Biden Clan taking bribes from the communist Chinese and everyone else


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2020

Just like the Clintons and the Clinton Foundations, the Biden clan has been funneling Bribe money through the family bank accounts. 10% for the Big Guy along with the BIG GUY also being on some of HUNTERS accounts. Watch the dem trolls, as more comes out about the Bidens, the more they make up about Trump out thin air based entirely on their imagination. The media, of course runs water, and posts the made-up nonsense about Trump, but then hides the facts about the Dems--they knew about the bribes to Hunter before the election but chose to hide it.
The entrenched deep state, aka the FBI, DOJ, and CIA, includes the MSM. The deep state "leaks" lies to the MSM who runs with the lies like trained seals convincing a trusting/ignorant public.

The "press" needs to be non-partisan, and it is not. The press is the deep state's propaganda arm. The democrats are like Putin and the Russian oligarchs. The "oligarchs" include billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Jack Dorsey (Twitter), and many other CEOs that promote their propaganda and "censor" conservative voices.

The Biden crime family was protected, and will continue to be protected instead of prosecuted.

Just like the Clintons and the Clinton Foundations, the Biden clan has been funneling Bribe money through the family bank accounts. 10% for the Big Guy along with the BIG GUY also being on some of HUNTERS accounts. Watch the dem trolls, as more comes out about the Bidens, the more they make up about Trump out thin air based entirely on their imagination. The media, of course runs water, and posts the made-up nonsense about Trump, but then hides the facts about the Dems--they knew about the bribes to Hunter before the election but chose to hide it.
Clinton foundation is a public operational charity which means it's nothing like the Trump charities. Clinton foundation is audited. Hunter Biden, the black sheep who got Trump impeached, explained
The entrenched deep state, aka the FBI, DOJ, and CIA, includes the MSM. The deep state "leaks" lies to the MSM who runs with the lies like trained seals convincing a trusting/ignorant public.

The "press" needs to be non-partisan, and it is not. The press is the deep state's propaganda arm. The democrats are like Putin and the Russian oligarchs. The "oligarchs" include billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Jack Dorsey (Twitter), and many other CEOs that promote their propaganda and "censor" conservative voices.

The Biden crime family was protected, and will continue to be protected instead of prosecuted.
Just like Obama and the Clinton s.

Just like the Clintons and the Clinton Foundations, the Biden clan has been funneling Bribe money through the family bank accounts. 10% for the Big Guy along with the BIG GUY also being on some of HUNTERS accounts. Watch the dem trolls, as more comes out about the Bidens, the more they make up about Trump out thin air based entirely on their imagination. The media, of course runs water, and posts the made-up nonsense about Trump, but then hides the facts about the Dems--they knew about the bribes to Hunter before the election but chose to hide it.

The MSM has started to report on some of this because Biden is just THAT much of a disaster. They realize if they don't find a way to get rid of him is a generational ruin for them.
Yes, and we have known this for years.

RUSSIA, CHINA AND UKRAINE we know about for sure.

The media and Big Tech are complicit in trying to cover it up.


Joe had no idea about Hunter’s business dealings, but this guy in the photo is on the Burisma board.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the email reads.
An earlier email from May 2014 also shows Pozharskyi, reportedly Burisma’s No. 3 exec, asking Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence” on the company’s behalf.



:auiqs.jpg: :hyper:

You simps are like battered wives defending their piece of shit husbands.


Joe had no idea about Hunter’s business dealings, but this guy in the photo is on the Burisma board.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the email reads.
An earlier email from May 2014 also shows Pozharskyi, reportedly Burisma’s No. 3 exec, asking Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence” on the company’s behalf.



:auiqs.jpg: :hyper:

You simps are like battered wives defending their piece of shit husbands.
My God, are you a that stupid? Executives play golf all the time. Do you know anything about Burisma?
The entrenched deep state, aka the FBI, DOJ, and CIA, includes the MSM. The deep state "leaks" lies to the MSM who runs with the lies like trained seals convincing a trusting/ignorant public.

The "press" needs to be non-partisan, and it is not. The press is the deep state's propaganda arm. The democrats are like Putin and the Russian oligarchs. The "oligarchs" include billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Jack Dorsey (Twitter), and many other CEOs that promote their propaganda and "censor" conservative voices.

The Biden crime family was protected, and will continue to be protected instead of prosecuted.
James Madison said that the only two things a tyrant needs to oppress is an enslaved press, which the Marxist-leftists have, and an unarmed populace, which the Marxist-leftists will attempt. (The latter is why we have the 2nd amendment.)
My God, are you a that stupid? Executives play golf all the time. Do you know anything about Burisma?
How does it benefit you and your family to live a lie?


