Biden Climate 'Facts' and Policies "FACT CHECKED", Earns 4 Pinnochio's


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Climate Depot

Biden warns young people ā€˜damnedā€™ if his green policies thwarted & makes wildly wrong climate claims ā€“ Point-by-point rebuttal by Climate Depot

Marc Morano

March 14, 2023


Climate Depot Reality Check to Biden:

President Joe Biden made remarkably uninformed and inaccurate climate comments in a TV interview in March 2023 and invoked the hell and brimstone imagery of ā€œa whole generation damnedā€ if his climate policies are not implemented. Despite the fact that Bidenā€™s policies would not even measurably impact global CO2 levels, See:
Analysis by Dr. Roger Pielke Jr: Bidenā€™s 50% emissions reduction target for 2030 (if achieved) would have a ā€˜nearly unmeasurableā€™ impact on overall global CO2 emissions

Here is what Biden said, and what follows is a Climate Depot point-by-point rebuttal to each of Bidenā€™s claims. I wonder if just four Pinocchio's is enough. This fact check is brutal and tears apart the Biden Green Agenda as a ruse for power.

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There are so many facts that just jump out at you if you have even basic science knowledge. It is the fear factor and ignorance that allow them to play this game.

The two major items are the no show of the Mid-Tropospheric Hot spot as required by the hypothesis and the fact our atmosphere is dampening the effect of all GHG's (No positive feedback loop). Those two major items disprove the AGW narrative in total.
This is an important point: Climate Change has, for the Left, gone beyond a point of discussion; it is an article of religious faith.

When something becomes an article of faith rather than a discussion point, the reaction to contrary information shifts from REBUTTAL to AD HOMINEM ATTACK. "If you don't believe that Climate Change in an existential threat to humanity, then you are EVIL! A DENIER! You must be SILENCED!"

None of these is a rebuttal. The Left no longer even tries to rebut evidence that is contrary to their belief system on Climate.
This is an important point: Climate Change has, for the Left, gone beyond a point of discussion; it is an article of religious faith.

When something becomes an article of faith rather than a discussion point, the reaction to contrary information shifts from REBUTTAL to AD HOMINEM ATTACK. "If you don't believe that Climate Change in an existential threat to humanity, then you are EVIL! A DENIER! You must be SILENCED!"

None of these is a rebuttal. The Left no longer even tries to rebut evidence that is contrary to their belief system on Climate.
Right, no amount of data will cause the world governments to reverse course on climate change, much like they refuse to admit their wrong with how they handled the Covid crisis and continue to be wrong.

But that is the wonderful thing about being in government, it is never having to say you are sorry or wrong about anything.
The political right could serve their purpose well if they could lay this issue aside now, for the greater good of attracting Dem supporters over to the antiwar cause.

D's and R's can find a common ground by everyone demonstrating a little self control. As Rambunctious has been promoting.

The climate can wait! With a nuclear war, there won't be a climate to worry about!
The political right could serve their purpose well if they could lay this issue aside now, for the greater good of attracting Dem supporters over to the antiwar cause.

D's and R's can find a common ground by everyone demonstrating a little self control. As Rambunctious has been promoting.

The climate can wait! With a nuclear war, there won't be a climate to worry about!
What if wars are being fostered to reduce carbon footprints?

For a political party to think that men can have babies and are cutting the genitals off children who are not old enough to even have sex or allow them to even develop sexually, I put nothing past them.

It is a movement of great evil and insanity.
Here is what Biden said, and what follows is a Climate Depot point-by-point rebuttal to each of Bidenā€™s claims. I wonder if just four Pinocchio's is enough. This fact check is brutal and tears apart the Biden Green Agenda as a ruse for power.

View attachment 766022
Potatohead lies every time he opens his mouth.

All this Environmental Wacko bullshit have always been lies.

