Biden double masks and the FP2


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
Here France they are talking about the FP2 because of the 3 new variants of the covid bringing the French to wear a FP2 to fight the new variants.
And they are saying not to wear two masks not to follow Biden example because people will not be able to breathe correctly .

Give your opinion.
Give your opinion.
Biden is a fucking idiot. The masks do not filter viruses at all, they never have, they never will.
The surgical mask protects 70% only while the FP2 protects 90% or more but it is much difficult to wear for a long time.
Surgical masks do not filter the virus at all. They are meant for bacteria, and only to be used in a sterile environment for a short time. Cloth masks same, they filter nothing.
Give your opinion.
Biden is a fucking idiot. The masks do not filter viruses at all, they never have, they never will.
The surgical mask protects 70% only while the FP2 protects 90% or more but it is much difficult to wear for a long time.
Surgical masks do not filter the virus at all. They are meant for bacteria, and only to be used in a sterile environment for a short time. Cloth masks same, they filter nothing.
So everyone think that are protect from the covid by wearing a mask and they are not that does not surprise me at all we are gouvern by clown .
I am not a specialist , i just look at what it was said on the web about masks in general :dunno:
Here France they are talking about the FP2 because of the 3 new variants of the covid bringing the French to wear a FP2 to fight the new variants.
And they are saying not to wear two masks not to follow Biden example because people will not be able to breathe correctly .

Give your opinion.
I don't wear a mask. You have to fight tyranny by not listening to it.
Give your opinion.
Biden is a fucking idiot. The masks do not filter viruses at all, they never have, they never will.
The surgical mask protects 70% only while the FP2 protects 90% or more but it is much difficult to wear for a long time.
Surgical masks do not filter the virus at all. They are meant for bacteria, and only to be used in a sterile environment for a short time. Cloth masks same, they filter nothing.
So everyone think that are protect from the covid by wearing a mask and they are not that does not surprise me at all we are gouvern by clown .
I am not a specialist , i just look at what it was said on the web about masks in general :dunno:

Oh well your just a Trump follower and guess what you will lose your license because the medical tyranny said so. Facts only matter by the fact checkers that we in the medical tyranny pay for.
Give your opinion.
Biden is a fucking idiot. The masks do not filter viruses at all, they never have, they never will.
The surgical mask protects 70% only while the FP2 protects 90% or more but it is much difficult to wear for a long time.
Surgical masks do not filter the virus at all. They are meant for bacteria, and only to be used in a sterile environment for a short time. Cloth masks same, they filter nothing.
So everyone think that are protect from the covid by wearing a mask and they are not that does not surprise me at all we are gouvern by clown .
I am not a specialist , i just look at what it was said on the web about masks in general :dunno:

Yeah, that's the problem. Nothing about this Covid-19 thing, is based on science. Practically nothing.

Here's what happened.... Simply put. The entire world, had a freak out session. "Scientific" groups, proclaimed massive deaths, politicians reacted to those false claims, and then when the Science didn't support any of what was claimed..... they had no choice but to keep pushing bad science, because to admit everything was an over reaction would result in unbelievable backlash from the public.

Imagine if you will, that you were in these health care government agencies, and you openly proclaimed to the public that Covid wasn't nearly that bad, and nothing we did had any real benefit?

Imagine if you will, that all the politicians, Republican and Democrat, and other political parties around the world, admitted that nothing we did, none of the lock downs, none of the face masks, had any real benefit?

All of those people, and the people in health positions in the government, everyone around the world, would incur the wrath of the public. It would be disaster for all people in government, elected officials, and those with cushy government jobs.

So let me address masks directly. Show me one peer reviewed scientific paper, that shows masks are effective, or useful? Show me one. I'd love to read it. I've been asking anyone and everyone, since all the way back in March, to show me one scientific paper supporting the use of masks for the general public all day every day. So far, now 10 months later, still not one single shred of scientific evidence has been provided to me.

All the data suggests masks are not only not effective, but actually a detriment.

The largest study of all, a Danish study, found that the infect rate for those required to wear masks continually, was 1.8%, and for the control group, was 2.1%. That's a 0.3% difference.... in other words, within the margin of error, and not statistically significant. Now notice how this government funded report writes their conclusion:

"Although the difference observed was not statistically significant, the 95% CIs are compatible with a 46% reduction to a 23% increase in infection."

