Biden Addresses 'Forces That Divide' - Democrats - Calls For Unity...While Dems Push 2nd Admitted Partisan Impeachment of EX-President


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
WATCH: 46th President Joe Biden addresses 'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address
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WATCH: 46th President Joe Biden addresses 'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address

Nothing like starting off your new Presidency in the 1st 5 minutes by engaging in deceit, dishonesty, & division....

Biden once again, this time as president, for Unity while Pelosi and Democrats continue to push admitted 2nd political partisan Impeachment.

F*, this is going to be a long 4 years...(or however long it is before Harris and the radicals remove his dementia-suffering ass..).

WATCH: 46th President Joe Biden addresses 'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address
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WATCH: 46th President Joe Biden addresses 'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address

Nothing like starting off your new Presidency in the 1st 5 minutes by engaging in deceit, dishonesty, & division....

Biden once again, this time as president, for Unity while Pelosi and Democrats continue to push admitted 2nd political partisan Impeachment.

F*, this is going to be a long 4 years...(or however long it is before Harris and the radicals remove his dementia-suffering ass..).

Elections have consequences. Sorry that unity is so frightening to you.
WATCH: 46th President Joe Biden addresses 'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address
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WATCH: 46th President Joe Biden addresses 'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address

Nothing like starting off your new Presidency in the 1st 5 minutes by engaging in deceit, dishonesty, & division....

Biden once again, this time as president, for Unity while Pelosi and Democrats continue to push admitted 2nd political partisan Impeachment.

F*, this is going to be a long 4 years...(or however long it is before Harris and the radicals remove his dementia-suffering ass..).

First of all, the impeachment vote was not entirely partisan and in fact was the most bipartisan vote for impeachment in history

secondly, A number of Senate Republicans, including McConnel have denounced Trump for his behavior

In addition, a call for unity, does not mean supporting or ignoring lawlesness or abandoning the rule of law

I will also point out, that Biden is not pushing for impeachment and has said very little about it

So your appeal to hipocrissy is a fail
First of all, the impeachment vote was not entirely partisan and in fact was the most bipartisan vote for impeachment in history

No, 1stof all, before the 2nd Articles of impeachment were even written Speaker Pelosi gave a televised interview in which she confessed the reason for the impeachment was to permanently eliminate President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond, by banning him from ever being able to run again.

The reason for wanting to use Impeachment to ban a president from ever running again, especially in this case, is because they are scared to death of him.

The man beat Hillary.

The man beat Barry and his administration's coup attempt.

The man beat the Democrats for 4 years trying the same thing.

The man beat the Democrats' confessed politically partisan Impeachment attempt they manufactured.

The man has the support of 78 MILLION Americans and is leaving office with a 51% approval rating...

...and he sais he was going to come back in 2024....

Pelosi said in - confessed it on live TV - the reason for the 2nd impeachment is to attempt to ensure Trump can NOT run in 2024 or after.

One thing I have marveled at is how snowflakes call their own politicians LIARS, as seen when - in this case - Pelosi declares openly the 2nd impeachment is a bogus one whose only intent is to eliminate Trump as a future political threat...and snowflakes argue she is lying / is wrong....

Elections have consequences. Sorry that unity is so frightening to you.
WHERE THE F* WAS THAT THE LAST 4 YEARS WHILE DEMOCRATS MADE TREASON AND FAILED COUP ATTEMPTS A WEEKLY EVENT? Thank you for the biggest demonstration of mentally unstable hypocrisy we may ever see in out life times!
Quit living the past. You're the mentally unstable hypocrite now. :04:
WATCH: 46th President Joe Biden addresses 'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address
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WATCH: 46th President Joe Biden addresses 'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address

Nothing like starting off your new Presidency in the 1st 5 minutes by engaging in deceit, dishonesty, & division....

Biden once again, this time as president, for Unity while Pelosi and Democrats continue to push admitted 2nd political partisan Impeachment.

F*, this is going to be a long 4 years...(or however long it is before Harris and the radicals remove his dementia-suffering ass..).

Aren't we all tired of pointing out the endless hypocrisy of that fatefully doomed party?
It's like trying to get monkeys to pay attention to an ethics lecture.
WATCH: 46th President Joe Biden addresses 'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address
Live Now
WATCH: 46th President Joe Biden addresses 'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address

Nothing like starting off your new Presidency in the 1st 5 minutes by engaging in deceit, dishonesty, & division....

Biden once again, this time as president, for Unity while Pelosi and Democrats continue to push admitted 2nd political partisan Impeachment.

F*, this is going to be a long 4 years...(or however long it is before Harris and the radicals remove his dementia-suffering ass..).

