Biden Family Guilty Of Likely Criminal Actions


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2019
Lets start with joe biden in his own words...

Biden at the CFR...You have 6 hours to fire the prosecutor (who's investigating my son) or you're not getting the billion dollars

BREAKING: Burisma Investigation to be Released within 24 Hours — FINDS BIDEN FAMILY GUILTY OF LIKELY CRIMINAL ACTIONS

In March Senator Ron Johnson told reporters that Senate Republicans are entering a new phase of their investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden and their ties to a corrupt Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma.

After leaving office in 2017, Vice President Joe Biden Bragged about strong-arming the government of Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor.

Didn't they just report nothing came from the Hunter investigations?

"They" report lots that isn't true.

Also Hunter is running for office. Although I did hear that Trump's son is being called to testify which he is trying to push off until after the elections. Why would that be?
guilty of likely criminal actions, lol

It's Gateway Pundit ... AGAIN
One would think we'd have embarrassed these loons out of using them as a source.


  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.
GOP report: No wrongdoing in Biden son ties to Ukraine firm, but still 'problematic'
Democrats called the probe purely political and meant to hurt Joe Biden.

GOP report: No wrongdoing in Biden son ties to Ukraine firm, but still 'problematic'
Democrats called the probe purely political and meant to hurt Joe Biden.

so the son of a sitting VP taking money from russians and criminal ukrainians and the chines government isnt problematic,,,

whod a thunk it,,,
GOP report: No wrongdoing in Biden son ties to Ukraine firm, but still 'problematic'
Democrats called the probe purely political and meant to hurt Joe Biden.

In case you had not heard, everything is political

So what?

The reason Trump was impeached was because Trump got wind of the Biden corruption with his son Hunter and began to ask questions. But instead of going on defense, the democrats do what they always do which is go on offense and accused Trump of what they had done, which is quid pro quo with the Ukraine.

Notice they did not even include the Russia nonsense in the impeachment they swore over and over again had enough evidence to impeach him.

Very telling.
GOP report: No wrongdoing in Biden son ties to Ukraine firm, but still 'problematic'
Democrats called the probe purely political and meant to hurt Joe Biden.

In case you had not heard, everything is political

So what?

The reason Trump was impeached was because Trump got wind of the Biden corruption with his son Hunter and began to ask questions. But instead of going on defense, the democrats do what they always do which is go on offense and accused Trump of what they had done, which is quid pro quo with the Ukraine.

Notice they did not even include the Russia nonsense in the impeachment they swore over and over again had enough evidence to impeach him.

Very telling.

You are aware Trump was impeached right?
GOP report: No wrongdoing in Biden son ties to Ukraine firm, but still 'problematic'
Democrats called the probe purely political and meant to hurt Joe Biden.

In case you had not heard, everything is political

So what?

The reason Trump was impeached was because Trump got wind of the Biden corruption with his son Hunter and began to ask questions. But instead of going on defense, the democrats do what they always do which is go on offense and accused Trump of what they had done, which is quid pro quo with the Ukraine.

Notice they did not even include the Russia nonsense in the impeachment they swore over and over again had enough evidence to impeach him.

Very telling.

You are aware Trump was impeached right?
Do you not read my posts?

What part did you not understand?
GOP report: No wrongdoing in Biden son ties to Ukraine firm, but still 'problematic'
Democrats called the probe purely political and meant to hurt Joe Biden.

In case you had not heard, everything is political

So what?

The reason Trump was impeached was because Trump got wind of the Biden corruption with his son Hunter and began to ask questions. But instead of going on defense, the democrats do what they always do which is go on offense and accused Trump of what they had done, which is quid pro quo with the Ukraine.

Notice they did not even include the Russia nonsense in the impeachment they swore over and over again had enough evidence to impeach him.

Very telling.

You are aware Trump was impeached right?
and you are aware it failed and made dems more of a laughing stock than before???
guilty of likely criminal actions, lol

It's Gateway Pundit ... AGAIN
One would think we'd have embarrassed these loons out of using them as a source.


  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.

How many times can that video of Biden be played where he is bragging about extorting the Ukraine government not to investigate and prosecute his son and yet Liberals deny anything wrong with Biden. Calling out the bias of the media reporting it in the absence of countering the story with facts is weak.
Lets start with joe biden in his own words...

Biden at the CFR...You have 6 hours to fire the prosecutor (who's investigating my son) or you're not getting the billion dollars

BREAKING: Burisma Investigation to be Released within 24 Hours — FINDS BIDEN FAMILY GUILTY OF LIKELY CRIMINAL ACTIONS

In March Senator Ron Johnson told reporters that Senate Republicans are entering a new phase of their investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden and their ties to a corrupt Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma.

After leaving office in 2017, Vice President Joe Biden Bragged about strong-arming the government of Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor.

Guilty of likely crimes?? so, not sure if an actual crime has been committed but I say he's guilty??

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