Democrats' 2nd Admitted Politically Partisan Impeachment A Socialist Assault On / Take-Over of 1st Amendment


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The same Democrats who were proven to have lied and spread propaganda for 4 years - who won awards for fictional 'reporting'....

The same Democtrats who told liberal far left extremists to publicly criminally harass and intimidate Conservatives, Republicans, and the President's team (Waters), resulting in candidates, officials, Reps, Conservative American citizens, and Eepublican-supporters / Republicans being harrassed and physically assaulted, GOP candidate election HQs being vandilized and burned...

The same Democrats who declared they could not wiat to physically assault the President of the United States...

The same Democrats whoincited a crowd in front of the US Capitol by thereatening United States Supreme Court Justices (Schumer) ...

The same Democrats who marched with foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists who perpetrated wisespread Democracy-threatening violence (negatively affecting local/state economies) throughout Democrat-run communities throughpout the country, causing HUNDREDS OF BILLIOINS of DOLLARS in damage....

The same Democrats who aided, abetted, facilitated, and protected domestic terrorists who took over and held hostage city blocks, citizens, and businesses...

The same Democrats who have supported, encouraged, and called for more foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorist violence - like the current Vice President - against American citizens and businesses...."This violence will not stop after the election. IT SHOULD NOT STOP. WE SHOULD NOT STOP."...

The same Democrats whose rhetoric was so openly VIOLENT that they inspired an attempted assassination of Republican politicians in a public park, resulting in 1 Republican (R-Steve Scalise) being shot...

...are putting a RETIRED United States President - a US citizen - on trial for saying FAR LESS than the Democrats have publicly stated, for inciting far less violence than the Democrats have done.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi publicly declared before the Democrats' 1st admitted politically partisan Impeachment that she would NOT allow the Impeachment to go forward UNLESS THEIR WAS UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE OF CRIMES COMMITTED BY THE PRESIDENT.
- SHE LIED. Before the end of the Impeachment, Pelosi and Democrats admitted there was no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses, argued thatnone of this was needed to Impeach a President, and admitted it was the 1st Politically Partisan Impeachment in US history.

Just when Americans thought Pelosiand Democrats could not out-do that cirminal, treasonous abuse of the Constitution at tax payer expense, BEFORE the latest articles of Impeachment were even written, Speaker Pelosi declared in a late-night interview that the Democrats would move to Impeach the President AGAIN and that this Impeachment is intended to protect the Democrat Party by eliminating President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond.

The 2nd Impeachment is the epitome of 'Hypocrsiy' and a CONFESSION by the top Democrat in the House that this Impeachment is a criminal partisan abuse of the Constitutional tool of Impeachment for purely partisan benefit.

The Impeachment is only PART of the Democrats' villainizing of Conservatives, Trump-supporters, anyone who points out (like Democrats have done) there was election fraud in the last election, AND anyone who does not embrace far left extremist ideology and policy.

After the planned (Antifa/BLM coordinated on Facebook and Twitter) Capitol Riot, that was instigated by Antifa and BLM foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists and aided by the Capitol Police, the opportunist Democrats seized the opportunity to put President/Civilian Trump on trial for peacefully exercising his 1st Amendment Right, proclaim all Trump-supporters and all Conservatives to be labeled 'Domestic Terrorists'. Far Left Extrmists and Fake News socialist media immediately began - alarmingly - discussing publicly the NEED to / possibility of 'rounding Conservatives and Trum-supporters up and put them in RE-EDUCATION CAMPS'...a page right out of the CCP manual of how to oppress and SUBJUGATE citizens.

Former President Donal Trump is not only being put on trial starting tomorrow, Conservatives, Trump-voters/supporters, and our very Constitutional 1st Amendment right is being put on trial by far left extremist socialist CCP-supporting/supported Democrats.

These Democrats want to assume the sole authority to define 'Violence', 'Insurrection', what 'INCITING Insurrection' is, what IS and IS NOT 'Acceptable Speech'. They want to assume the authority to rule who should be labeled 'domestic terrorists', which includes anyone who opposes liberal socialist ideology and agendas, who oppose criminal election fraud that benefits DEMOCRATS, those who seek 'equal justice' and want the Constitution, Laws, and 'equal Justice' to Apply to Democrats.
Democrats promoted violence for the last 4-years, but when it comes to them, they shit themselves.

Either violence is necessary and good, or its always bad, but it can't be partisan.


Both of their impeachments are political theater, nothing more, no crime, just partisan propaganda.

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