Biden Family Key Partner Eric Schwerin to Flip in House Oversight Probe


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Family Key Partner Eric Schwerin to Flip in House Oversight Probe​

22 Feb 2023 ~~ By Wendell Husbeo

Hunter Biden’s top financial lieutenant Eric Schwerin is expected to “soon” provide documents to the House Oversight Committee’s investigation of the Biden family for nine violations, including money laundering and wire fraud, a spokesperson for the committee told Breitbart News.
Schwerin, who shared bank accounts with President Joe Biden and dubbed the family’s “moneyman,” also maintained guest lists for White House functions and negotiated the settlement with Hunter’s first wife, Kathleen. Emails from Hunter’s laptop show Schwerin was deeply embedded in Hunter’s personal life and the Biden family networks for nearly two decades and is even pictured at campaign events with Joe Biden.
Schwerin was also the president of Rosemont Seneca Partners, a fund created by Hunter Biden and several associates that spawned business deals in Russia, Ukraine, China, and Romania. Many of those deals yielded the Biden family business millions over decades while Joe Biden was an elected official.
Republicans have raised concerns that Joe Biden could be compromised by China and questioned how the Biden family made millions of dollars without producing any actual work in return for the money.
“What is the Biden family business? They don’t have any assets,” Comer said. “They don’t manufacture anything. They don’t sell anything. Yet they receive millions from around the globe.”

i was so saddened to hear about his untimely passing next week.
Like Middleton, Schwerin will be found in a wooded area garroted and shot in the back by a 12 gauge shotgun not found at the scene. The medical Examiner will conclude he picked up the empty shells, cleaned the shotgun and put it away, then went back out and hung himself. A forensically clean crime scene. It just doesn`t get any better than that with a suicide. We should all be sadden by Schwerin's sudden demise.

Biden Family Key Partner Eric Schwerin to Flip in House Oversight Probe​

22 Feb 2023 ~~ By Wendell Husbeo

Hunter Biden’s top financial lieutenant Eric Schwerin is expected to “soon” provide documents to the House Oversight Committee’s investigation of the Biden family for nine violations, including money laundering and wire fraud, a spokesperson for the committee told Breitbart News.
Schwerin, who shared bank accounts with President Joe Biden and dubbed the family’s “moneyman,” also maintained guest lists for White House functions and negotiated the settlement with Hunter’s first wife, Kathleen. Emails from Hunter’s laptop show Schwerin was deeply embedded in Hunter’s personal life and the Biden family networks for nearly two decades and is even pictured at campaign events with Joe Biden.
Schwerin was also the president of Rosemont Seneca Partners, a fund created by Hunter Biden and several associates that spawned business deals in Russia, Ukraine, China, and Romania. Many of those deals yielded the Biden family business millions over decades while Joe Biden was an elected official.
Republicans have raised concerns that Joe Biden could be compromised by China and questioned how the Biden family made millions of dollars without producing any actual work in return for the money.
“What is the Biden family business? They don’t have any assets,” Comer said. “They don’t manufacture anything. They don’t sell anything. Yet they receive millions from around the globe.”

i was so saddened to hear about his untimely passing next week.
Like Middleton, Schwerin will be found in a wooded area garroted and shot in the back by a 12 gauge shotgun not found at the scene. The medical Examiner will conclude he picked up the empty shells, cleaned the shotgun and put it away, then went back out and hung himself. A forensically clean crime scene. It just doesn`t get any better than that with a suicide. We should all be sadden by Schwerin's sudden demise.
Yesterday a guy suggested that anything Michael Cohen did for Trump was on Michael Cohen. Trump was innocent. I compared that to saying Al Capone isn't responsible for all the murders he ordered just because he didn't pull the trigger.

So if that's true then whatever Eric Schwerin did is on Eric Schwerin.
How the Biden family made millions of dollars without producing any actual work in return for the money.
It's sure is a sweet deal if you are lucky enough to get it! I think in the vernacular getting paid millions for nothing demonstrable or graphable is THE VERY DEFINITION OF CORRUPTION.

