Beto Backtracks on AR-15 Confiscation: ‘I’m not Interested in Taking Anything From Anyone’

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise

“I’m not interested in taking anything from anyone,” O’Rourke told supporters during a campaign stop in Tyler, Texas on Tuesday. “What I want to make sure that we do is defend the Second Amendment.”

Now, it's obvious Beto looked around and realized he's running for office in Texas, not California, and so he has to at least act like he has some respect for the right to keep and bear arms.

The obvious questions for our friends on the lleft:
Was Beto lying then, or is he lying now?
And then: Why does he need to lie to get elected?
And THEN: Why is getting elected more important than "the right hing to do"?
Sorry Bob.

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Now, it's obvious Beto looked around and realized he's running for office in Texas, not California, and so he has to at least act like he has some respect for the right to keep and bear arms.

The obvious questions for our friends on the lleft:
Was Beto lying then, or is he lying now?
And then: Why does he need to lie to get elected?
And THEN: Why is getting elected more important than "the right hing to do"?

"Why does he need to lie to get elected?"

He needs to lie to get elected.

Now, it's obvious Beto looked around and realized he's running for office in Texas, not California, and so he has to at least act like he has some respect for the right to keep and bear arms.

The obvious questions for our friends on the lleft:
Was Beto lying then, or is he lying now?
And then: Why does he need to lie to get elected?
And THEN: Why is getting elected more important than "the right hing to do"?
The scumbag is lying of course.

Now, it's obvious Beto looked around and realized he's running for office in Texas, not California, and so he has to at least act like he has some respect for the right to keep and bear arms.

The obvious questions for our friends on the lleft:
Was Beto lying then, or is he lying now?
And then: Why does he need to lie to get elected?
And THEN: Why is getting elected more important than "the right hing to do"?

Beto should for office, in Cuba
Aren't they already banned in California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York?

Of course he could, it's up to the state's Senates Assemblies, and Governors.

I have no desire to look up every state but Maryland banned certain features. You can still buy the gun as long as it doesn't have two of these features and it's all pretty silly.

I believe if someone wanted to challenge it to the Supreme Court it would get overturned and I'd say the odds are close to 100% someone in Texas would challenge it.

Now, it's obvious Beto looked around and realized he's running for office in Texas, not California, and so he has to at least act like he has some respect for the right to keep and bear arms.

The obvious questions for our friends on the lleft:
Was Beto lying then, or is he lying now?
And then: Why does he need to lie to get elected?
And THEN: Why is getting elected more important than "the right hing to do"?
One is his presential run and one is his gov run. I hope he wins the gov run. Abbott is so weird.

Now, it's obvious Beto looked around and realized he's running for office in Texas, not California, and so he has to at least act like he has some respect for the right to keep and bear arms.

The obvious questions for our friends on the lleft:
Was Beto lying then, or is he lying now?
And then: Why does he need to lie to get elected?
And THEN: Why is getting elected more important than "the right hing to do"?
The obvious answer is that he realized that he was wrong, so he recanted. I respect someone who
admits a mistake, unlike some people who never admit that they were wrong and just doubles down on the faux pas. Do You? Beto has beliefs that won't fly in Texas, so he will not foist them on you.
John Kennedy was pro-life, and he said that his personal beliefs would not interfere with women's
overwhelming support of pro-choice. Beto has obviously taken the same stance, and it wasn't a lie then and it isn't a lie now. He is supporting the people in his state.
The obvious answer is that he realized that he was wrong, so he recanted. I respect someone who
admits a mistake, unlike some people who never admit that they were wrong and just doubles down on the faux pas. Do You? Beto has beliefs that won't fly in Texas, so he will not foist them on you.
John Kennedy was pro-life, and he said that his personal beliefs would not interfere with women's
overwhelming support of pro-choice. Beto has obviously taken the same stance, and it wasn't a lie then and it isn't a lie now. He is supporting the people in his state.

I think he realizes it was playing really poorly in Texas.
"Why does he need to lie to get elected?"

He needs to lie to get elected.
Wrong. He needs to support the desires of the people in his state, in spite of his personal beliefs.
He has changed his stance, unlike trump, who would double down rather than admit a mistake.

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