So they can't deny the factual evidence, but they try and say "well yeah, but it's still compatible with prior claims".

Even while admitting openly that their research found no benefit, they claim it still could be beneficial.

Another research paper, showed even worse results for mask wearing.

Only one randomised trial (n=569) included cloth masks. This trial found ILI rates were 13 times higher in Vietnamese hospital workers allocated to cloth masks compared to medical/surgical masks, RR 13.25, (95%CI 1.74 to 100.97) and over three times higher when compared to no masks, RR 3.49 (95%CI 1.00 to 12.17). 4​

So let me recap that: Simply put, people with cloth masks got infections at a rate three times higher than those without any masks at all.

Now, to some people, that seems impossible, but here's the reality. Fact is, if you wear a mask at all... you are more likely to touch your face. If you touch your face more, you are more likely to get an infection.

Second, people who wear N95 masks, do so according to a protocol. They don't wear them all day long. In fact, they don't even wear them all the time at work. They put that mask on when they go into surgery, or a situation that needs it. Wear it consistently during that time, and then dispose of it. Even if they do more than one surgery a day, they get a NEW MASK, each time.

Non-medical people wear the same cloth mask for weeks at a time. They leave their masks hanging on the review mirror of their car. It's not clean. It's not tightly fitting the face. It's not sterile.

So what we see, is that not only do cloth masks not provide a benefit, but actually increase your chances of getting ill.

So why are people doing it? A: What I said before, about it would be a disaster to those in the medical community and government, to admit everything we're doing is a waste.

B: The nuclear bomb drills. I worked with a biological weapons expert, that left a bomb disposal unit from Iraq. He said the reason most of this stuff is going on, is the same reason we had kids in schools practicing hiding under their desks in case of a nuclear bomb attack.... because people want to do SOMETHING... to feel as though they are protected. People can't stand the idea that there is nothing they can do.

So we have everyone wear masks, so we can blame those who don't, and feel morally superior, even though the science shows no benefit.

That's what is going on. Virtue signalling, feeling morally superior, while accomplishing nothing. Masks are waste. They don't help. There is zero scientific evidence anywhere in the world, that shows they have even the smallest real benefit.
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Here France they are talking about the FP2 because of the 3 new variants of the covid bringing the French to wear a FP2 to fight the new variants.
And they are saying not to wear two masks not to follow Biden example because people will not be able to breathe correctly .

Give your opinion.
I don't wear a mask. You have to fight tyranny by not listening to it.
In France we do not have the choice to wear a mask even out otherwise it is a fine of 135£.
Give your opinion.
Biden is a fucking idiot. The masks do not filter viruses at all, they never have, they never will.
The surgical mask protects 70% only while the FP2 protects 90% or more but it is much difficult to wear for a long time.
Surgical masks do not filter the virus at all. They are meant for bacteria, and only to be used in a sterile environment for a short time. Cloth masks same, they filter nothing.
So everyone think that are protect from the covid by wearing a mask and they are not that does not surprise me at all we are gouvern by clown .
I am not a specialist , i just look at what it was said on the web about masks in general :dunno:

Yeah, that's the problem. Nothing about this Covid-19 thing, is based on science. Practically nothing.

Here's what happened.... Simply put. The entire world, had a freak out session. "Scientific" groups, proclaimed massive deaths, politicians reacted to those false claims, and then when the Science didn't support any of what was claimed..... they had no choice but to keep pushing bad science, because to admit everything was an over reaction would result in unbelievable backlash from the public.

Imagine if you will, that you were in these health care government agencies, and you openly proclaimed to the public that Covid wasn't nearly that bad, and nothing we did had any real benefit?

Imagine if you will, that all the politicians, Republican and Democrat, and other political parties around the world, admitted that nothing we did, none of the lock downs, none of the face masks, had any real benefit?

All of those people, and the people in health positions in the government, everyone around the world, would incur the wrath of the public. It would be disaster for all people in government, elected officials, and those with cushy government jobs.

So let me address masks directly. Show me one peer reviewed scientific paper, that shows masks are effective, or useful? Show me one. I'd love to read it. I've been asking anyone and everyone, since all the way back in March, to show me one scientific paper supporting the use of masks for the general public all day every day. So far, now 10 months later, still not one single shred of scientific evidence has been provided to me.

