Best Ad Against New Gun Legislation I Can Think Of...Lady Gaga's Dog-Walker Shot In Dog-Napping


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

This is what defunding police, lax punishment for criminals, and fighting to take away people's only means of protection in big cities gets you.
More and more crime.

I used to live in CA....but I had to leave because of the crime and the lack of jobs.....and I hear it's gotten much much worse.
It was getting to the point where you couldn't go anywhere in LA that you wanted and still be one wants to live like that...I'm almost happy to see it reach the upper crust of LA...maybe now they will wake up....

This is what defunding police, lax punishment for criminals, and fighting to take away people's only means of protection in big cities gets you.
More and more crime.

I used to live in CA....but I had to leave because of the crime and the lack of jobs.....and I hear it's gotten much much worse.

It's not as bad in San Diego, the only major city in California still mostly governed by Republicans, but I left several years ago because of the statewide high taxes, high cost of living, interference with home schooling and gun control laws. California was once a paradise, but Democrats have ruined it.
While that is rather interesting most people are still mostly interested in the court battle of Brittney Spears.
A couple thoughts about this. I'm glad this thing happened in a rich neighborhood. Maybe this will teach elitists how important guns and police are. In addition, I think it's about time Democrats give up their obsession with cleansing the country of guns. It's a waste of time. Before long there might even be robotic body guards with guns to protect everyone. Technology will probably make these dweebs gun paranoia a moot point.

This is what defunding police, lax punishment for criminals, and fighting to take away people's only means of protection in big cities gets you.
More and more crime.

I used to live in CA....but I had to leave because of the crime and the lack of jobs.....and I hear it's gotten much much worse.

It's not as bad in San Diego, the only major city in California still mostly governed by Republicans, but I left several years ago because of the statewide high taxes, high cost of living, interference with home schooling and gun control laws. California was once a paradise, but Democrats have ruined it.

San Diego is where I lived...out in SpringValley.
I loved San Diego.....but I couldn't live there anymore.

This is what defunding police, lax punishment for criminals, and fighting to take away people's only means of protection in big cities gets you.
More and more crime.

I used to live in CA....but I had to leave because of the crime and the lack of jobs.....and I hear it's gotten much much worse.

It's not as bad in San Diego, the only major city in California still mostly governed by Republicans, but I left several years ago because of the statewide high taxes, high cost of living, interference with home schooling and gun control laws. California was once a paradise, but Democrats have ruined it.

San Diego is where I lived...out in SpringValley.
I loved San Diego.....but I couldn't live there anymore.

A friend of mine, a former active-duty Marine lived in Spring Valley. Is Chollo Lake regarded to be in that neighborhood? Family loved that spot. Lived in Mission Hills.

This is what defunding police, lax punishment for criminals, and fighting to take away people's only means of protection in big cities gets you.
More and more crime.

I used to live in CA....but I had to leave because of the crime and the lack of jobs.....and I hear it's gotten much much worse.

It's not as bad in San Diego, the only major city in California still mostly governed by Republicans, but I left several years ago because of the statewide high taxes, high cost of living, interference with home schooling and gun control laws. California was once a paradise, but Democrats have ruined it.

San Diego is where I lived...out in SpringValley.
I loved San Diego.....but I couldn't live there anymore.

A friend of mine, a former active-duty Marine lived in Spring Valley. Is Chollo Lake regarded to be in that neighborhood? Family loved that spot. Lived in Mission Hills.

Doesn't ring a bell. Mission Hills was North of me....and more upscale.
I lived there from 77-84'. I sold my home there in 2003.
I was there when the Southwestern flight crashed in North Park.

Fuck Gaga and her mutts. All I hear about is how distraught she is and her mega reward for her dog's return. Little is said about the shot dog walking serf!
A couple thoughts about this. I'm glad this thing happened in a rich neighborhood. Maybe this will teach elitists how important guns and police are. In addition, I think it's about time Democrats give up their obsession with cleansing the country of guns. It's a waste of time. Before long there might even be robotic body guards with guns to protect everyone. Technology will probably make these dweebs gun paranoia a moot point.

Sorry...won't happen....they will vote to ban and confiscate guns, then hire private security with guns....

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