Beto: The Abbott campaign are instructing their supporters not to come to my rallies because we've been finding so much common ground

There are already millions and millions of guns in America that they'd NEVER be able to "round up" even if they tried.

The way to attack this gun violence issue is by restricting the availability of ammunition.
Make it a pain in the to impossible to get.

So if you've already got a good stockpile of it at home "just in case" or for hunting good.
You'll be long as you're not out wasting it and using it all up. If you're a REAL enthusiast you've probably got a reloading setup and supplies of your own anyway.
You are most likely not the type to be wasting your limited supply of ammo shooting up schools or gang-banging on the streets.

As for the people who ARE doing those things.....the ones who shouldn't be anywhere near firearms in the first's only a matter of time before you have "disarmed" yourself.
You have burned up all your ammo and there is no way for you to get more.

At that point guns in the wrong hands wouldn't be a problem.

They'd be useless.
Yeah because there is no way criminals would be able to get anything illegally.
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Not really. Knowledge is power. There are two types of anti-2nd loons. The ones who know how firearms operate but lie and cheat to infringe on a Constitutional right and then there are the useful morons that parrot everything the former spews out.
Do you think I'm anti-gun? I'm not a fn prig. Like you.
There are already millions and millions of guns in America that they'd NEVER be able to "round up" even if they tried.

The way to attack this gun violence issue is by restricting the availability of ammunition.
Make it a pain in the to impossible to get.

So if you've already got a good stockpile of it at home "just in case" or for hunting good.
You'll be long as you're not out wasting it and using it all up. If you're a REAL enthusiast you've probably got a reloading setup and supplies of your own anyway.
You are most likely not the type to be wasting your limited supply of ammo shooting up schools or gang-banging on the streets.

As for the people who ARE doing those things.....the ones who shouldn't be anywhere near firearms in the first's only a matter of time before you have "disarmed" yourself.
You have burned up all your ammo and there is no way for you to get more.

At that point guns in the wrong hands wouldn't be a problem.

They'd be useless.

How's life on fantasy island? Do you seriously think criminals can't do reloads?

No need for them among civilians.
Or Native Americans either, right?

There are already millions and millions of guns in America that they'd NEVER be able to "round up" even if they tried.

The way to attack this gun violence issue is by restricting the availability of ammunition.
Make it a pain in the to impossible to get.

So if you've already got a good stockpile of it at home "just in case" or for hunting good.
You'll be long as you're not out wasting it and using it all up. If you're a REAL enthusiast you've probably got a reloading setup and supplies of your own anyway.
You are most likely not the type to be wasting your limited supply of ammo shooting up schools or gang-banging on the streets.

As for the people who ARE doing those things.....the ones who shouldn't be anywhere near firearms in the first's only a matter of time before you have "disarmed" yourself.
You have burned up all your ammo and there is no way for you to get more.

At that point guns in the wrong hands wouldn't be a problem.

They'd be useless.
Oh i see, then it would be very good to shoot a fucking Marxist who made it very difficult to purchase ammunition for hunters and such. Yeah, really piss off gun owners.

Your use of the catch phrase "weapons of war" is one the anti-2nd Amendment crowd uses to scare the ignorant. So....
There is nothing anti-2nd Amendment about wanting gun ownership to be WELL REGULATED.

It is....literally what the 2A says.

It appears to be those opposed to the actual language who are the REAL "anti-2A- ers.

You know, those that oppose strict regulation on firearms.

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