All the data suggests masks are not only not effective, but actually a detriment.

The largest study of all, a Danish study, found that the infect rate for those required to wear masks continually, was 1.8%, and for the control group, was 2.1%. That's a 0.3% difference.... in other words, within the margin of error, and not statistically significant. Now notice how this government funded report writes their conclusion:

"Although the difference observed was not statistically significant, the 95% CIs are compatible with a 46% reduction to a 23% increase in infection."

So they can't deny the factual evidence, but they try and say "well yeah, but it's still compatible with prior claims".

Even while admitting openly that their research found no benefit, they claim it still could be beneficial.

Another research paper, showed even worse results for mask wearing.

Only one randomised trial (n=569) included cloth masks. This trial found ILI rates were 13 times higher in Vietnamese hospital workers allocated to cloth masks compared to medical/surgical masks, RR 13.25, (95%CI 1.74 to 100.97) and over three times higher when compared to no masks, RR 3.49 (95%CI 1.00 to 12.17). 4​

So let me recap that: Simply put, people with cloth masks got infections at a rate three times higher than those without any masks at all.

Now, to some people, that seems impossible, but here's the reality. Fact is, if you wear a mask at all... you are more likely to touch your face. If you touch your face more, you are more likely to get an infection.

Second, people who wear N95 masks, do so according to a protocol. They don't wear them all day long. In fact, they don't even wear them all the time at work. They put that mask on when they go into surgery, or a situation that needs it. Wear it consistently during that time, and then dispose of it. Even if they do more than one surgery a day, they get a NEW MASK, each time.

Non-medical people wear the same cloth mask for weeks at a time. They leave their masks hanging on the review mirror of their car. It's not clean. It's not tightly fitting the face. It's not sterile.

So what we see, is that not only do cloth masks not provide a benefit, but actually increase your chances of getting ill.

So why are people doing it? A: What I said before, about it would be a disaster to those in the medical community and government, to admit everything we're doing is a waste.

B: The nuclear bomb drills. I worked with a biological weapons expert, that left a bomb disposal unit from Iraq. He said the reason most of this stuff is going on, is the same reason we had kids in schools practicing hiding under their desks in case of a nuclear bomb attack.... because people want to do SOMETHING... to feel as though they are protected. People can't stand the idea that there is nothing they can do.

So we have everyone wear masks, so we can blame those who don't, and feel morally superior, even though the science shows no benefit.

That's what is going on. Virtue signalling, feeling morally superior, while accomplishing nothing. Masks are waste. They don't help. There is zero scientific evidence anywhere in the world, that shows they have even the smallest real benefit.
Thank you for your explanation, At the beginning in April last year in France we were told that wearing a mask was not necessary because it did had a lack of mask and now we have to wear it otherwise we have a fine, That’s where we are, and what’s more, they’ve given away free home-style masks, it’s their masks now that aren’t protective enough, they just explained it more clearly.
Give your opinion.
Biden is a fucking idiot. The masks do not filter viruses at all, they never have, they never will.
The surgical mask protects 70% only while the FP2 protects 90% or more but it is much difficult to wear for a long time.
Surgical masks do not filter the virus at all. They are meant for bacteria, and only to be used in a sterile environment for a short time. Cloth masks same, they filter nothing.
So everyone think that are protect from the covid by wearing a mask and they are not that does not surprise me at all we are gouvern by clown .
I am not a specialist , i just look at what it was said on the web about masks in general :dunno:

Yeah, that's the problem. Nothing about this Covid-19 thing, is based on science. Practically nothing.

Here's what happened.... Simply put. The entire world, had a freak out session. "Scientific" groups, proclaimed massive deaths, politicians reacted to those false claims, and then when the Science didn't support any of what was claimed..... they had no choice but to keep pushing bad science, because to admit everything was an over reaction would result in unbelievable backlash from the public.

Imagine if you will, that you were in these health care government agencies, and you openly proclaimed to the public that Covid wasn't nearly that bad, and nothing we did had any real benefit?

Imagine if you will, that all the politicians, Republican and Democrat, and other political parties around the world, admitted that nothing we did, none of the lock downs, none of the face masks, had any real benefit?

