Biden contradicts Clinton account of bin Laden raid


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
Well, well...

Another Clinton tried to let Bin Laden go... and then lied about it.

Biden contradicts Clinton account of bin Laden raid – and his own

Vice President Biden on Tuesday seemed to contradict Hillary Clinton's account of the 2011 raid that killed Usama bin Laden, while also changing his own account of the advice he gave President Obama before the commander-in-chief approved the risky, and ultimately successful, mission.

Biden spoke about the raid at a forum honoring former Vice President Walter Mondale. Without naming Clinton, he effectively contradicted her claim that she firmly backed the raid from the beginning. In his remarks, he said that only then-CIA chief Leon Panetta was in favor.

“There were only two people who were definitive and were absolutely certain. Leon Panetta said go, [Defense Secretary] Bob Gates … said don’t go. Others were at 59-41,” Biden said.

Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner and former secretary of state, has claimed she recommended to Obama that he "go ahead," while his advisers "were split."
Is anyone surprised? Kankles can't open her fat mouth without lying. Reminds me of her claim about dodging sniper fire.
Is anyone surprised? Kankles can't open her fat mouth without lying. Reminds me of her claim about dodging sniper fire.

Interestingly enough, it wasn't Hillary that changed their position from that previously stated, but rather it was Biden.

But..............keep up the blind seems to appear to work for you.
Is anyone surprised? Kankles can't open her fat mouth without lying. Reminds me of her claim about dodging sniper fire.

Interestingly enough, it wasn't Hillary that changed their position from that previously stated, but rather it was Biden.

But..............keep up the blind seems to appear to work for you.
So you are accusing Obozo's own VP of lying to the American people??? After Hillary's husband admitted to giving Bin Laden a pass???
Bill Clinton's Chilling Statements Hours Before 9/11 Attacks

Hours before the 9/11 terrorist attacks, former President Bill Clinton told an audience in Australia about his missed chance to kill attack mastermind Osama bin Laden, according to audio released this week.

Clinton was speaking at a business meeting in Melbourne when the topic turned to terrorism.

“I’m just saying, you know, if I were Osama bin Laden ... He’s a very smart guy. I spent a lot of time thinking about him. And I nearly got him once,” Clinton said in the audio, which was recorded by former Liberal Party head Michael Kroger and aired by Sky News.

“I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have had to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him.

“And so I didn’t do it.”

Hours after Clinton spoke, a hijacked Boeing 767 slammed into the north tower of New York City’s World Trade Center. A second plane struck the south tower 18 minutes later. Other planes crashed in Washington, D.C., and western Pennsylvania. The attacks, organized by bin Laden, killed more than 3,000 people.
See, this is the problem with telling lies. Eventually somebody forgets what the correct lie is and up pops a new version. Maybe a video would help.
This is bad journalism at best...

Biden never mentioned Clinton. He said "only two people who were definitive and were absolutely certain. Leon Panetta", he didn't say that Clinton advised not to go... She could be just more cautious, this was an odds game nothing was certain.

Clinton advised to go, that is not disputed by anyone in the administration including Biden.
Is anyone surprised? Kankles can't open her fat mouth without lying. Reminds me of her claim about dodging sniper fire.

Interestingly enough, it wasn't Hillary that changed their position from that previously stated, but rather it was Biden.

But..............keep up the blind seems to appear to work for you.
Keep up your blind support for a lying bitch.
Is anyone surprised? Kankles can't open her fat mouth without lying. Reminds me of her claim about dodging sniper fire.

Interestingly enough, it wasn't Hillary that changed their position from that previously stated, but rather it was Biden.

But..............keep up the blind seems to appear to work for you.
When you are constantly being caught lying, nobody believes anything you say. Hillary is a known liar and now no one believes anything she says, even if she's telling the truth.
Is anyone surprised? Kankles can't open her fat mouth without lying. Reminds me of her claim about dodging sniper fire.

Interestingly enough, it wasn't Hillary that changed their position from that previously stated, but rather it was Biden.

But..............keep up the blind seems to appear to work for you.

YAWN, because Hillary isnt a known serial-liar

libs are idiots
Well, well...

Another Clinton tried to let Bin Laden go... and then lied about it.

Biden contradicts Clinton account of bin Laden raid – and his own

Vice President Biden on Tuesday seemed to contradict Hillary Clinton's account of the 2011 raid that killed Usama bin Laden, while also changing his own account of the advice he gave President Obama before the commander-in-chief approved the risky, and ultimately successful, mission.

Biden spoke about the raid at a forum honoring former Vice President Walter Mondale. Without naming Clinton, he effectively contradicted her claim that she firmly backed the raid from the beginning. In his remarks, he said that only then-CIA chief Leon Panetta was in favor.

“There were only two people who were definitive and were absolutely certain. Leon Panetta said go, [Defense Secretary] Bob Gates … said don’t go. Others were at 59-41,” Biden said.

Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner and former secretary of state, has claimed she recommended to Obama that he "go ahead," while his advisers "were split."

They're both wrong, this is what really happened.


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