Biden Administration exposed TRAFFICKING Unaccompanied Illegal Children


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Tn has publicly exposed the Biden administration's Un-Constititional, illegal trafficking of illegal, unaccompanied children - smuggled into the country initially by Mexican Cartels and smugglers - all across the country In violation of state's 10th Amendment Constitutional rights without notifying local and state agencies that they are coming.

In order to prevent the further reporting of inhumane overcrowding and conditions in Biden Kiddie Cages in illegal internment camps at the border, in order to prevent the American people seeing the massive failure of the Biden administration's Open Borders policy and mistreatment of children, unaccompanied illegal children are being flown in tge dead of night to states across the country.

Local and state authorities Are intentionally not told the illegal, victimized children are coming.

Once there, the children are loaded in busses. It was reported not long ago these children are then kept on these busses for as long as 3 days before they are then bussed to different cities all over the states ... STILL without their families.

- Reportedly 80% of children handed over to the Cartels / smugglers are physically and / or sexually abused (raped / gang raped) - even left for dead - along the way as they are smuggled into the US.

The most humane thing the US could do would be to reunite these children with their parents. Instead, after being trafficked, abused, and scarred for life by the Cartels, after being packed in overcrowded, virus-infected-children packed cages with inadequate food and water, tge Biden administration then continues the child trafficking by shipping them all over the US and scattering them further all over the states in different cities.

Tn, among other states, told the Biden administration it would not take any of these unaccompanied illegal children it intended to desert in different states' custody, forcing states to fund the cost of tge President's decision to abandon / violate our existing Immigration laws and policies. The Biden administration then chose to cowardly, criminally ignore those states and their 10th Amendment rights and fly these children into these states in the dead of night in secret.

The Biden administration made the decision to open our borders, to facilitate Cartel drug/human/child trafficking, and to let in tens of thousands of unaccompanied trafficked illegal children, but he NEVER intended to allow Congress, states, or American citizens to have a say. Biden never intended to actually create a humane fully supported process, and never intended that his administration and the federal govt to fulfill their responsibility of funding the expense of his decision.

Instead Biden is dumping these victimized mistreated abused children in the dead of night unannounced into states, local communities, forcing THEM to pay all the expenses associated with having these illegal children forced upon them - medical, housing, education, etc...

What a POS and a FAILURE as President!

What Biden doesn't care is the fact, these illegals are spreading all over the country. Not just along the border states - California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. He doesn't seem to understand the full impact and ramification of what he is actually doing to the country. He may think, he is doing something "positive" for the country - since he said, "I am not doing it because I am a "nice guy"."
He is actually doing a negative service to the country.

But since he is a "puppet" for the Democrats. They will continue to "string him up" until he is done with his one term as POTUS. :rolleyes:
Biden raped 100's of children so of course he is involved in sex trafficking....

Have people forgot Pizza Gate already?
So sad that the government of The United States of America has become little more than the logistics coordinator and financier for Mexican and South and Central American crime cartels.
Tn has publicly exposed the Biden administration's Un-Constititional, illegal trafficking of illegal, unaccompanied children - smuggled into the country initially by Mexican Cartels and smugglers - all across the country In violation of state's 10th Amendment Constitutional rights without notifying local and state agencies that they are coming.

In order to prevent the further reporting of inhumane overcrowding and conditions in Biden Kiddie Cages in illegal internment camps at the border, in order to prevent the American people seeing the massive failure of the Biden administration's Open Borders policy and mistreatment of children, unaccompanied illegal children are being flown in tge dead of night to states across the country.

Local and state authorities Are intentionally not told the illegal, victimized children are coming.

Once there, the children are loaded in busses. It was reported not long ago these children are then kept on these busses for as long as 3 days before they are then bussed to different cities all over the states ... STILL without their families.

- Reportedly 80% of children handed over to the Cartels / smugglers are physically and / or sexually abused (raped / gang raped) - even left for dead - along the way as they are smuggled into the US.