All of those people, and the people in health positions in the government, everyone around the world, would incur the wrath of the public. It would be disaster for all people in government, elected officials, and those with cushy government jobs.

So let me address masks directly. Show me one peer reviewed scientific paper, that shows masks are effective, or useful? Show me one. I'd love to read it. I've been asking anyone and everyone, since all the way back in March, to show me one scientific paper supporting the use of masks for the general public all day every day. So far, now 10 months later, still not one single shred of scientific evidence has been provided to me.

All the data suggests masks are not only not effective, but actually a detriment.

The largest study of all, a Danish study, found that the infect rate for those required to wear masks continually, was 1.8%, and for the control group, was 2.1%. That's a 0.3% difference.... in other words, within the margin of error, and not statistically significant. Now notice how this government funded report writes their conclusion:

"Although the difference observed was not statistically significant, the 95% CIs are compatible with a 46% reduction to a 23% increase in infection."

So they can't deny the factual evidence, but they try and say "well yeah, but it's still compatible with prior claims".

Even while admitting openly that their research found no benefit, they claim it still could be beneficial.

Another research paper, showed even worse results for mask wearing.

Only one randomised trial (n=569) included cloth masks. This trial found ILI rates were 13 times higher in Vietnamese hospital workers allocated to cloth masks compared to medical/surgical masks, RR 13.25, (95%CI 1.74 to 100.97) and over three times higher when compared to no masks, RR 3.49 (95%CI 1.00 to 12.17). 4​

So let me recap that: Simply put, people with cloth masks got infections at a rate three times higher than those without any masks at all.

Now, to some people, that seems impossible, but here's the reality. Fact is, if you wear a mask at all... you are more likely to touch your face. If you touch your face more, you are more likely to get an infection.

Second, people who wear N95 masks, do so according to a protocol. They don't wear them all day long. In fact, they don't even wear them all the time at work. They put that mask on when they go into surgery, or a situation that needs it. Wear it consistently during that time, and then dispose of it. Even if they do more than one surgery a day, they get a NEW MASK, each time.

Non-medical people wear the same cloth mask for weeks at a time. They leave their masks hanging on the review mirror of their car. It's not clean. It's not tightly fitting the face. It's not sterile.

So what we see, is that not only do cloth masks not provide a benefit, but actually increase your chances of getting ill.

So why are people doing it? A: What I said before, about it would be a disaster to those in the medical community and government, to admit everything we're doing is a waste.

B: The nuclear bomb drills. I worked with a biological weapons expert, that left a bomb disposal unit from Iraq. He said the reason most of this stuff is going on, is the same reason we had kids in schools practicing hiding under their desks in case of a nuclear bomb attack.... because people want to do SOMETHING... to feel as though they are protected. People can't stand the idea that there is nothing they can do.

So we have everyone wear masks, so we can blame those who don't, and feel morally superior, even though the science shows no benefit.

That's what is going on. Virtue signalling, feeling morally superior, while accomplishing nothing. Masks are waste. They don't help. There is zero scientific evidence anywhere in the world, that shows they have even the smallest real benefit.
Thank you for your explanation, At the beginning in April last year in France we were told that wearing a mask was not necessary because it did had a lack of mask and now we have to wear it otherwise we have a fine, That’s where we are, and what’s more, they’ve given away free home-style masks, it’s their masks now that aren’t protective enough, they just explained it more clearly.

Nice to meet you Dalia.

Hope things improve in France for your people.

Home style masks are ridiculous. But again, it's like hiding under the desk, for a nuclear bomb drill. Makes people feel like they are doing something.
Give your opinion.
Biden is a fucking idiot. The masks do not filter viruses at all, they never have, they never will.
The surgical mask protects 70% only while the FP2 protects 90% or more but it is much difficult to wear for a long time.
Surgical masks do not filter the virus at all. They are meant for bacteria, and only to be used in a sterile environment for a short time. Cloth masks same, they filter nothing.
So everyone think that are protect from the covid by wearing a mask and they are not that does not surprise me at all we are gouvern by clown .
I am not a specialist , i just look at what it was said on the web about masks in general :dunno:

Yeah, that's the problem. Nothing about this Covid-19 thing, is based on science. Practically nothing.

