Bertrand Russel knows Donald Trump and his kind.

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Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Bertrand Russel knows Donald Trump and his kind.

Bertrand Russel knows Donald Trump and his kind.

View attachment 930464
He died about 54 years ago so likely didn't know much about the current Donald Trump back then.

This is another lame and illogical flame thread by TDS suffering Leftist.

BR tended to bounce about in his views.
Russell was a pacifist who championed anti-imperialism and chaired the India League.[11][12][13] He went to prison for his pacifism during World War I,[14] and initially supported appeasement against Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany, before changing his view in 1943, describing war as a necessary "lesser of two evils". In the wake of World War II, he welcomed American global hegemony in favour of either Soviet hegemony or no (or ineffective) world leadership, even if it were to come at the cost of using their nuclear weapons.[15] He would later criticise Stalinist totalitarianism, condemn the United States' involvement in the Vietnam War, and become an outspoken proponent of nuclear disarmament.[16]
Bertrand Russel knows Donald Trump and his kind.

View attachment 930464
Hmm. I think this goes a step further, as well.

They "muzzle the intelligent" via ostracism, and replace them with people they see as "fighters". And of course, they clearly don't have to capacity to understand that "fight" is meant as a metaphor in a political context, not to be taken literally.

So the evil RINOs (the conservatives who are horrified over what has happened to the party and have the balls to speak out) are completely marginalized into oblivion, and the juvenile "fighters" (people like Trump, MTG, Boebert and Gaetz) are elevated based on one (1) primary characteristic: Blind, naked, primitive aggression, which they confuse with "strength".

Giving one inch on anything, at any time, for any reason, is viewed as a fatal weakness. Myopic aggression is celebrated. The exact, polar opposite of how our Constitution was created. Our Founders continue to roll over in their graves as these ersatz patriots mock their brilliant efforts.
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Hmm. I think this goes a step further, as well.

They "muzzle the intelligent" via ostracism, and replace them with people they see as "fighters". And of course, they clearly don't have to capacity to understand that "fight" is meant as a metaphor in a political context, not to be taken literally.

So the evil RINOs (the conservatives who are horrified over what has happened to the party and have the balls to speak out) are completely marginalized into oblivion, and the juvenile "fighters" (people like Trump, MTG, Boebert and Gaetz) are elevated based on one (1) primary characteristic: Blind, naked, primitive aggression, which they confuse with "strength".

Giving one inch on anything, at any time, for any reason, is viewed as a fatal weakness. Myopic aggression is celebrated. The exact, polar opposite of how our Constitution was created. Our Founders continue to roll over in their graves as these ersatz patriots mock their brilliant efforts.

Hmm. I think this goes a step further, as well.

They "muzzle the intelligent" via ostracism, and replace them with people they see as "fighters". And of course, they clearly don't have to capacity to understand that "fight" is meant as a metaphor in a political context, not to be taken literally.

So the evil RINOs (the conservatives who are horrified over what has happened to the party and have the balls to speak out) are completely marginalized into oblivion, and the juvenile "fighters" (people like Trump, MTG, Boebert and Gaetz) are elevated based on one (1) primary characteristic: Blind, naked, primitive aggression, which they confuse with "strength".

Giving one inch on anything, at any time, for any reason, is viewed as a fatal weakness. Myopic aggression is celebrated. The exact, polar opposite of how our Constitution was created. Our Founders continue to roll over in their graves as these ersatz patriots mock their brilliant efforts.
With a few changes of nouns and pronouns, this ^^^ could be adjusted by the "deplorables", some of whom are "clinging to their guns and Bibles" to fit those regressives* we've seen with agendas of 'hype and fundamental change' to our Nation, it's Constitution, it's culture, it's traditions that would have the Founders rolling even more in their graves as the Leftists suppress any opposing views such as we saw when they unleashed their BlackShirt thugs of AntiFa and BLM (Bolsheviks Lives Matter) into scores of cities just a few Summers ago.

Or as we see now by weaponizing what should be an objective system and apparatus for Law and Justice into a One Party controlled Gestapo to remove the opposing Party from participating in shared politics and power. The bold, blatant, and illegal application of the State apparatchiks to install a one party tyranny.