Why do you only believe what your puppet masters tell you?

Are you to proud to admit you were duped? Does it make you feel stupid, so you cant admit it?

I believed the INTEL COMMUNITY about WMDs in Iraq. I was wrong. The lied. I FEEL STUPID, BUT I STOPPED BELIEVING THEM.

Why do you?
How does it benefit you and your family to live a lie?


Why do you only believe what your puppet masters tell you?

Are you to proud to admit you were duped? Does it make you feel stupid, so you cant admit it?

I believed the INTEL COMMUNITY about WMDs in Iraq. I was wrong. The lied. I FEEL STUPID, BUT I STOPPED BELIEVING THEM.

Why do you?
I didn't believe in Iraqs WMDs. The invasion was bogus, but it was what Clean Break Strategy demanded. You're wrong again.
My God, are you a that stupid? Executives play golf all the time. Do you know anything about Burisma?
Denial is a River in Egypt.

Are you so arrogant that you can’t admit you made a horrendous mistake, and you voted for a man suffering from obvious dementia and with obvious indications of corruption? The country is in terrible straits due to people like you, and you just double down and say nothing to see here.

Also, if Biden is warning of a food shortage, why is he planning to lift the 42 Order restrictions and let another million more illegals in? How is that not hurting regular working Americans, who are already struggling with higher food prices?
Denial is a River in Egypt.

Are you so arrogant that you can’t admit you made a horrendous mistake, and you voted for a man suffering from obvious dementia and with obvious indications of corruption? The country is in terrible straits due to people like you, and you just double down and say nothing to see here.

Also, if Biden is warning of a food shortage, why is he planning to lift the 42 Order restrictions and let another million more illegals in? How is that not hurting regular working Americans, who are already struggling with higher food prices?
Biden is doing a good job with the hand he's been dealt. The Trump camp has nothing going except lies and slander. This crap about Hunter Biden will clear and the bums may go back to work. Maybe. Or they'll come up with another Trump fantasy.
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Denial is a River in Egypt.

Are you so arrogant that you can’t admit you made a horrendous mistake, and you voted for a man suffering from obvious dementia and with obvious indications of corruption? The country is in terrible straits due to people like you, and you just double down and say nothing to see here.

Also, if Biden is warning of a food shortage, why is he planning to lift the 42 Order restrictions and let another million more illegals in? How is that not hurting regular working Americans, who are already struggling with higher food prices?

Yes, the poster is part of a cult. Deprogramming cult members is very difficult.

Look at Scientology.

The poster is exactly like a scientologist.
Biden is doing a good job with the hand he's been dealt. The Trump camp has nothing going except lies and slander. This crap about Hunter Biden will clear and the bums may go back to work. Maybe. Or they'll come up with another Trump fantasy.
I stopped after ”Biden is doing a good job” - and then you revert to blaming Trump. You’re too delusional to have a discussion
Yes, the poster is part of a cult. Deprogramming cult members is very difficult.

Look at Scientology.

The poster is exactly like a scientologist.
Yes, so true. Although she is letting us know how the Dem cult will play this: illegals swarming in? Trump’s fault. Russia invades Ukraine? trump’s fault. Food shortages? Trump’s fault. Highest inflation in 40 years? Trump’s fault. Gas prices doubling? Trump’s fault. Out-of-control liberal actor screams profanity and slaps host? Trump’s fault.

(….and then there will be their old standby: blacks oppressed; whites racist.)
How does it benefit you and your family to live a lie?


Why do you only believe what your puppet masters tell you?

Are you to proud to admit you were duped? Does it make you feel stupid, so you cant admit it?

I believed the INTEL COMMUNITY about WMDs in Iraq. I was wrong. The lied. I FEEL STUPID, BUT I STOPPED BELIEVING THEM.

Why do you?
How many executives did your boy play golf with while he was in office, Trump asseater?

Oh. Didga hear how your orange hero is organizing a golf tournament with his buddies over in Saudi Arabia, mouth breather?
Yes, so true. Although she is letting us know how the Dem cult will play this: illegals swarming in? Trump’s fault. Russia invades Ukraine? trump’s fault. Food shortages? Trump’s fault. Highest inflation in 40 years? Trump’s fault. Gas prices doubling? Trump’s fault. Out-of-control liberal actor screams profanity and slaps host? Trump’s fault.

(….and then there will be their old standby: blacks oppressed; whites racist.)

What really gets me is that every time their lies are exposed, they just stay with them. It’s so bizarre.

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