To me the best thing that could happen for the Republicans right now is for everyone to drop out but Cruz and Trump. I believe Cruz could take Trump in a 2 man race. I also believe that there is noway Trump can beat Hilary. To win a candidate will need Independents and a good showing from the Hispanics and he is not doing well with them. He needs to convince them that he is not Racist, a bigot, and a hypocrite. I still say a Trump win will distroy the Republican party. Honestly I want a President willing to work with both Republicans and Democrats. I have never voted Democrat in my life and will not start this year but if Trump gets the nomination I will vote 3rd party. I do see him being a Bigot when he gets mad if someone happens to disagree with him at his rallies. I also think he is a Hypocrite when he says he is a Christian then a few days later he says he never has to ask for forgiveness. You cannot be a Christian without asking for forgiveness. Seems like he is changing positions on issues every few days. Honestly he scares me. I worry a Trump Presidency will lose us Friends all over the world and we will be in a war. I also question his reasons for running. After all wasn't he a Democrat and a friend to the Clintons at onetime and didn't he contribute to Bills Campaign in the 90s.