His Chinese buddies, who made his family rich, are putting in coal plants but yet their Boy in the White House is destroying American energy. Just like they paid him to do.
Here is what Biden said, and what follows is a Climate Depot point-by-point rebuttal to each of Bidenā€™s claims. I wonder if just four Pinocchio's is enough. This fact check is brutal and tears apart the Biden Green Agenda as a ruse for power.

View attachment 766022

Climate Depot​ is the website of Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow employee Marc Morano, a conservative global warming denier who previously served as environmental communications director for a vocal political denier of climate change, Republican Sen. James Inhofe. Launched in spring 2009, Climate Depot claimed it would be "the Senate EPW website on steroids," and "the most comprehensive information center on climate news and the related issues of environment and energy."[1]


Launch Hype​

", spearheaded by Morano, will serve as an information clearinghouse and one stop shopping for reporters, policymakers, students, scientists and concerned citizens to get the latest information on global warming and other key environmental and energy issues. The news center will offer a balanced perspective and serve as an ombudsman of the 4th Estateā€™s Eco-Reporting. The news center is a special project of CFACT, a Washington, D.C.-based public policy organization that has been working since 1985 to infuse the environmental debate with a balanced perspective, and to promote market-based and safe technological solutions to various public-interest concerns," Morano stated in the media release announcing the project.[1]
According to Web site traffic site, Climate Depot had as many as 168,000 unique visitors in a month.
Morano has also established a presence on Twitter as "climatedepot"

Funding​ is being financed by the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, a nonprofit in Washington that advocates for free-market solutions to environmental issues. Public tax filings for 2003-7 (the last five years for which documents are available) show that the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the ExxonMobil Foundation and foundations associated with the billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, a longtime financier of conservative causes, including being the primary source of money used to fund attacks against Bill Clinton during the Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky eras of his presidency [1]. According to a report issued by the Union of Concerned Scientists, from 1998-2005, approximately 23% of the total ExxonMobil funding for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow was directed by ExxonMobil for climate change activities [p. 32].
Craig Rucker, a co-founder of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, said the committee got a third of its money from other foundations. However, Rucker would not identify them or say how much his foundation would pay Marc Morano. Rucker did say that ExxonMobil did not contribute anything to the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow in 2008 [2].

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  1. ā†‘ Jump up to:1.0 1.1 Marc Morano, Launch Aims To Redefine Global Warming Reporting: Climate Clearinghouse to Challenge Mainstream Mediaā€™s Eco-Reporting",, April 6, 2009.

External resources​

External articles​


Climate Depot​ is the website of Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow employee Marc Morano, a conservative global warming denier who previously served as environmental communications director for a vocal political denier of climate change, Republican Sen. James Inhofe. Launched in spring 2009, Climate Depot claimed it would be "the Senate EPW website on steroids," and "the most comprehensive information center on climate news and the related issues of environment and energy."[1]


Launch Hype​

", spearheaded by Morano, will serve as an information clearinghouse and one stop shopping for reporters, policymakers, students, scientists and concerned citizens to get the latest information on global warming and other key environmental and energy issues. The news center will offer a balanced perspective and serve as an ombudsman of the 4th Estateā€™s Eco-Reporting. The news center is a special project of CFACT, a Washington, D.C.-based public policy organization that has been working since 1985 to infuse the environmental debate with a balanced perspective, and to promote market-based and safe technological solutions to various public-interest concerns," Morano stated in the media release announcing the project.[1]
According to Web site traffic site, Climate Depot had as many as 168,000 unique visitors in a month.
Morano has also established a presence on Twitter as "climatedepot"

Funding​ is being financed by the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, a nonprofit in Washington that advocates for free-market solutions to environmental issues. Public tax filings for 2003-7 (the last five years for which documents are available) show that the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the ExxonMobil Foundation and foundations associated with the billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, a longtime financier of conservative causes, including being the primary source of money used to fund attacks against Bill Clinton during the Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky eras of his presidency [1]. According to a report issued by the Union of Concerned Scientists, from 1998-2005, approximately 23% of the total ExxonMobil funding for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow was directed by ExxonMobil for climate change activities [p. 32].
Craig Rucker, a co-founder of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, said the committee got a third of its money from other foundations. However, Rucker would not identify them or say how much his foundation would pay Marc Morano. Rucker did say that ExxonMobil did not contribute anything to the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow in 2008 [2].