The most humane thing the US could do would be to reunite these children with their parents. Instead, after being trafficked, abused, and scarred for life by the Cartels, after being packed in overcrowded, virus-infected-children packed cages with inadequate food and water, tge Biden administration then continues the child trafficking by shipping them all over the US and scattering them further all over the states in different cities.

Tn, among other states, told the Biden administration it would not take any of these unaccompanied illegal children it intended to desert in different states' custody, forcing states to fund the cost of tge President's decision to abandon / violate our existing Immigration laws and policies. The Biden administration then chose to cowardly, criminally ignore those states and their 10th Amendment rights and fly these children into these states in the dead of night in secret.

The Biden administration made the decision to open our borders, to facilitate Cartel drug/human/child trafficking, and to let in tens of thousands of unaccompanied trafficked illegal children, but he NEVER intended to allow Congress, states, or American citizens to have a say. Biden never intended to actually create a humane fully supported process, and never intended that his administration and the federal govt to fulfill their responsibility of funding the expense of his decision.

Instead Biden is dumping these victimized mistreated abused children in the dead of night unannounced into states, local communities, forcing THEM to pay all the expenses associated with having these illegal children forced upon them - medical, housing, education, etc...

What a POS and a FAILURE as President!

The thread premise is a lie.
Tn has publicly exposed the Biden administration's Un-Constititional, illegal trafficking of illegal, unaccompanied children - smuggled into the country initially by Mexican Cartels and smugglers - all across the country In violation of state's 10th Amendment Constitutional rights without notifying local and state agencies that they are coming.

In order to prevent the further reporting of inhumane overcrowding and conditions in Biden Kiddie Cages in illegal internment camps at the border, in order to prevent the American people seeing the massive failure of the Biden administration's Open Borders policy and mistreatment of children, unaccompanied illegal children are being flown in tge dead of night to states across the country.

Local and state authorities Are intentionally not told the illegal, victimized children are coming.

Once there, the children are loaded in busses. It was reported not long ago these children are then kept on these busses for as long as 3 days before they are then bussed to different cities all over the states ... STILL without their families.

- Reportedly 80% of children handed over to the Cartels / smugglers are physically and / or sexually abused (raped / gang raped) - even left for dead - along the way as they are smuggled into the US.

The most humane thing the US could do would be to reunite these children with their parents. Instead, after being trafficked, abused, and scarred for life by the Cartels, after being packed in overcrowded, virus-infected-children packed cages with inadequate food and water, tge Biden administration then continues the child trafficking by shipping them all over the US and scattering them further all over the states in different cities.

Tn, among other states, told the Biden administration it would not take any of these unaccompanied illegal children it intended to desert in different states' custody, forcing states to fund the cost of tge President's decision to abandon / violate our existing Immigration laws and policies. The Biden administration then chose to cowardly, criminally ignore those states and their 10th Amendment rights and fly these children into these states in the dead of night in secret.

The Biden administration made the decision to open our borders, to facilitate Cartel drug/human/child trafficking, and to let in tens of thousands of unaccompanied trafficked illegal children, but he NEVER intended to allow Congress, states, or American citizens to have a say. Biden never intended to actually create a humane fully supported process, and never intended that his administration and the federal govt to fulfill their responsibility of funding the expense of his decision.

Instead Biden is dumping these victimized mistreated abused children in the dead of night unannounced into states, local communities, forcing THEM to pay all the expenses associated with having these illegal children forced upon them - medical, housing, education, etc...

What a POS and a FAILURE as President!

The Biden Administration is not “illegally trafficking children” into Tennessee.

Children which are in federal custody are being transported to their new homes.

Tennessee officials cannot legally deny giving these children asylum or prevent the feds from taking them where ever they deem most appropriate.

I would also add that when the richest nation in the world refuses aid, assistance or comfort to refugee children, fleeing for their lives, you look like greedy, selfish assholes.

So much for proudly proclaiming your Christianity. You have just proven you are truly not a Christian nation.

That which have done to the least of my Brethern.
Tn has publicly exposed the Biden administration's Un-Constititional, illegal trafficking of illegal, unaccompanied children - smuggled into the country initially by Mexican Cartels and smugglers - all across the country In violation of state's 10th Amendment Constitutional rights without notifying local and state agencies that they are coming.

