Biden, America, Russia, Ukraine-can we go through World War Three standing on our heads? Washington thinks it can.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
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There are people walking the streets of America today that believe Joe Biden’s oratory skills and intellect got him more votes than any candidate in Earth’s history. They believe it because Washington propaganda bolstered by fellow traveling media, told them to believe it. They went to bed on election eve with Donald firmly in the lead and got up the next morning faced with the bizarre outcome of a Biden victory after fraudulent mail-in votes stacked ceiling high were counted. They swallowed it because they had been propagandized by a crazy, concocted scenario that Trump was a Russian spy and they wanted that result due to a drooling fear that Trump was monster of cartoon proportions. It worked and today we are a heartbeat away from World War Three.

The flashpoint is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine which is the inevitable manifestation of a nuclear power exploiting competitive weakness creating a vacuum that can easily be filled with minor consequences. Vladimir Putin’s dreams of restoring the former Soviet republic are irrelevant; everything the Soviet Union stood for is alive and well on American college campuses from coast to coast and has been for decades. Ronald Reagan won an economic battle in 1989 but the Soviets had already won the ideological war with Lyndon Jonhson’s Great Society in 1965.

In 2016 there were still enough people in the US to reject the Soviet way of installing intellectual elites in power and trashing the people with central planning. That is how Donald Trump won the White House. But as soon as Trump took office Washington and America’s corrupt power structure led by Washington and manned by the US educational system, swore publicly that they would take Trump out. These traitors used US intelligence agencies in place to monitor foreign enemies as a political tool to smear a US president with ridiculous false charges of treason and collusion.

The real reason Trump had to go was that he was not a Washington insider, and he was leading a repudiation of Washington politics that was selling out the American people to corporate globalization that was world communism disguised as capitalist democracy. Big Pharma, led by Anthony Fauci had already brought about the release of a plague and connecting the dots of biological weapons labs in Ukraine will almost certainly lead right back to Big Pharma and Fauci.

Neocons in Wahington believe the US can withstand a nuclear war because they have shelters to wait it out. Do you?
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Here's the root issue. Russia does not want Ukraine to join NATO because they don't want American missiles pointed at them just like we didn't want Soviet missiles pointed at us from Cuba.
Here's the root issue. Russia does not want Ukraine to join NATO because they don't want American missiles pointed at them just like we didn't want Soviet missiles pointed at us from Cuba.
Exactly, I did not include that because I wanted to keep the word count low.
There are people walking the streets of America today that believe Joe Biden’s oratory skills and intellect got him more votes than any candidate in Earth’s history. They believe it because Washington propaganda bolstered by fellow traveling media, told them to believe it. They went to bed on election eve with Donald firmly in the lead and got up the next morning faced with the bizarre outcome of a Biden victory after fraudulent mail-in votes stacked ceiling high were counted. They swallowed it because they had been propagandized by a crazy, concocted scenario that Trump was a Russian spy and they wanted that result due to a drooling fear that Trump was monster of cartoon proportions. It worked and today we are a heartbeat away from World War Three.

The flashpoint is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine which is the inevitable manifestation of a nuclear power exploiting competitive weakness creating a vacuum that can easily be filled with minor consequences. Vladimir Putin’s dreams of restoring the former Soviet republic are irrelevant; everything the Soviet Union stood for is alive and well on American college campuses from coast to coast and has been for decades. Ronald Reagan won an economic battle in 1989 but the Soviets had already won the ideological war with Lyndon Jonhson’s Great Society in 1965.

In 2016 there were still enough people in the US to reject the Soviet way of installing intellectual elites in power and trashing the people with central planning. That is how Donald Trump won the White House. But as soon as Trump took office Washington and America’s corrupt power structure led by Washington and manned by the US educational system, swore publicly that they would take Trump out. These traitors used US intelligence agencies in place to monitor foreign enemies as a political tool to smear a US president with ridiculous false charges of treason and collusion.

The real reason Trump had to go was that he was not a Washington insider, and he was leading a repudiation of Washington politics that was selling out the American people to corporate globalization that was world communism disguised as capitalist democracy. Big Pharma, led by Anthony Fauci had already brought about the release of a plague and connecting the dots of biological weapons labs in Ukraine will almost certainly lead right back to Big Pharma and Fauci.

