Better in Bed

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
In an effort to instigate, it's my contention that Republicans are far better in bed than Democrats.

Now.. I have done past research and although liberal ladies are rather hot in the beginning they tend to fade over time, where as Republican Ladies start off perspectively cool, they get extremely hot over time and last in the long haul.
Us Republicans are sort of like a diesel engine. It takes a little bit to get us up to speed but once you do we will keep running forever! At least that's the way it is with me...:lol:
In an effort to instigate, it's my contention that Republicans are far better in bed than Democrats.

Now.. I have done past research and although liberal ladies are rather hot in the beginning they tend to fade over time, where as Republican Ladies start off perspectivel y cool, they get extremely hot over time and last in the long haul.

Guys, this undoubtedly requires careful research of the basic data on your parts before accepting Lumpy1's conclusions. This is too important to blow! :party: :popcorn:

Do understand that this is only an (in the word of my cousin) "intellectural" exercise, for other wise, the message from boo boo is :banned03:
Us Republicans are sort of like a diesel engine. It takes a little bit to get us up to speed but once you do we will keep running forever! At least that's the way it is with me...:lol:

Good analogy and dependable service.. yup....:lol:
Not a fair comparison

Republican women are whores
In an effort to instigate, it's my contention that Republicans are far better in bed than Democrats.

Now.. I have done past research and although liberal ladies are rather hot in the beginning they tend to fade over time, where as Republican Ladies start off perspectively cool, they get extremely hot over time and last in the long haul.

Dear Lumpy,

As an impressionable youngster, I feel that (being the compassionate liberal that I am) I must set you straight on this. You are sadly misinformed and I can not allow this ignorance to damage your fragile self esteem.

Liberal Ladies...such as, Canis Latrans...are HOT. Not only that, but having a penchant for mixing south-of-the-border tacos with the durability of a health-conscious long distance runner and the typical unpredictability of a latent hippy flower child, Liberals have Conservatives frankly outflanked on the romantic front.

For example, liberal ladies would not be caught dead with/in...

breast augmentations (kleenix is way more green)
botox (puhleashe - freezing the laugh muscles is....well...guache) honest here...if you were concerned about HOT, fidelity is distinctly passe
Whereas a conservative lady might have a coronary over a ladder in her pantyhose or (god forbid) a line, a liberal lady distains pantyhose (non biodegradable and way to tight around the waist)
Face lifts - come one, be real here - would you rather have cackling old lady laughlines or stretched out barb ie masks?

Nope, Lumpy - take it from me, a botoxless kleenex-enhanced marathon running liberal varmint...yer better off with a a a a a liberal :)


You decide..........................


You decide..........................

It's easy to decide when you cherry pick the worst of one vs the best of the other...;)

Lets throw in all the women of the Democratic Party Congressional Representatives and Senators for fun.

From a previous post, I'd commented that they all looked like they just stepped back from a cauldron in some Greek Tragedy.. not much has changed.. if anything it's much worse...:lol:
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In an effort to instigate, it's my contention that Republicans are far better in bed than Democrats.

Now.. I have done past research and although liberal ladies are rather hot in the beginning they tend to fade over time, where as Republican Ladies start off perspectively cool, they get extremely hot over time and last in the long haul.

Here's a picture of 3 Liberal women from a popular kid's cartoon:


The Kanker Sisters
I am bi-partisan sexually but for some reason I always end up in relationships with anarchist women.


You decide..........................

Liberal woman.


I'll take her. You can have the rest.

I remember reading an informal poll of prostitutes during the political conventions in one of the prior Presidential elections, and according to the Ladies of the Evening, Republicans were far more kinkier than Democrats.

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