In order to prevent the further reporting of inhumane overcrowding and conditions in Biden Kiddie Cages in illegal internment camps at the border, in order to prevent the American people seeing the massive failure of the Biden administration's Open Borders policy and mistreatment of children, unaccompanied illegal children are being flown in tge dead of night to states across the country.

Local and state authorities Are intentionally not told the illegal, victimized children are coming.

Once there, the children are loaded in busses. It was reported not long ago these children are then kept on these busses for as long as 3 days before they are then bussed to different cities all over the states ... STILL without their families.

- Reportedly 80% of children handed over to the Cartels / smugglers are physically and / or sexually abused (raped / gang raped) - even left for dead - along the way as they are smuggled into the US.

The most humane thing the US could do would be to reunite these children with their parents. Instead, after being trafficked, abused, and scarred for life by the Cartels, after being packed in overcrowded, virus-infected-children packed cages with inadequate food and water, tge Biden administration then continues the child trafficking by shipping them all over the US and scattering them further all over the states in different cities.

Tn, among other states, told the Biden administration it would not take any of these unaccompanied illegal children it intended to desert in different states' custody, forcing states to fund the cost of tge President's decision to abandon / violate our existing Immigration laws and policies. The Biden administration then chose to cowardly, criminally ignore those states and their 10th Amendment rights and fly these children into these states in the dead of night in secret.

The Biden administration made the decision to open our borders, to facilitate Cartel drug/human/child trafficking, and to let in tens of thousands of unaccompanied trafficked illegal children, but he NEVER intended to allow Congress, states, or American citizens to have a say. Biden never intended to actually create a humane fully supported process, and never intended that his administration and the federal govt to fulfill their responsibility of funding the expense of his decision.

Instead Biden is dumping these victimized mistreated abused children in the dead of night unannounced into states, local communities, forcing THEM to pay all the expenses associated with having these illegal children forced upon them - medical, housing, education, etc...

What a POS and a FAILURE as President!

The thread premise is a lie.

Easy to write but impossible to refute in your case....
Tn has publicly exposed the Biden administration's Un-Constititional, illegal trafficking of illegal, unaccompanied children - smuggled into the country initially by Mexican Cartels and smugglers - all across the country In violation of state's 10th Amendment Constitutional rights without notifying local and state agencies that they are coming.

In order to prevent the further reporting of inhumane overcrowding and conditions in Biden Kiddie Cages in illegal internment camps at the border, in order to prevent the American people seeing the massive failure of the Biden administration's Open Borders policy and mistreatment of children, unaccompanied illegal children are being flown in tge dead of night to states across the country.

Local and state authorities Are intentionally not told the illegal, victimized children are coming.

Once there, the children are loaded in busses. It was reported not long ago these children are then kept on these busses for as long as 3 days before they are then bussed to different cities all over the states ... STILL without their families.

- Reportedly 80% of children handed over to the Cartels / smugglers are physically and / or sexually abused (raped / gang raped) - even left for dead - along the way as they are smuggled into the US.

The most humane thing the US could do would be to reunite these children with their parents. Instead, after being trafficked, abused, and scarred for life by the Cartels, after being packed in overcrowded, virus-infected-children packed cages with inadequate food and water, tge Biden administration then continues the child trafficking by shipping them all over the US and scattering them further all over the states in different cities.

Tn, among other states, told the Biden administration it would not take any of these unaccompanied illegal children it intended to desert in different states' custody, forcing states to fund the cost of tge President's decision to abandon / violate our existing Immigration laws and policies. The Biden administration then chose to cowardly, criminally ignore those states and their 10th Amendment rights and fly these children into these states in the dead of night in secret.

The Biden administration made the decision to open our borders, to facilitate Cartel drug/human/child trafficking, and to let in tens of thousands of unaccompanied trafficked illegal children, but he NEVER intended to allow Congress, states, or American citizens to have a say. Biden never intended to actually create a humane fully supported process, and never intended that his administration and the federal govt to fulfill their responsibility of funding the expense of his decision.

