Biden Cuts 1776 Commission..........?


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011

On his first day in office he prioritizes this????

Can't wait one day to start knobbing the far left who think history means nothing more than hating America? Looking clearly and honestly at both the good and the bad in our history isn't enough for these scumbags. It has to be all anti-America all the time or they want nothing to do with it. Old man joe is already crawling through hoops for the hateful, spiteful far left.

Not a good sign.


On his first day in office he prioritizes this????

Can't wait one day to start knobbing the far left who think history means nothing more than hating America? Looking clearly and honestly at both the good and the bad in our history isn't enough for these scumbags. It has to be all anti-America all the time or they want nothing to do with it. Old man joe is already crawling through hoops for the hateful, spiteful far left.

Not a good sign.


On his first day in office he prioritizes this????

Can't wait one day to start knobbing the far left who think history means nothing more than hating America? Looking clearly and honestly at both the good and the bad in our history isn't enough for these scumbags. It has to be all anti-America all the time or they want nothing to do with it. Old man joe is already crawling through hoops for the hateful, spiteful far left.

Not a good sign.

The 1776 Commission was to investigate and punish schools teaching the 1619 curriculum, wasn't it? The rest of it, the good stuff, already IS taught in our schools. I don't understand how conservatives who fought tooth and nail against the Commom Core initiative could possibly welcome an intrusion like this by the federal government into our schools' curriculum.

On his first day in office he prioritizes this????

Can't wait one day to start knobbing the far left who think history means nothing more than hating America? Looking clearly and honestly at both the good and the bad in our history isn't enough for these scumbags. It has to be all anti-America all the time or they want nothing to do with it. Old man joe is already crawling through hoops for the hateful, spiteful far left.

Not a good sign.

The 1776 Commission was to investigate and punish schools teaching the 1619 curriculum, wasn't it? The rest of it, the good stuff, already IS taught in our schools. I don't understand how conservatives who fought tooth and nail against the Commom Core initiative could possibly welcome an intrusion like this by the federal government into our schools' curriculum.
1619 project is a fucking joke. Sorry.

On his first day in office he prioritizes this????

Can't wait one day to start knobbing the far left who think history means nothing more than hating America? Looking clearly and honestly at both the good and the bad in our history isn't enough for these scumbags. It has to be all anti-America all the time or they want nothing to do with it. Old man joe is already crawling through hoops for the hateful, spiteful far left.

Not a good sign.

The 1776 Commission was to investigate and punish schools teaching the 1619 curriculum, wasn't it? ....

No, it wasn't.
... I don't understand how conservatives who fought tooth and nail against the Commom Core initiative could possibly welcome an intrusion like this by the federal government into our schools' curriculum.

What intrusion? Nothing would have been required by the commission.

On his first day in office he prioritizes this????

Can't wait one day to start knobbing the far left who think history means nothing more than hating America? Looking clearly and honestly at both the good and the bad in our history isn't enough for these scumbags. It has to be all anti-America all the time or they want nothing to do with it. Old man joe is already crawling through hoops for the hateful, spiteful far left.

Not a good sign.

The white supremacist lying about your history will end.

What part of the lying will end that Biden has been saying all day, are you not hearing. It's not just the lying about the size of inauguration crowds that's ending. It's the rewriting American history to cut out the parts that make you uncomfortable. When you failed to lived up to your ideals.

It's important that you don't lie about those things or pretend they never happened. Future generations need to know how America overcame these lapses so that when, inevitably, when you go through another difficult time, they will have that example of to help them going foward. Now matter how painful facing these truths can be.
A percentage of them should be taught the oppression of their ancestors was moral and the inability to amass wealth for their descendents was for the greater good and they should harden up, get the fuck over it and move on.
A percentage of them should be taught the oppression of their ancestors was moral and the inability to amass wealth for their descendents was for the greater good and they should harden up, get the fuck over it and move on.

Go put your straw man to bed.

On his first day in office he prioritizes this????

Can't wait one day to start knobbing the far left who think history means nothing more than hating America? Looking clearly and honestly at both the good and the bad in our history isn't enough for these scumbags. It has to be all anti-America all the time or they want nothing to do with it. Old man joe is already crawling through hoops for the hateful, spiteful far left.

Not a good sign.

And you are surprised because..........????

On his first day in office he prioritizes this????

Can't wait one day to start knobbing the far left who think history means nothing more than hating America? Looking clearly and honestly at both the good and the bad in our history isn't enough for these scumbags. It has to be all anti-America all the time or they want nothing to do with it. Old man joe is already crawling through hoops for the hateful, spiteful far left.

Not a good sign.

And you are surprised because..........????

But, but the unity.............
Go put your straw man to bed.

On the evening of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the White House released the final report from its "1776 Commission" - a document that excuses America's history of slavery, derides the legacy of the civil rights movement and equates progressivism with totalitarianism..
But if you want to contend slavery was moral and the ends justified the means who is anyone to piss in your punch bowl? They are your delusions after all.
You are 100% correct. She is a moron. Honestly a Canadian telling us how to teach and what to teach in regards to American History.
I can see the next four years are going to be one continual arse burn for deplorables.
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On his first day in office he prioritizes this????

Can't wait one day to start knobbing the far left who think history means nothing more than hating America? Looking clearly and honestly at both the good and the bad in our history isn't enough for these scumbags. It has to be all anti-America all the time or they want nothing to do with it. Old man joe is already crawling through hoops for the hateful, spiteful far left.

Not a good sign.

The 1776 Commission was to investigate and punish schools teaching the 1619 curriculum, wasn't it? The rest of it, the good stuff, already IS taught in our schools. I don't understand how conservatives who fought tooth and nail against the Commom Core initiative could possibly welcome an intrusion like this by the federal government into our schools' curriculum.
1619 project is a fucking joke. Sorry.
Maybe Sleepy Joe’s ancestors owned slaves.
Go put your straw man to bed.

On the evening of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the White House released the final report from its "1776 Commission" - a document that excuses America's history of slavery, derides the legacy of the civil rights movement and equates progressivism with totalitarianism..
But if you want to contend slavery was moral and the ends justified the means who is anyone to piss in your punch bowl? They are your delusions after all.
I am a child of immigrants who came to this great country in the 70s. Neither I nor my ancestors owned slaves and 45mil are on a waiting list to come here. Please shut your stupid ugly leftist mouth. Thank you.

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