Yeah, it not only goes a step or two further, but one which the real aggressors either fail to see, or fail to honestly admit. Or both.

* Komrades Clinton's, Obama's, and Biden's, et. al.
With a few changes of nouns and pronouns, this ^^^ could be adjusted by the "deplorables", some of whom are "clinging to their guns and Bibles" to fit those regressives* we've seen with agendas of 'hype and fundamental change' to our Nation, it's Constitution, it's culture, it's traditions that would have the Founders rolling even more in their graves as the Leftists suppress any opposing views such as we saw when they unleashed their BlackShirt thugs of AntiFa and BLM (Bolsheviks Lives Matter) into scores of cities just a few Summers ago.

Or as we see now by weaponizing what should be an objective system and apparatus for Law and Justice into a One Party controlled Gestapo to remove the opposing Party from participating in shared politics and power. The bold, blatant, and illegal application of the State apparatchiks to install a one party tyranny.

Yeah, it not only goes a step or two further, but one which the real aggressors either fail to see, or fail to honestly admit. Or both.

* Komrades Clinton's, Obama's, and Biden's, et. al.
Talk radio platitudes (one after another in your post) are not a replacement for intelligent advocacy.

The GQP is in intellectual decay, and like the "RINOs" you people loathe, I fear the backlash will send us careening left.

Your actions are up to you.
Talk radio platitudes (one after another in your post) are not a replacement for intelligent advocacy.

The GQP is in intellectual decay, and like the "RINOs" you people loathe, I fear the backlash will send us careening left.

Your actions are up to you.

Talk radio platitudes (one after another in your post) are not a replacement for intelligent advocacy.

The GQP is in intellectual decay, and like the "RINOs" you people loathe, I fear the backlash will send us careening left.

Your actions are up to you.
Sorry Charlie. The pile of platitudes are from the propaganda of the Leftist DemocRAT party which you pander here.

The DemocRATs are in ideological decay as for the past five+ decades they moved ever further to the Left, to the point that only diehard socialist/communists can now get support and funding for their campaigns. As for "intelligent", the Dems are also on short supply as we see near daily from some of their illogical elected mouthpieces, especially the POTUS.

Here is one of a few threads on this classic Leftist/DemocRAT, one of many like her;
Dem Congresswoman Shelia Jackson is low IQ

Since only hardcore socialist/communists can now garner DemocRAT Party support, that leaves all others with political ambitions only the GOP (not GQP ?) , or ineffectual third parties. Hence the RINOs and CINOs (Conservative In Name Only) as part of the bench we have to play with. John F. Kennedy, were he alive today and running for office could not be a Democrat. He was never far enough Left to get their current support. He'd have to come to the GOP and some would tag him as a RINO or CINO. Others of us would see him as still better than anything the Leftist-socialist-DemocRATs have to offer, so he'd likely get support from some of us. The Right is no where near as lockstep as you on the Left think we are, or are yourselves.

Thing is the Dems can only count on about a quarter of the voters to be strong on their side. The GOP has a chance to appeal to the other 75% who don't want to be fascist-socialist-democrats.

If any backlash, it will be upon the Left/DNP.
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Bertrand Russel knows Donald Trump and his kind.

View attachment 930464
You don't know your BR ,do you.When his daughter rejected his atheism she could finally see that all his theorizing was a way to
keep from killing himself (that is my way of putting it) Fascism starts when people who need GOD reject the real GOD

My Father, Bertrand Russell by Katharine Tait

“Somewhere at the back of my father’s mind at the bottom of his heart, in the depths of his soul, there’s an empty space that had once been filled by God, and he never found anything else to put in it. He wrote of it in letters during the First World War, and once he said that human affection was to him ‘at bottom at attempt to escape from the vain search for God’” (p. 185).
Talk radio platitudes (one after another in your post) are not a replacement for intelligent advocacy.

The GQP is in intellectual decay, and like the "RINOs" you people loathe, I fear the backlash will send us careening left.

Your actions are up to you.

Tell us what a woman is.

How many genders are there?
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