Biden double masks and the FP2

Vaccines will cover mutations, otherwise media would have shown evidence to the contrary by now. Chinese communist media showed people falling in the streets and the insides of hospitals. Why did Western media allow these images while sanitizing media images of French or American patients. Why was this discriminatory Media sanitization occurring while the Chinese puppet Biden campaigned, as if Biden was in LREM’s camp?

Here is a partial transcript of the video below explaining that the mRNA vaccines are not really vaccines:

This is not a vaccine.

We need to be really clear. We’re using the term “vaccine” to sneak this thing under public health exemptions.

This is not a vaccine. This is an mRNA packaged in a fat envelope, that is delivered to a cell.

It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator.

It is not a vaccine. Vaccines actually are a legally defined term, and they’re a legally defined term under public health law, they’re legally defined term under the CDC and FDA standards.

And a vaccine specifically has to stimulate both an immunity within the person who is receiving it, but it also has to disrupt transmission.

And that is not what this is. They have been abundantly clear in saying that the mRNA strand that is going into the cell, it is not to stop transmission. It is a treatment.

But if it was discussed as a treatment, it would not get the sympathetic ear of the public health authorities, because then people would say, well what other treatments are there?

The mrna that is going into the cell damn sure is to stop transmission, and indeed mrna-1273 experimental vaccine stimulates the immune system after the protein is expelled from the cell. It is named after position 1273 of the SARS-CoV-2 spike.

COVID-19 Spike
(scroll down to the amino acid sequence.)
Position 1270 can be seen as a leucine. The three next amino acids are HYT (histidine, tyrosine and threonine). This threonine @1273 is part of the virus, just as would be a threonine from Pasteur’s smallpox virus, except that with smallpox, the entire virus is used in the vaccine.

The pegylation of MRNA-1273 is to enhance delivery, just as liposomal turmeric makes turmeric 96 times more bioavailable than the regular spice.
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Biden is a fucking idiot. The masks do not filter viruses at all, they never have, they never will.
The surgical mask protects 70% only while the FP2 protects 90% or more but it is much difficult to wear for a long time.
Mask may protect a lot bt they do not protect against viruses.
With 3 new variants of the virus. does the the miracle vaccine protect against all 3?
We think that it does protect against all three variants, otherwise contrary info should have already popped up in the media. What is being recognized in the ER is the threonine @ position 1273, which is not likely to change because that is the end of the sequence.

We question the similarities between Macron’s LREM and China Joe’s first gestures as installed dem-whore puppet, because of the crack in the wall:

The reader has to accept cookies to read the article:
7 Oct 2019 France Debates Immigration As Rebels In Macron’s Party....
’....The first cracks in the LREM party armour appeared a day after Macron made his announcement.’

This website was also tweaking out and acting funny on this Inauguration Day:
4 Hours Ago. Biden to Offer Legal Status to 11 Million Immigrants, Plans to Stop Border Wall Construction
What is already apparent about this China-bought puppet-whore Biden is that his arrogance is Janus-faced, as the newspapers picture him and his sleeping-up trollop, Harris, doing memorials to U.S. C-19 victims whilst with the other face he opens the country’s thighs, already exhausted from the masculine violence of the virus, to immigration.
Therefore, we have a problem with the French calling the acronym for COVID-19, feminine, because the Chinese already know all about COVID-19 in nature and we think that both catholic puppets, Fauci and Biden, also know that the Chinese know.
Here France they are talking about the FP2 because of the 3 new variants of the covid bringing the French to wear a FP2 to fight the new variants.
And they are saying not to wear two masks not to follow Biden example because people will not be able to breathe correctly .

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I don't wear a mask. You have to fight tyranny by not listening to it.
How can you let a microscopic virus be a tyrant?
Therefore, we have a problem with the French calling the acronym for COVID-19, feminine, because the Chinese already know all about COVID-19 in nature and we think that both catholic puppets, Fauci and Biden, also know that the Chinese know.
What has the Pope said, has he issued any edicts or orders of directives?
The Pope is not the psychopath Americans should be interested in at this time, though what his protectiopn-racket puppets are both doing and not doing: talking. OP is on track with the timely concept of silence, because the media, screenal space, (is [italics]) the disease. As the Moscow Times said yesterday in the Nivalny case, ‘Vmesto etogo on nakhoditsia v Kamere “Matrosskoi Tishiny.” (Instead, it is in the chamber of “Sailor’s Silence”), referring to where the hearing for Nivalny was held, a hearing in a chamber that the Russian delegation did not attend.
It’s not a hair-splitting question defining just what a vaccine is, the pathology is Macron-Biden’s hypoxia-reinforcing double masks that contradict the image of the elderly being placed on ventilators.
Give your opinion.
Biden is a fucking idiot. The masks do not filter viruses at all, they never have, they never will.
The surgical mask protects 70% only while the FP2 protects 90% or more but it is much difficult to wear for a long time.
Mask may protect a lot bt they do not protect against viruses.
With 3 new variants of the virus. does the the miracle vaccine protect against all 3?
I have this as information from a professor of French medicine.

Can a mutation of the virus call into question the effectiveness of the anti-Covid-19 vaccines? That doesn’t seem to be the case with the British, which is “not an antigenic variant but a behavioural variant”.

On the other hand, with the South African and Brazilian variants, [the latter] also found in Japan, there is a signal that immunity would not protect perfectly. This would mean that the effectiveness of current vaccines may be less.”
The curious idea of a behavioral variant needs to be better defined. The major British variant of concern currently should be the N501Y variant. This can’t be called simply a British variant, because it first arose in Chinese lab mice in China after six passages in the animal. This asparagine-to-tyrosine is also an Alzheimer’s mutation, and the N501 position, without it mutating to Y (tyrosine) is mentioned in SARS-CoV (not SARS-CoV-2) publications.
The other Japanese mutation is E484K (glutamic acid-to-lysine). The N501Y found in Japan is apparently the South African variant, too.
The mrna that is going into the cell damn sure is to stop transmission, and indeed mrna-1273 experimental vaccine stimulates the immune system after the protein is expelled from the cell. It is named after position 1273 of the SARS-CoV-2 spike.

COVID-19 Spike
(scroll down to the amino acid sequence.)
Position 1270 can be seen as a leucine. The three next amino acids are HYT (histidine, tyrosine and threonine). This threonine @1273 is part of the virus, just as would be a threonine from Pasteur’s smallpox virus, except that with smallpox, the entire virus is used in the vaccine.

Damned sure to stop transmission? Citation please.
You should think that it stops transmission, transmission within the host, first and foremost. Wiki page for Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine: ‘is expelled from the cell. The system is alerted to this “intruder” and starts making antibodies to it.’
Today’s new nursing home study using monoclonal antibody, bamlanivimab, used a 4,200 mg dose, which should seriously disrupt viral replication.
You should think that it stops transmission, transmission within the host, first and foremost. Wiki page for Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine: ‘is expelled from the cell. The system is alerted to this “intruder” and starts making antibodies to it.’
This is your citation?

Even the WHO admits that they have no idea whether or not this "vaccine" will prevent transmission through the host.
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