Neocons in Wahington believe the US can withstand a nuclear war because they have shelters to wait it out. Do you?
Biden didn’t win because of how good he is, but because of how bad Trump was. If the Republicans want to win, they need to find candidates with fewer mental issues.
Trump could have been the moment the right stopped being so gullible. Nope. They have not learned a thing. Having to construct ever more ludicrous structures of self-deception rather than face the simple truth. Trump was a sucky president in every way. Thank God he is not the one to face Putin at this moment.
Here's the root issue. Russia does not want Ukraine to join NATO because they don't want American missiles pointed at them just like we didn't want Soviet missiles pointed at us from Cuba.
That is a horrible oversimplification. The way you express it makes it sound equivalent but it is not.

Ukraine joining NATO does not mean missiles in Ukraine. It means Ukraine would be defended if Russia tried something exactly like what Russia is doing right now. Poland, who has been a NATO member for a while didn't even have Patriot missiles (a purely defensive anti-air weapon) until recently, and well after this war started. Cuba is already part of Russia's political and military allies, and there are no missiles there, right? Why would you think that Ukraine joining NATO would mean missiles in Ukraine?

What really is happening is that Putin sees himself as a baby-Hitler bent on world domination and has engaged on the first stage of his own Blietzkrieg. He first wants Ukraine as a Russian vassal just like Belorus is, that is all there is to it.
There are people walking the streets of America today that believe Joe Biden’s oratory skills and intellect got him more votes than any candidate in Earth’s history. They believe it because Washington propaganda bolstered by fellow traveling media, told them to believe it. They went to bed on election eve with Donald firmly in the lead and got up the next morning faced with the bizarre outcome of a Biden victory after fraudulent mail-in votes stacked ceiling high were counted. They swallowed it because they had been propagandized by a crazy, concocted scenario that Trump was a Russian spy and they wanted that result due to a drooling fear that Trump was monster of cartoon proportions. It worked and today we are a heartbeat away from World War Three.

The flashpoint is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine which is the inevitable manifestation of a nuclear power exploiting competitive weakness creating a vacuum that can easily be filled with minor consequences. Vladimir Putin’s dreams of restoring the former Soviet republic are irrelevant; everything the Soviet Union stood for is alive and well on American college campuses from coast to coast and has been for decades. Ronald Reagan won an economic battle in 1989 but the Soviets had already won the ideological war with Lyndon Jonhson’s Great Society in 1965.

In 2016 there were still enough people in the US to reject the Soviet way of installing intellectual elites in power and trashing the people with central planning. That is how Donald Trump won the White House. But as soon as Trump took office Washington and America’s corrupt power structure led by Washington and manned by the US educational system, swore publicly that they would take Trump out. These traitors used US intelligence agencies in place to monitor foreign enemies as a political tool to smear a US president with ridiculous false charges of treason and collusion.

The real reason Trump had to go was that he was not a Washington insider, and he was leading a repudiation of Washington politics that was selling out the American people to corporate globalization that was world communism disguised as capitalist democracy. Big Pharma, led by Anthony Fauci had already brought about the release of a plague and connecting the dots of biological weapons labs in Ukraine will almost certainly lead right back to Big Pharma and Fauci.

Neocons in Wahington believe the US can withstand a nuclear war because they have shelters to wait it out. Do you?
Awww... Still, butt-hurt from the election results? Poor trumptards. :itsok:

Baby Trump Lost.webp
That is a horrible oversimplification. The way you express it makes it sound equivalent but it is not.

Ukraine joining NATO does not mean missiles in Ukraine. It means Ukraine would be defended if Russia tried something exactly like what Russia is doing right now. Poland, who has been a NATO member for a while didn't even have Patriot missiles (a purely defensive anti-air weapon) until recently, and well after this war started. Cuba is already part of Russia's political and military allies, and there are no missiles there, right? Why would you think that Ukraine joining NATO would mean missiles in Ukraine?

What really is happening is that Putin sees himself as a baby-Hitler bent on world domination and has engaged on the first stage of his own Blietzkrieg. He first wants Ukraine as a Russian vassal just like Belorus is, that is all there is to it.
Lol, you have never met Putin nor do you know what he thinks! Fake news.
Another whine-fest tag on Trump losing, Oh boo-hoo. Is there not a day of existence for these poor fellows to stop writhing in the dirt avenging Zeus for their loss in 2020, or do they somehow turn back into men and take their loss with dignity?
Basically, putin is burning the trash and garbage of our political elites by destroy ukraine. Sad for the native population but obama, soros and the world elites striving for a one world government used ukraine as nothing more than a money laundering operation enriching themselves and their families. Z sold himself to his handlers and the people of his country as well.
Biden didn’t win because of how good he is, but because of how bad Trump was. If the Republicans want to win, they need to find candidates with fewer mental issues.
Completely agree on that one.

