Beta O'Rourke declines invite Biden to campaign with him in Texas


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Beta can dodge Biden all he wants, but he's a brother in arms. He will do exactly the same thing that Biden has done regarding the Texas border. Absolutely NOTHING.

Beto O'Rourke, who announced his campaign for Texas governor last week, declined to invite President Joe Biden to campaign alongside him, pushing a message of nonpartisan unity in his upcoming bid for the highest office in Texas.

O'Rourke said his campaign is "not going to be about anyone from outside of our state," when asked by CNN's Dana Bash on "State of the Union" whether he would welcome Biden to Texas to help him campaign. When pressed for a second time whether he'd want Biden to visit the state, he again declined to extend an invitation.

That assfuck has NO CHANCE in TX. He could maybe get elected as a parks commissioner in the City of Autism, but that's about it.

He's thinking about running.

I think he'd do well.

Born and raised in Texas.
Beta can dodge Biden all he wants, but he's a brother in arms. He will do exactly the same thing that Biden has done regarding the Texas border. Absolutely NOTHING.

Every question they ask him should be, How do you feel about Biden and his policies? Do you support them?

Are you a Bidenster?
Beta can dodge Biden all he wants, but he's a brother in arms. He will do exactly the same thing that Biden has done regarding the Texas border. Absolutely NOTHING.

Probably a smart move, just like that new Governor in Virginia, not letting trump campaign with him. Some Dems in Texas might like to see Joe, but with the border thing down there, even a lot of Dems are probably pissed at Joe, and you know Republicans would have a field day with an appearance. If nothing changes at the border or his job approval doesn't climb out of the toilet, Beto (whom I consider kind of a dipsh#t) will maybe say a kind word of him now and then, but otherwise will avoid photo ops and joint appearances, like the Virginia guy did. Abbott sucks, but I doubt Beto is the answer. I am not a Texan, so my opinion really doesn't mean jack. I wish those Texans good luck.
Well Beto isn't as stupid as I thought he was. What Dem running for office wants a walking, talking disaster like Bidung stumping for them??

I'd say None.

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