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  1. ā†‘ Jump up to:1.0 1.1 Marc Morano, Launch Aims To Redefine Global Warming Reporting: Climate Clearinghouse to Challenge Mainstream Mediaā€™s Eco-Reporting",, April 6, 2009.

External resources​

External articles​

Thank you for acknowledging that you have no rebuttals to offer.

Fallacies doesn't work with rational people because we want a counterpoint/rebuttal of the claims not your empty bullshit.

Thank you for acknowledging that you have no rebuttals to offer.

Fallacies doesn't work with rational people because we want a counterpoint/rebuttal of the claims not your empty bullshit.

I made no such acknowledgement. I simply pointed out that Climate Depot, the OP's source, is complete crap.
I made no such acknowledgement. I simply pointed out that Climate Depot, the OP's source, is complete crap.
You did no such thing.. You pointed to funding and political leanings of the organization WITHOUT ADDRESSING THE SCEINCE USED TO DISCREDIT YOUR AGENDA.
That is the problem. You name call and ignore the data provided. You dismiss it out of hand without even a logical reason or scientific basis.

Because it doesn't say what you want, you dismiss it. And that is all you have... No evidence... No Facts... Just loud bloviation...
And all without ANY PROOF AT ALL.... how nice.....:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

He makes clear he can't address the CONTENT of the article thus he once again proves he can't make a rebuttal.

The very first claim against Biden was well supported since it was the warmist/alarmists who had a problem with it:

Biden Claim: ā€œIf we donā€™t keep the temperature from going above 1.5C, then ā€¦ [a] whole generation is damnedā€

Reality Check:

Book Excerpt: In 2007, Jones emailed, ā€œThe 2 deg C limit is talked about by a lot within Europe. It is never defined though what it means. Is it 2 deg C for globe or for Europe? Also when is/was the base against which 2 deg C is calculated from? I know you donā€™t know the answer, but I donā€™t either! I think it is plucked out of thin air.ā€

ā€œTwo degrees is not a magical limitā€”itā€™s clearly a political goal,ā€ says Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

Professor Roger Pielke Jr. explained in 2017 that the 2-degree goal ā€œis an arbitrary round number that was politically convenient. So it became a sort of scientific truth. However, it has little scientific basis but is a hard political reality.ā€


This is why Cricks tries his childish deflection.
He makes clear he can't address the CONTENT of the article thus he once again proves he can't make a rebuttal.

The very first claim against Biden was well supported since it was the warmist/alarmists who had a problem with it:

Biden Claim: ā€œIf we donā€™t keep the temperature from going above 1.5C, then ā€¦ [a] whole generation is damnedā€

Reality Check:

Book Excerpt: In 2007, Jones emailed, ā€œThe 2 deg C limit is talked about by a lot within Europe. It is never defined though what it means. Is it 2 deg C for globe or for Europe? Also when is/was the base against which 2 deg C is calculated from? I know you donā€™t know the answer, but I donā€™t either! I think it is plucked out of thin air.ā€

ā€œTwo degrees is not a magical limitā€”itā€™s clearly a political goal,ā€ says Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

Professor Roger Pielke Jr. explained in 2017 that the 2-degree goal ā€œis an arbitrary round number that was politically convenient. So it became a sort of scientific truth. However, it has little scientific basis but is a hard political reality.ā€


This is why Cricks tries his childish deflection.
Everything about CAGW is arbitrary. Nothing is fact. Look a the penetration of LWIR into the oceans. It cant, yet for years they claimed it did. When the science was done, OOOOOPpps, it wasnt true.

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