First of all, the impeachment vote was not entirely partisan and in fact was the most bipartisan vote for impeachment in history

secondly, A number of Senate Republicans, including McConnel have denounced Trump for his behavior

In addition, a call for unity, does not mean supporting or ignoring lawlesness or abandoning the rule of law

I will also point out, that Biden is not pushing for impeachment and has said very little about it

So your appeal to hipocrissy is a fail
Baloney.....all politicians are lifer scumbags now those Republicans are more interested in maintaining their cushy existence than fighting you commies.
WATCH: 46th President Joe Biden addresses 'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address
Live Now
WATCH: 46th President Joe Biden addresses 'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address

Nothing like starting off your new Presidency in the 1st 5 minutes by engaging in deceit, dishonesty, & division....

Biden once again, this time as president, for Unity while Pelosi and Democrats continue to push admitted 2nd political partisan Impeachment.

F*, this is going to be a long 4 years...(or however long it is before Harris and the radicals remove his dementia-suffering ass..).

First of all, the impeachment vote was not entirely partisan and in fact was the most bipartisan vote for impeachment in history

secondly, A number of Senate Republicans, including McConnel have denounced Trump for his behavior

In addition, a call for unity, does not mean supporting or ignoring lawlesness or abandoning the rule of law

I will also point out, that Biden is not pushing for impeachment and has said very little about it

So your appeal to hipocrissy is a fail
Baloney.....all politicians are lifer scumbags now those Republicans are more interested in maintaining their cushy existence than fighting you commies.
SNOWFLAKE!!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Let me tell you what is going on here, Dems are begging Republicans for political cover.

Dems need some Republicans to vote for their far left agenda so they can claim it was bipartisan when the American people get pissed off. If only Dems vote for this crap then Dems are likely to get obliterated again like they did in 2010 when they took all the blame and suffered the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years.
No, 1stof all, before the 2nd Articles of impeachment were even written Speaker Pelosi gave a televised interview in which she confessed the reason for the impeachment was to permanently eliminate President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond, by banning him from ever being able to run again.
She "Confessed" ?That is not a cofession. It is a statement of purpose A goal shared by many Americans
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No, 1stof all, before the 2nd Articles of impeachment were even written Speaker Pelosi gave a televised interview in which she confessed the reason for the impeachment was to permanently eliminate President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond, by banning him from ever being able to run again.
She "Confessed" That is a cofession. It is a statement of purpose A goal shared by many Americans
Bullshit. 78 Million Americans do not want another admitted politically partisan Impeachment conducted to ONLY benefit the Democratic party. Even Diane Feinstein declared the 2nd Impeachment of Trump is 'MOOT', isn't needed, isn't worth it, does little to nothing for the American people, wastes millions more in tax / deficit dollars, the man is out the door....stop the revenge BS or the attempt to ensure he is not a threat in 2024 - MOVE ON.

More still, it completely undermines Biden's message of healing and unification, it divides the nation further, which Pelosi is willing to do to ensure Democrats do not have to face Trump again in 2024.

Here's an idea...the Democrats should do their f*ing jobs, make this nation better, get us out of the economy mess covid and their lockdowns have caused, win over Americans and beat Trump in 2024.....

But they can't. they are scared of him.
51% approval rating and 78 MILLION Americans behind him. they have to abuse the Constitution in an attempt to eliminate him as a threat.
Let me tell you what is going on here, Dems are begging Republicans for political cover.

Dems need some Republicans to vote for their far left agenda so they can claim it was bipartisan when the American people get pissed off. If only Dems vote for this crap then Dems are likely to get obliterated again like they did in 2010 when they took all the blame and suffered the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years.
What "far left" agenda? Clean air and water? Healthcare? A living wage? Fixing income and wealth disparity? WHAT
Bullshit. 78 Million Americans do not want another admitted politically partisan Impeachment conducted to ONLY benefit the Democratic party. Even Diane Feinstein declared the 2nd Impeachment of Trump is 'MOOT', isn't needed, isn't worth it, does little to nothing for the American people, wastes millions more in tax / deficit dollars, the man is out the door....stop the revenge BS or the attempt to ensure he is not a threat in 2024 - MOVE ON.
There are 80M that wanted him gone, and gone good
More still, it completely undermines Biden's message of healing and unification, it divides the nation further, which Pelosi is willing to do to ensure Democrats do not have to face Trump again in 2024.
Bullshit. There is no conflict between serving justice and healing the country. T rump tore this country apart and would do it again if given the chance. Even if he just ran again, there would be no hope of healing
Bullshit. There is no conflict between serving justice and healing the country. T rump tore this country apart and would do it again if given the chance. Even if he just ran again, there would be no hope of healing

Biden claims to want healing....while Pelosi admits the 2nd impeachment is an abuse of the Constitution for Democrat Party benefit.....while Conservatives and Trump supporters are censored and silenced....while Democrats and Left Wing media calls for a 'Purge' of Conservatives and Trump supporters, to put them in 're-education camps'...oh yes, the Democrats are all on the same page, doing what they (socialists) think is best for the nation ....


Good one, snowflake

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