Biden Campaign Strategy = COVID, COVID, COVID

The fact that over 80 percent contracted COVID while wearing a mask tells the story
That is NOT a fact, as you well know. 88.7% who wore masks DIDN'T get the Trump-45 virus. only 11.3 % got covid and of those 11.3% 85% said they wore masks.
Leftard thinks the CDC lies.
Hey dumb ass, the numbers I gave came from the CDC :asshole:
Liar. You Leftards hate science. CDC said no such thing.
It is in the same CDC chart you assholes posted to support your 85% LIE!!!!!! It is the column right next to the column you worthless lying scum pervert into your LIE!!!!!!!
Here is the link from BillyBoob citing the CDC and posting the chart that proves my numbers are directly from the CDC.
Try a better lie next time SUCKKKER!!!!!
Liar. You quote me where the CDC says masks saved ONE American.
You idiots hate science.
Notice when the worthless lying scum Right can no longer defend their original LIE they create a Straw Man as they move the goalposts!
I replied to your fake statistics, shitforbrains. CDC has ZERO statements about masks saving even a single life from the ChiCom flu.
Notice the desperation to change the subject from the lie about WEARING masks and getting the Trump-45 virus to masks saving lives,
You fool no one but your STUPID self! :rofl::lmao:
Yes, everyone did notice your stupid flipping of the topic and lying about what the CDC says as well as you being an an open border idiot who thinks America is the only nation the ChiCom flu has impacted.
I used the CDC data you Trump CHUMP'S posted.
But again notice that knowing they have been thoroughly beaten by the truth they supplied, you desperately try to change the subject ti an open boarders Straw Man.
Liar. That’s why you can’t provide a link. Pathetic liar.
Hey DUMB ass, YOU are my link, STUPID!!!!!
I used the very CDC data YOU posted to back up your 85% LIE that you were too STUPID to look at all the data the CDC gave in the chart YOU posted. Right next to the data you misused to deliberately deceive people with, in the very column to the right of the column you cited in YOUR chart was the data for the CONTROL group, real science uses CONTROL groups to give CONTEXT to the data they are studying. You dishonestly used the study group as if they were the control group.

In the CONTROL group 88.7% of those who DIDN"T get the Trump-45 virus wore masks. In the study group, an 11.3% SUBSET of the total population, 85% of that SUBSET who got covid wore masks. Your LIE was representing the 11.3% SUBSET as the total population.
If anyone is guilty of not providing a LINK it is YOU. YOU did NOT provide a link to the premeditated LYING scum POS Right-wing RUSSIAN disinformation site that fed you the CDC chart that YOU posted and put it in your feeble mind that the 11.3% subset represented the total population and not a SUBSET.

Here is my link to YOU (Billy Boob posted the same chart):

The study found 74.2% reported wearing masks “always” while 14.5% wore masks “often,” or 85% almost always wore masks.
Now you post the Russian disinformation site YOU got that CDC chart from, I know you didn't research it yourself, you just mindlessly parroted, like a STUPID lying gossip, what you saw because it was a LIE you liked.
Biden Campaign Strategy = COVID, COVID, COVID

I have been watching all of the big networks this am and it is a constant barrage of fearmongering from every single one of them. They are all citing the number of cases but not one of them is showing hospitalizations from it... Not one is doing honest reporting on the people affected.

The all hands on deck strategy from the Biden propaganda arm is in full blown tilt mode this morning. ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN are all onboard and not one of them are covering the accusations of treason by Joe Biden when he was a sitting VP of the United States.

At no time in my life time have I seen such blatant political bias from our media. NONE OF THEM DESERVE 230 Protections as they are acting like a supper PAC for Joe Biden.

There is no "LINK" for this OBSERVATION of behaviors by the Lame Stream Media...

Its my observation of these people since 0300 my time this morning. The LSM has been pushing COVID fear this morning.. Its all Joe and democrats have left.
That's a pretty damn good strategy.

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