Here's what happened.... Simply put. The entire world, had a freak out session. "Scientific" groups, proclaimed massive deaths, politicians reacted to those false claims, and then when the Science didn't support any of what was claimed..... they had no choice but to keep pushing bad science, because to admit everything was an over reaction would result in unbelievable backlash from the public.

Imagine if you will, that you were in these health care government agencies, and you openly proclaimed to the public that Covid wasn't nearly that bad, and nothing we did had any real benefit?

Imagine if you will, that all the politicians, Republican and Democrat, and other political parties around the world, admitted that nothing we did, none of the lock downs, none of the face masks, had any real benefit?

All of those people, and the people in health positions in the government, everyone around the world, would incur the wrath of the public. It would be disaster for all people in government, elected officials, and those with cushy government jobs.

So let me address masks directly. Show me one peer reviewed scientific paper, that shows masks are effective, or useful? Show me one. I'd love to read it. I've been asking anyone and everyone, since all the way back in March, to show me one scientific paper supporting the use of masks for the general public all day every day. So far, now 10 months later, still not one single shred of scientific evidence has been provided to me.

All the data suggests masks are not only not effective, but actually a detriment.

The largest study of all, a Danish study, found that the infect rate for those required to wear masks continually, was 1.8%, and for the control group, was 2.1%. That's a 0.3% difference.... in other words, within the margin of error, and not statistically significant. Now notice how this government funded report writes their conclusion:

"Although the difference observed was not statistically significant, the 95% CIs are compatible with a 46% reduction to a 23% increase in infection."

So they can't deny the factual evidence, but they try and say "well yeah, but it's still compatible with prior claims".

Even while admitting openly that their research found no benefit, they claim it still could be beneficial.

Another research paper, showed even worse results for mask wearing.

Only one randomised trial (n=569) included cloth masks. This trial found ILI rates were 13 times higher in Vietnamese hospital workers allocated to cloth masks compared to medical/surgical masks, RR 13.25, (95%CI 1.74 to 100.97) and over three times higher when compared to no masks, RR 3.49 (95%CI 1.00 to 12.17). 4​

So let me recap that: Simply put, people with cloth masks got infections at a rate three times higher than those without any masks at all.

Now, to some people, that seems impossible, but here's the reality. Fact is, if you wear a mask at all... you are more likely to touch your face. If you touch your face more, you are more likely to get an infection.

Second, people who wear N95 masks, do so according to a protocol. They don't wear them all day long. In fact, they don't even wear them all the time at work. They put that mask on when they go into surgery, or a situation that needs it. Wear it consistently during that time, and then dispose of it. Even if they do more than one surgery a day, they get a NEW MASK, each time.

Non-medical people wear the same cloth mask for weeks at a time. They leave their masks hanging on the review mirror of their car. It's not clean. It's not tightly fitting the face. It's not sterile.

So what we see, is that not only do cloth masks not provide a benefit, but actually increase your chances of getting ill.

So why are people doing it? A: What I said before, about it would be a disaster to those in the medical community and government, to admit everything we're doing is a waste.

B: The nuclear bomb drills. I worked with a biological weapons expert, that left a bomb disposal unit from Iraq. He said the reason most of this stuff is going on, is the same reason we had kids in schools practicing hiding under their desks in case of a nuclear bomb attack.... because people want to do SOMETHING... to feel as though they are protected. People can't stand the idea that there is nothing they can do.

So we have everyone wear masks, so we can blame those who don't, and feel morally superior, even though the science shows no benefit.

That's what is going on. Virtue signalling, feeling morally superior, while accomplishing nothing. Masks are waste. They don't help. There is zero scientific evidence anywhere in the world, that shows they have even the smallest real benefit.
Thank you for your explanation, At the beginning in April last year in France we were told that wearing a mask was not necessary because it did had a lack of mask and now we have to wear it otherwise we have a fine, That’s where we are, and what’s more, they’ve given away free home-style masks, it’s their masks now that aren’t protective enough, they just explained it more clearly.

Nice to meet you Dalia.

Hope things improve in France for your people.