Instead Biden is dumping these victimized mistreated abused children in the dead of night unannounced into states, local communities, forcing THEM to pay all the expenses associated with having these illegal children forced upon them - medical, housing, education, etc...

What a POS and a FAILURE as President!

Trump did it also but that was okay. Trump was cheaper he gave them bus tickets
Tn has publicly exposed the Biden administration's Un-Constititional, illegal trafficking of illegal, unaccompanied children - smuggled into the country initially by Mexican Cartels and smugglers - all across the country In violation of state's 10th Amendment Constitutional rights without notifying local and state agencies that they are coming.

In order to prevent the further reporting of inhumane overcrowding and conditions in Biden Kiddie Cages in illegal internment camps at the border, in order to prevent the American people seeing the massive failure of the Biden administration's Open Borders policy and mistreatment of children, unaccompanied illegal children are being flown in tge dead of night to states across the country.

Local and state authorities Are intentionally not told the illegal, victimized children are coming.

Once there, the children are loaded in busses. It was reported not long ago these children are then kept on these busses for as long as 3 days before they are then bussed to different cities all over the states ... STILL without their families.

- Reportedly 80% of children handed over to the Cartels / smugglers are physically and / or sexually abused (raped / gang raped) - even left for dead - along the way as they are smuggled into the US.

The most humane thing the US could do would be to reunite these children with their parents. Instead, after being trafficked, abused, and scarred for life by the Cartels, after being packed in overcrowded, virus-infected-children packed cages with inadequate food and water, tge Biden administration then continues the child trafficking by shipping them all over the US and scattering them further all over the states in different cities.

Tn, among other states, told the Biden administration it would not take any of these unaccompanied illegal children it intended to desert in different states' custody, forcing states to fund the cost of tge President's decision to abandon / violate our existing Immigration laws and policies. The Biden administration then chose to cowardly, criminally ignore those states and their 10th Amendment rights and fly these children into these states in the dead of night in secret.

The Biden administration made the decision to open our borders, to facilitate Cartel drug/human/child trafficking, and to let in tens of thousands of unaccompanied trafficked illegal children, but he NEVER intended to allow Congress, states, or American citizens to have a say. Biden never intended to actually create a humane fully supported process, and never intended that his administration and the federal govt to fulfill their responsibility of funding the expense of his decision.

Instead Biden is dumping these victimized mistreated abused children in the dead of night unannounced into states, local communities, forcing THEM to pay all the expenses associated with having these illegal children forced upon them - medical, housing, education, etc...

What a POS and a FAILURE as President!

The Biden Administration is not “illegally trafficking children” into Tennessee.

Children which are in federal custody are being transported to their new homes.

Tennessee officials cannot legally deny giving these children asylum or prevent the feds from taking them where ever they deem most appropriate.

I would also add that when the richest nation in the world refuses aid, assistance or comfort to refugee children, fleeing for their lives, you look like greedy, selfish assholes.

So much for proudly proclaiming your Christianity. You have just proven you are truly not a Christian nation.

That which have done to the least of my Brethern.
The Biden administration is absolutely trafficking illegal alien children into Tennessee. He's the third freaking leg of the damned cartels. And no, Tennessee is not obligated to take responsibility for the children that Biden and his minions are causing to be trafficked. Don't even try the Christian bullshit because a Christian isn't going to set a system up for adults to use children as their price of admission to the country. And if we're talking greedy selfish assholes, how many illegal alien children can we send to Canada? Maybe you can take a break from arresting preachers for holding church and practice what you're so ready to preach.
Tn has publicly exposed the Biden administration's Un-Constititional, illegal trafficking of illegal, unaccompanied children - smuggled into the country initially by Mexican Cartels and smugglers - all across the country In violation of state's 10th Amendment Constitutional rights without notifying local and state agencies that they are coming.

In order to prevent the further reporting of inhumane overcrowding and conditions in Biden Kiddie Cages in illegal internment camps at the border, in order to prevent the American people seeing the massive failure of the Biden administration's Open Borders policy and mistreatment of children, unaccompanied illegal children are being flown in tge dead of night to states across the country.