What is the Biden family business? They don’t have any assets, they don’t manufacture anything. They don’t sell anything. Yet they receive millions from around the globe.
Seems a reasonable question I'd sure be asked! With Trump, you can SEE where they get their money, from real estate, resorts, high rises, even the occasional effort to stretch out into things like steaks and things! And famously, not all of them, successful!

But what do the Biden's do for a living? Where did they get their millions while owning and living in multiple swank estates? Joe was just a congressman not a King. Who has paid them all these millions and for what? What was Hunter paid for at Burisma? The dude doesn't even know anything about natural gas.

Exclusive – ‘F*ck Eric:’ Hunter Plotted to Betray Key Family Business Partner Expected to Cooperate in GOP House Probe​

2 Mar 2023 ~~ By Wendell Husebo

Hunter Biden plotted in 2019 to betray the family’s top financial lieutenant Eric Schwerin amid their crumbling relationship, built upon an off-the-books business arrangement, text messages obtained by Breitbart News from Hunter’s laptop reveal.
Hunter’s damaged relationship with Schwerin is notable because Schwerin is expected to “soon” provide revealing documents about the Biden family business to Republican House investigators, according to the House Oversight Committee. It is unknown what information he may provide in the wake of his deteriorated relationship with Hunter.
Schwerin is a powerful figure in the Biden family business. He shared bank accounts with Hunter and President Joe Biden and was president of Rosemont Seneca Partners, a fund created by Hunter and several associates that created business deals in Russia, Ukraine, China, and Romania. Schwerin also maintained guest lists for White House functions and negotiated the divorce settlement with Hunter’s first wife, Kathleen.
Despite Schwerin’s close relationship with the family, Hunter’s text messages in 2018 begin to show a deep distrust of Schwerin and his involvement in the family’s affairs, in which Hunter apparently owed Schwerin money. Their relationship seemingly became so poor that Hunter announced Schwerin was his “worst enemy…And everyone knows it.” By 2019, their relationship had deteriorated to the point that Hunter hatched a plot to cut Schwerin out of an ongoing off-the-books business arrangement.
On February 3, 2019, Hunter conspired with fellow Biden family business partners Jeff Cooper and Devon Archer to cut Schwerin out of a then-current Biden family business arrangement and to replace him with Cooper and Archer. It is unknown if the plot was ever carried out.
Hunter’s broken relationship with Eric comes as the House Oversight Committee in February requested documents and communications from Hunter, James Biden, and Schwerin. While Hunter has refused to comply, Schwerin’s attorney has told the committee Schwerin will cooperate with Comer’s request.
“We have received correspondence from the attorneys representing Hunter Biden and James Biden. Oversight Committee staff will be in communication with them about Chairman Comer’s request,” a House Oversight committee spokesperson told Breitbart News on Wednesday. “We are also in contact with Eric Schwerin’s attorney and expect him to start producing documents to the Oversight Committee soon.”
As of Wednesday, Republican probes have been stonewalled by Hunter, the Treasury Department, and former FBI “point man” Timothy Thibault, who allegedly “improperly” “shut down” a probe into Hunter’s laptop that is likely unrelated to the ongoing criminal probe concerning possible tax fraud by the president’s son. In addition, the Treasury Department denied the Committee’s request in January to disclose 150 suspicious reports flagged by U.S. banks concerning Biden family business transactions, causing Comer to threaten a subpoena.

What Joe Biden and is family have done are small potatoes compared to Obama's perfidies.
We shouldn't lose the fact the corrupt Maoist/DSA Democrats have been in power and throwing water on all investigations into this. That has now changed. Cracks in the dam are already appearing and the dam will soon break. From what I'm seeing unfolding the Biden Crime Family is toast. And the repercussions that will occur in the corrupt democrat party and completely worthless MSM, who have been hiding this story from the American people, will be even worse.
Hunter as been known to use Crack as to his go to drug. I wonder when he to Tranq?
If Hunter decides to commit suicide, we hope he is as thoughtful as the Clinton advisor Middleton who recently offed himself. The man shot himself in the chest with a shotgun and then took the effort to hide the gun 30 feet from is body. No doubt he was afraid the gun might get in the hands of some criminal or child. Then after all that heroic effort he hung himself with an extension cord. What a guy!

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