The magic number of 400,000 deaths has been reached, Joe Biden mourns. But will the Kung Flu deaths suddenly disappear starting tomorrow.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
'To heal, we must remember': Biden leads national mourning of 400,000 Americans killed by COVID-19 (

When the big eared brown turd Obama took over in 2009, the deaths of the military suddenly stopped being reported like it was under Bush(the guy who everyone hates). So now Joe XiBiden is in charge starting tomorrow, will the Kung Flu related deaths suddenly go down and Flu deaths start showing up again? Will cancer patients, now be treated as cancer patients, instead of Kung Flu related patients? You can count on it.
'To heal, we must remember': Biden leads national mourning of 400,000 Americans killed by COVID-19 (

When the big eared brown turd Obama took over in 2009, the deaths of the military suddenly stopped being reported like it was under Bush(the guy who everyone hates). So now Joe XiBiden is in charge starting tomorrow, will the Kung Flu related deaths suddenly go down and Flu deaths start showing up again? Will cancer patients, now be treated as cancer patients, instead of Kung Flu related patients? You can count on it.

Nope. Trump owns them...all. Incompetence at its highest. Deal with it. He owns it.
The daily, breathless reporting of (irrelevant) "new cases" and (mainly irrelevant) new Covid deaths is part of the 5-year campaign to malign, slander, and de-legitimize President Trump.

The fact that these totals are increasing daily is reported as "news." What the fuck do they expect to happen, a reduction in deaths?
'To heal, we must remember': Biden leads national mourning of 400,000 Americans killed by COVID-19 (

When the big eared brown turd Obama took over in 2009, the deaths of the military suddenly stopped being reported like it was under Bush(the guy who everyone hates). So now Joe XiBiden is in charge starting tomorrow, will the Kung Flu related deaths suddenly go down and Flu deaths start showing up again? Will cancer patients, now be treated as cancer patients, instead of Kung Flu related patients? You can count on it.

Now would probably be a good to to start a motorcycle helmet factory, seeing as how after tomorrow, most coronavirus deaths will be attributed to motorcycle accidents.
'To heal, we must remember': Biden leads national mourning of 400,000 Americans killed by COVID-19 (

When the big eared brown turd Obama took over in 2009, the deaths of the military suddenly stopped being reported like it was under Bush(the guy who everyone hates). So now Joe XiBiden is in charge starting tomorrow, will the Kung Flu related deaths suddenly go down and Flu deaths start showing up again? Will cancer patients, now be treated as cancer patients, instead of Kung Flu related patients? You can count on it.

The media will quit reporting on Kung Flu deaths at the top and bottom of every hour- starting tomorrow. I've heard the mayors of New York and Chicago ready to charge ahead and open up later this week.
The stuttering fuck owns the kung flu fatalities starting a noon.... hmm? That crayon-eating mother fucker better come up with a plan tonight! Dominion tells us it's time for that bed-shitting communist chink to come out of the basement and start governing goddammit!

Joe will give China back all of our manufacturing of we can rely on the virus makers for protection from viruses.....
'To heal, we must remember': Biden leads national mourning of 400,000 Americans killed by COVID-19 (

When the big eared brown turd Obama took over in 2009, the deaths of the military suddenly stopped being reported like it was under Bush(the guy who everyone hates). So now Joe XiBiden is in charge starting tomorrow, will the Kung Flu related deaths suddenly go down and Flu deaths start showing up again? Will cancer patients, now be treated as cancer patients, instead of Kung Flu related patients? You can count on it.

Now would probably be a good to to start a motorcycle helmet factory, seeing as how after tomorrow, most coronavirus deaths will be attributed to motorcycle accidents.
It will be chronic illnesses that people were not allowed to get treatment for while the government was manufacturing maximum COVID fatalities.
Another BS thread by a Trumper claiming that the covid-pandemic was a hoax created by the Democrats to hurt Trump.

The op should start saying that the people who actually lost people to the virus and see if he doesn't get his teeth knocked down his throat.

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