Local and state authorities Are intentionally not told the illegal, victimized children are coming.

Once there, the children are loaded in busses. It was reported not long ago these children are then kept on these busses for as long as 3 days before they are then bussed to different cities all over the states ... STILL without their families.

- Reportedly 80% of children handed over to the Cartels / smugglers are physically and / or sexually abused (raped / gang raped) - even left for dead - along the way as they are smuggled into the US.

The most humane thing the US could do would be to reunite these children with their parents. Instead, after being trafficked, abused, and scarred for life by the Cartels, after being packed in overcrowded, virus-infected-children packed cages with inadequate food and water, tge Biden administration then continues the child trafficking by shipping them all over the US and scattering them further all over the states in different cities.

Tn, among other states, told the Biden administration it would not take any of these unaccompanied illegal children it intended to desert in different states' custody, forcing states to fund the cost of tge President's decision to abandon / violate our existing Immigration laws and policies. The Biden administration then chose to cowardly, criminally ignore those states and their 10th Amendment rights and fly these children into these states in the dead of night in secret.

The Biden administration made the decision to open our borders, to facilitate Cartel drug/human/child trafficking, and to let in tens of thousands of unaccompanied trafficked illegal children, but he NEVER intended to allow Congress, states, or American citizens to have a say. Biden never intended to actually create a humane fully supported process, and never intended that his administration and the federal govt to fulfill their responsibility of funding the expense of his decision.

Instead Biden is dumping these victimized mistreated abused children in the dead of night unannounced into states, local communities, forcing THEM to pay all the expenses associated with having these illegal children forced upon them - medical, housing, education, etc...

What a POS and a FAILURE as President!

Trump did it also but that was okay. Trump was cheaper he gave them bus tickets
Your whataboutism is note for the bullshit that it is.
Tn has publicly exposed the Biden administration's Un-Constititional, illegal trafficking of illegal, unaccompanied children - smuggled into the country initially by Mexican Cartels and smugglers - all across the country In violation of state's 10th Amendment Constitutional rights without notifying local and state agencies that they are coming.

In order to prevent the further reporting of inhumane overcrowding and conditions in Biden Kiddie Cages in illegal internment camps at the border, in order to prevent the American people seeing the massive failure of the Biden administration's Open Borders policy and mistreatment of children, unaccompanied illegal children are being flown in tge dead of night to states across the country.

Local and state authorities Are intentionally not told the illegal, victimized children are coming.

Once there, the children are loaded in busses. It was reported not long ago these children are then kept on these busses for as long as 3 days before they are then bussed to different cities all over the states ... STILL without their families.

- Reportedly 80% of children handed over to the Cartels / smugglers are physically and / or sexually abused (raped / gang raped) - even left for dead - along the way as they are smuggled into the US.

The most humane thing the US could do would be to reunite these children with their parents. Instead, after being trafficked, abused, and scarred for life by the Cartels, after being packed in overcrowded, virus-infected-children packed cages with inadequate food and water, tge Biden administration then continues the child trafficking by shipping them all over the US and scattering them further all over the states in different cities.

Tn, among other states, told the Biden administration it would not take any of these unaccompanied illegal children it intended to desert in different states' custody, forcing states to fund the cost of tge President's decision to abandon / violate our existing Immigration laws and policies. The Biden administration then chose to cowardly, criminally ignore those states and their 10th Amendment rights and fly these children into these states in the dead of night in secret.

The Biden administration made the decision to open our borders, to facilitate Cartel drug/human/child trafficking, and to let in tens of thousands of unaccompanied trafficked illegal children, but he NEVER intended to allow Congress, states, or American citizens to have a say. Biden never intended to actually create a humane fully supported process, and never intended that his administration and the federal govt to fulfill their responsibility of funding the expense of his decision.

Instead Biden is dumping these victimized mistreated abused children in the dead of night unannounced into states, local communities, forcing THEM to pay all the expenses associated with having these illegal children forced upon them - medical, housing, education, etc...

