Biden, America, Russia, Ukraine-can we go through World War Three standing on our heads? Washington thinks it can.

You don't have much time left on earth...why are you spending it lying on a message board...?

PS: You're not even that good at writing...nothing you've stated is remotely compelling.
Their little hissy fit has envisioned millions of people all diligently in total lockstep doing what they claim happened is impossible to hide anymore and one day enough brain matter will seep from their ears to paint a lucid picture of the truth.
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And once again, MAGA world just makes stuff up to scare itself and each other.

The abject fear they live in just waiting for WWIII to start is simply mind blowing.

I have not seen anything like it since my childhood and the threat of the Red Menace
I noticed the farmers don't need hundreds of billions of dollars in support from Trump's failed trade war and the massive increase of taxation via tariffs.
I work with my hands but I don't think with them. I saw far more threat to my way of life from Trump than any other president as he invariably sided with the rich on every issue and showered them with tax cuts and regulatory relief. He was not nearly so generous on issues relating to the long festering problems faced by the working class.
Which of course is why people were being lifted out of poverty .........
There is real poverty and scarcity headed our way. They are going to blame it on Putin. I can't say it any plainer than that or maybe this guy can:

Biden didn’t win because of how good he is, but because of how bad Trump was. If the Republicans want to win, they need to find candidates with fewer mental issues.
How many media talking heads and politicians might be defined as having "mental issues" by your voters? The West is in a tough situation, it's a balancing act to try and prevent WWIII or broader actions by Russia and others. The economic sanction mesage wasn't just for Russia I am sure...

It must be about policies and a competent administration, leave the personality aside. I can tell you that there are many in Western leadership who speak diplomatically and who have destroyed their nations prospects.

Take a look at every politician in your House or Congress. One by one, go ahead, look at them. Now work through the administration as whole, one by one. Think back to their comments and policy positions, their public support of certain stances.

Now tell me how Trump is the guy you define in such a manner.

Yes, he has an ego and maybe not the best table manners, but this pales in comparison to horrible, destructive policies. He is a fighter and the West NEEDS fighters.

We are seeing in Europe the cost of this whether you agree with who is responsible or not. This has been a global failure and the same idiots who supported "global socialism" are now blaming America. Look at Vindman on TV every day, Fiona Hill and others. I look at them and say "oh, look at the Useless Idiots who got involved in politics rather than being objective about policies". They are but two of MANY, some even in the GOP Party themselves..

Sorry folks, Merkel and Macron were not heroes of our time. Nor are those who weaken America and tell their citizens "we are just one nation of many". I've shown support for America all of my life, I never thought I'd be worried about your own future as a sovereign Super Power.

All credit to Americas adversaries, I hate to say it, but let's be honest, their leadership doesn't sink themselves.
There is real poverty and scarcity headed our way. They are going to blame it on Putin. I can't say it any plainer than that or maybe this guy can:

Interestingly enough, he is right but you people are too blinded by your politics to see it.

If you do not learn from a crisis and make things better then you are just an idiot.
I liked Trump.

Yes, you have made that perfectly clear.

Personally I think our country can do better than recycling what we already tried and moved on from.

Surely there is someone under the age of 70 that wants the damn job.
Here's the root issue. Russia does not want Ukraine to join NATO because they don't want American missiles pointed at them just like we didn't want Soviet missiles pointed at us from Cuba.
Russia didn't know that shitstain obama built a bioweapons laboratory on their very doorstep. That is an act of war.
So Trump was so bad we just had to elect someone worse......Brilliant.......
That’s only your opinion. I suggest the Republicans get their house in order, because I don’t see the midterms going as well for them as they think. Biden isn’t on the ballot, so candidates are going to have to stand on their own records and explain their actions regarding 1/6 and giving “aid and comfort“ to Russia.

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