I am a fierce independent more conservative than liberal and voted Republican half my life, then I saw a wave of corruption start with the Tea Party and was forced to switch my vote. It was the right thing, the Republican party has only got progressively worse and they ruthlessly pursue any Republicans that show an ounce of ethics.

I don't like Biden and like his VP even less, but the Republican party has not offered any candidates that I can respect (and vote for) in over a decade.

I sorely miss the days when Democrats were the crazy cooks with outrageous ideas and Republicans were mainly fiscal (and rational) conservatives that behaved in ethical ways.
Trump could have been the moment the right stopped being so gullible. Nope. They have not learned a thing. Having to construct ever more ludicrous structures of self-deception rather than face the simple truth. Trump was a sucky president in every way. Thank God he is not the one to face Putin at this moment.
George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were already dead. Of course, if we heed what comes off from college campuses, they were devils in disguise. So, Trump not being a pillar of perfection is not the issue. He was not part of the club that is betraying people who work with their hands. That is why he was elected.
Completely agree on that one.

I am a fierce independent more conservative than liberal and voted Republican half my life, then I saw a wave of corruption start with the Tea Party and was forced to switch my vote. It was the right thing, the Republican party has only got progressively worse and they ruthlessly pursue any Republicans that show an ounce of ethics.

I don't like Biden and like his VP even less, but the Republican party has not offered any candidates that I can respect (and vote for) in over a decade.

I sorely miss the days when Democrats were the crazy cooks with outrageous ideas and Republicans were mainly fiscal (and rational) conservatives that behaved in ethical ways.
Do tell.......what was all this Teabagger corruption
There are people walking the streets of America today that believe Joe Biden’s oratory skills and intellect got him more votes than any candidate in Earth’s history. They believe it because Washington propaganda bolstered by fellow traveling media, told them to believe it. They went to bed on election eve with Donald firmly in the lead and got up the next morning faced with the bizarre outcome of a Biden victory after fraudulent mail-in votes stacked ceiling high were counted. They swallowed it because they had been propagandized by a crazy, concocted scenario that Trump was a Russian spy and they wanted that result due to a drooling fear that Trump was monster of cartoon proportions. It worked and today we are a heartbeat away from World War Three.

The flashpoint is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine which is the inevitable manifestation of a nuclear power exploiting competitive weakness creating a vacuum that can easily be filled with minor consequences. Vladimir Putin’s dreams of restoring the former Soviet republic are irrelevant; everything the Soviet Union stood for is alive and well on American college campuses from coast to coast and has been for decades. Ronald Reagan won an economic battle in 1989 but the Soviets had already won the ideological war with Lyndon Jonhson’s Great Society in 1965.

In 2016 there were still enough people in the US to reject the Soviet way of installing intellectual elites in power and trashing the people with central planning. That is how Donald Trump won the White House. But as soon as Trump took office Washington and America’s corrupt power structure led by Washington and manned by the US educational system, swore publicly that they would take Trump out. These traitors used US intelligence agencies in place to monitor foreign enemies as a political tool to smear a US president with ridiculous false charges of treason and collusion.

The real reason Trump had to go was that he was not a Washington insider, and he was leading a repudiation of Washington politics that was selling out the American people to corporate globalization that was world communism disguised as capitalist democracy. Big Pharma, led by Anthony Fauci had already brought about the release of a plague and connecting the dots of biological weapons labs in Ukraine will almost certainly lead right back to Big Pharma and Fauci.

Neocons in Wahington believe the US can withstand a nuclear war because they have shelters to wait it out. Do you?

You don't have much time left on earth...why are you spending it lying on a message board...?

PS: You're not even that good at writing...nothing you've stated is remotely compelling.
George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were already dead. Of course, if we heed what comes off from college campuses, they were devils in disguise. So, Trump not being a pillar of perfection is not the issue. He was not part of the club that is betraying people who work with their hands. That is why he was elected.
You call crackers good men, how undignified of you. Trump has a very long history of screwing the tradesmen that built his empire.

George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were already dead. Of course, if we heed what comes off from college campuses, they were devils in disguise. So, Trump not being a pillar of perfection is not the issue. He was not part of the club that is betraying people who work with their hands. That is why he was elected.
I work with my hands but I don't think with them. I saw far more threat to my way of life from Trump than any other president as he invariably sided with the rich on every issue and showered them with tax cuts and regulatory relief. He was not nearly so generous on issues relating to the long festering problems faced by the working class.
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