Home style masks are ridiculous. But again, it's like hiding under the desk, for a nuclear bomb drill. Makes people feel like they are doing something.
Nice to meet you too and thank you for your concern I have the same for the USA.:)
Here the government is very imcompetent and seems to be hiding the numbers of covid case as the Chinese had done from the beginning.
We have been in a bit in a fog since the beginning of covid.
On another thread, we have posted on some suspicions about masks and increased CO2 that may enhance the virus.
The first variant D614G happened almost simultaneously, within a week apart, both In Germany and China. The latest variant, the major variant of the series of seventeen variants, first occurred in Chinese lab mice in China, long before occurring in other countries. The history of that variant, then, is longest in mice, not Homo sapiens. Multiple masks might especially effect the elderly due to decreased oxygen and increased CO2. One possible trajectory for study is here:

Silent Hypoxia / COVID-19
’....It is possible that coronavirus has an idiosyncratic* action on receptors involved in chemosensitivity to oxygen.’

*peculiar to an individual; propre a un individu.
Give your opinion.
Biden is a fucking idiot. The masks do not filter viruses at all, they never have, they never will.
The surgical mask protects 70% only while the FP2 protects 90% or more but it is much difficult to wear for a long time.
Surgical masks do not filter the virus at all. They are meant for bacteria, and only to be used in a sterile environment for a short time. Cloth masks same, they filter nothing.
So everyone think that are protect from the covid by wearing a mask and they are not that does not surprise me at all we are gouvern by clown .
I am not a specialist , i just look at what it was said on the web about masks in general :dunno:

Yeah, that's the problem. Nothing about this Covid-19 thing, is based on science. Practically nothing.

Here's what happened.... Simply put. The entire world, had a freak out session. "Scientific" groups, proclaimed massive deaths, politicians reacted to those false claims, and then when the Science didn't support any of what was claimed..... they had no choice but to keep pushing bad science, because to admit everything was an over reaction would result in unbelievable backlash from the public.

Imagine if you will, that you were in these health care government agencies, and you openly proclaimed to the public that Covid wasn't nearly that bad, and nothing we did had any real benefit?

Imagine if you will, that all the politicians, Republican and Democrat, and other political parties around the world, admitted that nothing we did, none of the lock downs, none of the face masks, had any real benefit?

All of those people, and the people in health positions in the government, everyone around the world, would incur the wrath of the public. It would be disaster for all people in government, elected officials, and those with cushy government jobs.

So let me address masks directly. Show me one peer reviewed scientific paper, that shows masks are effective, or useful? Show me one. I'd love to read it. I've been asking anyone and everyone, since all the way back in March, to show me one scientific paper supporting the use of masks for the general public all day every day. So far, now 10 months later, still not one single shred of scientific evidence has been provided to me.

All the data suggests masks are not only not effective, but actually a detriment.

The largest study of all, a Danish study, found that the infect rate for those required to wear masks continually, was 1.8%, and for the control group, was 2.1%. That's a 0.3% difference.... in other words, within the margin of error, and not statistically significant. Now notice how this government funded report writes their conclusion:

"Although the difference observed was not statistically significant, the 95% CIs are compatible with a 46% reduction to a 23% increase in infection."

So they can't deny the factual evidence, but they try and say "well yeah, but it's still compatible with prior claims".

Even while admitting openly that their research found no benefit, they claim it still could be beneficial.

Another research paper, showed even worse results for mask wearing.

Only one randomised trial (n=569) included cloth masks. This trial found ILI rates were 13 times higher in Vietnamese hospital workers allocated to cloth masks compared to medical/surgical masks, RR 13.25, (95%CI 1.74 to 100.97) and over three times higher when compared to no masks, RR 3.49 (95%CI 1.00 to 12.17). 4​

So let me recap that: Simply put, people with cloth masks got infections at a rate three times higher than those without any masks at all.

Now, to some people, that seems impossible, but here's the reality. Fact is, if you wear a mask at all... you are more likely to touch your face. If you touch your face more, you are more likely to get an infection.

Second, people who wear N95 masks, do so according to a protocol. They don't wear them all day long. In fact, they don't even wear them all the time at work. They put that mask on when they go into surgery, or a situation that needs it. Wear it consistently during that time, and then dispose of it. Even if they do more than one surgery a day, they get a NEW MASK, each time.

Non-medical people wear the same cloth mask for weeks at a time. They leave their masks hanging on the review mirror of their car. It's not clean. It's not tightly fitting the face. It's not sterile.

