the damage Robinette did in his first 24 hours, but the American people are going to feel it in the pocketbook.
Robinette and the press will spend their entire term of office blaming Trump for his mistakes......which aren't really mistakes....because everything he does weakens this country and is why the Chinese wanted this loser to get into the White House.


It would be F*****g hilarious if it wasn't going to turn into a F*****g nightmare.............

On the Dan and Amy show, a union guy called in and said the unions told them to vote for biden.......10s of thousands of union jobs flushed down the toilet with one stroke of his pen.....

Screw them.....they were told what would happen...
BIden was exhausted after just 3 hours on the job which really inflamed is senility

Trump worked his people like a taskmaster......he was about getting things done.
Robinette sits there and waits for them to bring him shit to sign.
He doesn't even understand what he's signing.
Reporters asked him about one of his EOs and he pulls out the "Come on Man" garbage.

And don't forget.....signs an order forcing people to wear masks in federal buildings......within hours violates that order ...his whole family violates that order...
President Robinette has succeeding in pissing off our neighbors, weakened our energy independence and made us more dependent on foreign oil, raised taxes, destroyed about 11,000 jobs with the stroke of a pen, created a march toward recession, told the government troops that protected the Capital to go fuck themselves, laid the groundwork for war in Syria, weaponized the FBI to attack conservatives, refused to do anything to create unity, told women that they don't matter, and had articles of impeachment presented on him in the House.

He's mandated mask wearing and broke his own rule on the day he signed it.

This guy couldn't even make it through his honeymoon period...or his first day without causing many that voted for him to regret doing it.

The cheerleaders in the press are going to spend the next few years trying to minimize the damage Robinette did in his first 24 hours, but the American people are going to feel it in the pocketbook.
Robinette and the press will spend their entire term of office blaming Trump for his mistakes......which aren't really mistakes....because everything he does weakens this country and is why the Chinese wanted this loser to get into the White House.

Styxxhexxenhammer is great...
President Robinette has succeeding in pissing off our neighbors, weakened our energy independence and made us more dependent on foreign oil, raised taxes, destroyed about 11,000 jobs with the stroke of a pen, created a march toward recession, told the government troops that protected the Capital to go fuck themselves, laid the groundwork for war in Syria, weaponized the FBI to attack conservatives, refused to do anything to create unity, told women that they don't matter, and had articles of impeachment presented on him in the House.

He's mandated mask wearing and broke his own rule on the day he signed it.

This guy couldn't even make it through his honeymoon period...or his first day without causing many that voted for him to regret doing it.

The cheerleaders in the press are going to spend the next few years trying to minimize the damage Robinette did in his first 24 hours, but the American people are going to feel it in the pocketbook.
Robinette and the press will spend their entire term of office blaming Trump for his mistakes......which aren't really mistakes....because everything he does weakens this country and is why the Chinese wanted this loser to get into the White House.

The cosmic humor is that upping the mask mandate will have NO impact on reducing Covid deaths! All he is doing is proving his own nonsensical pseudoscience is full of holes.
And don't forget.....signs an order forcing people to wear masks in federal buildings......within hours violates that order ...his whole family violates that order...
He’s just following in the footsteps of democrat mayors and governors across America who fail to follow their own rules
Robinette sits there and waits for them to bring him shit to sign.
He doesn't even understand what he's signing.
I think thats true

biden is senile or on the verge of it

The hostility he displays when he's confused is typical of dementia, not just senility. Unfortunately, I went through this with my father in law. He was a very peaceful, gentle man until he got dementia, then he became violent.
President Robinette has succeeding in pissing off our neighbors, weakened our energy independence and made us more dependent on foreign oil, raised taxes, destroyed about 11,000 jobs with the stroke of a pen, created a march toward recession, told the government troops that protected the Capital to go fuck themselves, laid the groundwork for war in Syria, weaponized the FBI to attack conservatives, refused to do anything to create unity, told women that they don't matter, and had articles of impeachment presented on him in the House.

He's mandated mask wearing and broke his own rule on the day he signed it.

This guy couldn't even make it through his honeymoon period...or his first day without causing many that voted for him to regret doing it.

The cheerleaders in the press are going to spend the next few years trying to minimize the damage Robinette did in his first 24 hours, but the American people are going to feel it in the pocketbook.
Robinette and the press will spend their entire term of office blaming Trump for his mistakes......which aren't really mistakes....because everything he does weakens this country and is why the Chinese wanted this loser to get into the White House.

I hope the stupid fools that voted for him are really hurt over what he is doing.
President Robinette has succeeding in pissing off our neighbors, weakened our energy independence and made us more dependent on foreign oil, raised taxes, destroyed about 11,000 jobs with the stroke of a pen, created a march toward recession, told the government troops that protected the Capital to go fuck themselves, laid the groundwork for war in Syria, weaponized the FBI to attack conservatives, refused to do anything to create unity, told women that they don't matter, and had articles of impeachment presented on him in the House.

He's mandated mask wearing and broke his own rule on the day he signed it.

This guy couldn't even make it through his honeymoon period...or his first day without causing many that voted for him to regret doing it.

The cheerleaders in the press are going to spend the next few years trying to minimize the damage Robinette did in his first 24 hours, but the American people are going to feel it in the pocketbook.
Robinette and the press will spend their entire term of office blaming Trump for his mistakes......which aren't really mistakes....because everything he does weakens this country and is why the Chinese wanted this loser to get into the White House.

it's almost like Barack Hussein Obama part 2.
Robinette sits there and waits for them to bring him shit to sign.
He doesn't even understand what he's signing.
I think thats true

biden is senile or on the verge of it
And the punch line is this:
harris joker.jpg
Chicom Joe's objective is to undo everything Trump did. No matter what it was. As if James Madison gave the Louisiana purchase back because he was undoing everything Thomas Jefferson did.

We are in uncharted territory. Even the Egyptian pharaohs who erased the prior pharaoh did not undo what they did. No wars were restarted no progress undone. We have completely stopped progress. UNLESS we embrace the communists on the basis of their divinity. The democrat leadership is holy. To oppose it is sedition and heresy. We have the national religion that our founders were so afraid of.
Listen to this lying propagandist.

This despicable jerk needs to be sued for slander.
If this SOB was right about this....why hasn't the former president been arrested??????????
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