Biden basically says, Don't believe your own eyes, believe us!


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2021
Today's date is September 24th. Searching around on the internet, as far as I could find out, around 1400 haitians have been sent back to Haiti. Mostly single males. I couldn't find out who said it. But apparently some official said that thousands have been released into the U.S.

The Biden administration likes to say that our borders aren't open. They supposedly tell potential invaders the same thing. So why do they come? Because actions speak louder than words. And for some time the administrations actions have been to let them in. The filthy scum.

On the news every day they talk about the "poor refugees." And endless sob stories about their plight. But I say that their problems shouldn't be OUR problems! What they are doing by coming here is taking what you have. Not until Americans have reached the level of poverty that exists in their countries will they be satisfied. But speaking of mass executions or things such as mine fields just isn't allowed. It may not be allowed. But one thing can't be argued against. Those things would work.
Today's date is September 24th. Searching around on the internet, as far as I could find out, around 1400 haitians have been sent back to Haiti. Mostly single males. I couldn't find out who said it. But apparently some official said that thousands have been released into the U.S.

The Biden administration likes to say that our borders aren't open. They supposedly tell potential invaders the same thing. So why do they come? Because actions speak louder than words. And for some time the administrations actions have been to let them in. The filthy scum.

On the news every day they talk about the "poor refugees." And endless sob stories about their plight. But I say that their problems shouldn't be OUR problems! What they are doing by coming here is taking what you have. Not until Americans have reached the level of poverty that exists in their countries will they be satisfied. But speaking of mass executions or things such as mine fields just isn't allowed. It may not be allowed. But one thing can't be argued against. Those things would work.

The double standards is breathtaking. A month ago republicans were screaming about Joe leaving Afghanis behind. Now you lot are saying virtually nothing about him sending them packing.
The difference being is, as I said before, Taliban are embedded in Afghani refugees, believe it or not and future terrorist attacks will prove that.
Mexicans have never, to my memory, ever perpetrated a terrorist attack on America.

You poverty predictions is absurdly ignorant and hate filled. There's nothing to indicate that and never was. Its always dire predictions from the right to scare the punters into blaming democrats.
Every day is the same. Grow up.
The double standards is breathtaking. A month ago republicans were screaming about Joe leaving Afghanis behind. Now you lot are saying virtually nothing about him sending them packing.
The difference being is, as I said before, Taliban are embedded in Afghani refugees, believe it or not and future terrorist attacks will prove that.
Mexicans have never, to my memory, ever perpetrated a terrorist attack on America.

You poverty predictions is absurdly ignorant and hate filled. There's nothing to indicate that and never was. Its always dire predictions from the right to scare the punters into blaming democrats.
Every day is the same. Grow up.
Whatever Joe does, blob supporters will argue he should have done the exact opposite.

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