What a POS and a FAILURE as President!

the US State Department requires all children under the age of 16 to have permission from both parents to cross state lines and it's also a violation of 18 US code Section 2423(a), whereby Biden administration is transporting under age children across borders knowing some will be trafficked and sold for herrendous acts covered in said law.
This border crisis is the worst intentional move any President ever did in my lifetime. It's almost as if Biden actually hates this country.
Tn has publicly exposed the Biden administration's Un-Constititional, illegal trafficking of illegal, unaccompanied children - smuggled into the country initially by Mexican Cartels and smugglers - all across the country In violation of state's 10th Amendment Constitutional rights without notifying local and state agencies that they are coming.

In order to prevent the further reporting of inhumane overcrowding and conditions in Biden Kiddie Cages in illegal internment camps at the border, in order to prevent the American people seeing the massive failure of the Biden administration's Open Borders policy and mistreatment of children, unaccompanied illegal children are being flown in tge dead of night to states across the country.

Local and state authorities Are intentionally not told the illegal, victimized children are coming.

Once there, the children are loaded in busses. It was reported not long ago these children are then kept on these busses for as long as 3 days before they are then bussed to different cities all over the states ... STILL without their families.

- Reportedly 80% of children handed over to the Cartels / smugglers are physically and / or sexually abused (raped / gang raped) - even left for dead - along the way as they are smuggled into the US.

The most humane thing the US could do would be to reunite these children with their parents. Instead, after being trafficked, abused, and scarred for life by the Cartels, after being packed in overcrowded, virus-infected-children packed cages with inadequate food and water, tge Biden administration then continues the child trafficking by shipping them all over the US and scattering them further all over the states in different cities.

Tn, among other states, told the Biden administration it would not take any of these unaccompanied illegal children it intended to desert in different states' custody, forcing states to fund the cost of tge President's decision to abandon / violate our existing Immigration laws and policies. The Biden administration then chose to cowardly, criminally ignore those states and their 10th Amendment rights and fly these children into these states in the dead of night in secret.

The Biden administration made the decision to open our borders, to facilitate Cartel drug/human/child trafficking, and to let in tens of thousands of unaccompanied trafficked illegal children, but he NEVER intended to allow Congress, states, or American citizens to have a say. Biden never intended to actually create a humane fully supported process, and never intended that his administration and the federal govt to fulfill their responsibility of funding the expense of his decision.

Instead Biden is dumping these victimized mistreated abused children in the dead of night unannounced into states, local communities, forcing THEM to pay all the expenses associated with having these illegal children forced upon them - medical, housing, education, etc...

What a POS and a FAILURE as President!

The Biden Administration is not “illegally trafficking children” into Tennessee.

Children which are in federal custody are being transported to their new homes.

Tennessee officials cannot legally deny giving these children asylum or prevent the feds from taking them where ever they deem most appropriate.

I would also add that when the richest nation in the world refuses aid, assistance or comfort to refugee children, fleeing for their lives, you look like greedy, selfish assholes.

So much for proudly proclaiming your Christianity. You have just proven you are truly not a Christian nation.

That which have done to the least of my Brethern.
We need to let them migrate to Canada, you take care of them.
Tn has publicly exposed the Biden administration's Un-Constititional, illegal trafficking of illegal, unaccompanied children - smuggled into the country initially by Mexican Cartels and smugglers - all across the country In violation of state's 10th Amendment Constitutional rights without notifying local and state agencies that they are coming.

In order to prevent the further reporting of inhumane overcrowding and conditions in Biden Kiddie Cages in illegal internment camps at the border, in order to prevent the American people seeing the massive failure of the Biden administration's Open Borders policy and mistreatment of children, unaccompanied illegal children are being flown in tge dead of night to states across the country.

Local and state authorities Are intentionally not told the illegal, victimized children are coming.

Once there, the children are loaded in busses. It was reported not long ago these children are then kept on these busses for as long as 3 days before they are then bussed to different cities all over the states ... STILL without their families.