So what we see, is that not only do cloth masks not provide a benefit, but actually increase your chances of getting ill.

So why are people doing it? A: What I said before, about it would be a disaster to those in the medical community and government, to admit everything we're doing is a waste.

B: The nuclear bomb drills. I worked with a biological weapons expert, that left a bomb disposal unit from Iraq. He said the reason most of this stuff is going on, is the same reason we had kids in schools practicing hiding under their desks in case of a nuclear bomb attack.... because people want to do SOMETHING... to feel as though they are protected. People can't stand the idea that there is nothing they can do.

So we have everyone wear masks, so we can blame those who don't, and feel morally superior, even though the science shows no benefit.

That's what is going on. Virtue signalling, feeling morally superior, while accomplishing nothing. Masks are waste. They don't help. There is zero scientific evidence anywhere in the world, that shows they have even the smallest real benefit.
Thank you for your explanation, At the beginning in April last year in France we were told that wearing a mask was not necessary because it did had a lack of mask and now we have to wear it otherwise we have a fine, That’s where we are, and what’s more, they’ve given away free home-style masks, it’s their masks now that aren’t protective enough, they just explained it more clearly.

Nice to meet you Dalia.

Hope things improve in France for your people.

Home style masks are ridiculous. But again, it's like hiding under the desk, for a nuclear bomb drill. Makes people feel like they are doing something.
Nice to meet you too and thank you for your concern I have the same for the USA.:)
Here the government is very imcompetent and seems to be hiding the numbers of covid case as the Chinese had done from the beginning.
We have been in a bit in a fog since the beginning of covid.

Everywhere the government is incompetent. Remember, if your government runs the health care system, then they have a huge reason to hide the real numbers in a Pandemic. This is why people like me, want health care and government separate. When you put government in charge of health care, the government has a reason cover up the truth. They don't want to look bad.

If the pandemic is bad, then people start screaming at politicians, because they are in charge. So the politicians have every reason to conceal what is going on. There is no benefit to politicians to be honest and truthful. People want to be told that government will fix everything for them.

Do the best you can, to make wise choices for yourself, and don't expect anything from government. They are going to say and do, what is best for themselves to keep their cushy government jobs. Not what is best for your health.

This is why people like me, want health care and government separate. When you put government in charge of health care, the government has a reason cover up the truth. They don't want to look bad.
Bingo. Politicians would hide the truth in order to save their asses.
Here France they are talking about the FP2 because of the 3 new variants of the covid bringing the French to wear a FP2 to fight the new variants.
And they are saying not to wear two masks not to follow Biden example because people will not be able to breathe correctly .

Give your opinion.
I don't wear a mask. You have to fight tyranny by not listening to it.
In France we do not have the choice to wear a mask even out otherwise it is a fine of 135£.

I'm a bit surprised by that really. Do you not consider yourselves to be a society based on freedom? Are you not a free people? Why do you let yourselves be enslaved like this?

Kind of ironic really, because didn't France at one point try and pass a law that made it illegal for people to force their women under threat of violence, to wear burkas? Now you have a law forcing women and everyone to cover up?
Here France they are talking about the FP2 because of the 3 new variants of the covid bringing the French to wear a FP2 to fight the new variants.
And they are saying not to wear two masks not to follow Biden example because people will not be able to breathe correctly .

Give your opinion.
I don't wear a mask. You have to fight tyranny by not listening to it.
In France we do not have the choice to wear a mask even out otherwise it is a fine of 135£.

I'm a bit surprised by that really. Do you not consider yourselves to be a society based on freedom? Are you not a free people? Why do you let yourselves be enslaved like this?

Kind of ironic really, because didn't France at one point try and pass a law that made it illegal for people to force their women under threat of violence, to wear burkas? Now you have a law forcing women and everyone to cover up?
Well said that to all the French prople who vote for LREM this party is a dictator party , i will never vote for them.
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Vaccines will cover mutations, otherwise media would have shown evidence to the contrary by now. Chinese communist media showed people falling in the streets and the insides of hospitals. Why did Western media allow these images while sanitizing media images of French or American patients. Why was this discriminatory Media sanitization occurring while the Chinese puppet Biden campaigned, as if Biden was in LREM’s camp?

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