- Reportedly 80% of children handed over to the Cartels / smugglers are physically and / or sexually abused (raped / gang raped) - even left for dead - along the way as they are smuggled into the US.

The most humane thing the US could do would be to reunite these children with their parents. Instead, after being trafficked, abused, and scarred for life by the Cartels, after being packed in overcrowded, virus-infected-children packed cages with inadequate food and water, tge Biden administration then continues the child trafficking by shipping them all over the US and scattering them further all over the states in different cities.

Tn, among other states, told the Biden administration it would not take any of these unaccompanied illegal children it intended to desert in different states' custody, forcing states to fund the cost of tge President's decision to abandon / violate our existing Immigration laws and policies. The Biden administration then chose to cowardly, criminally ignore those states and their 10th Amendment rights and fly these children into these states in the dead of night in secret.

The Biden administration made the decision to open our borders, to facilitate Cartel drug/human/child trafficking, and to let in tens of thousands of unaccompanied trafficked illegal children, but he NEVER intended to allow Congress, states, or American citizens to have a say. Biden never intended to actually create a humane fully supported process, and never intended that his administration and the federal govt to fulfill their responsibility of funding the expense of his decision.

Instead Biden is dumping these victimized mistreated abused children in the dead of night unannounced into states, local communities, forcing THEM to pay all the expenses associated with having these illegal children forced upon them - medical, housing, education, etc...

What a POS and a FAILURE as President!

Trump did it also but that was okay. Trump was cheaper he gave them bus tickets
Trump solved our border crisis, the dementia Joe took it over. Well he screwed the pooch big time.
Tn has publicly exposed the Biden administration's Un-Constititional, illegal trafficking of illegal, unaccompanied children - smuggled into the country initially by Mexican Cartels and smugglers - all across the country In violation of state's 10th Amendment Constitutional rights without notifying local and state agencies that they are coming.

In order to prevent the further reporting of inhumane overcrowding and conditions in Biden Kiddie Cages in illegal internment camps at the border, in order to prevent the American people seeing the massive failure of the Biden administration's Open Borders policy and mistreatment of children, unaccompanied illegal children are being flown in tge dead of night to states across the country.

Local and state authorities Are intentionally not told the illegal, victimized children are coming.

Once there, the children are loaded in busses. It was reported not long ago these children are then kept on these busses for as long as 3 days before they are then bussed to different cities all over the states ... STILL without their families.

- Reportedly 80% of children handed over to the Cartels / smugglers are physically and / or sexually abused (raped / gang raped) - even left for dead - along the way as they are smuggled into the US.

The most humane thing the US could do would be to reunite these children with their parents. Instead, after being trafficked, abused, and scarred for life by the Cartels, after being packed in overcrowded, virus-infected-children packed cages with inadequate food and water, tge Biden administration then continues the child trafficking by shipping them all over the US and scattering them further all over the states in different cities.

Tn, among other states, told the Biden administration it would not take any of these unaccompanied illegal children it intended to desert in different states' custody, forcing states to fund the cost of tge President's decision to abandon / violate our existing Immigration laws and policies. The Biden administration then chose to cowardly, criminally ignore those states and their 10th Amendment rights and fly these children into these states in the dead of night in secret.

The Biden administration made the decision to open our borders, to facilitate Cartel drug/human/child trafficking, and to let in tens of thousands of unaccompanied trafficked illegal children, but he NEVER intended to allow Congress, states, or American citizens to have a say. Biden never intended to actually create a humane fully supported process, and never intended that his administration and the federal govt to fulfill their responsibility of funding the expense of his decision.

Instead Biden is dumping these victimized mistreated abused children in the dead of night unannounced into states, local communities, forcing THEM to pay all the expenses associated with having these illegal children forced upon them - medical, housing, education, etc...

What a POS and a FAILURE as President!

But last week he was senile and suffering from dementia...

This week he is the worlds greatest child trafficker...

What's he next week?

You have to stick to same lie, keep going using it... You're letting down the bullshit by swapping so much... We were expecting proper propaganda and all we ae getting is rambling from one lie to another, it is just embarrassing

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