Bernie Sanders to introduce the dishonestly-named "Medicare for All" this week

Okay, so let me see if I get this right. You aren't religious, but you think that taking something from the government is losing your soul...

I am Spiritual, not Religious. There is a major difference. My beliefs are based around the Morals and Values that I believe humanity was intended to engender and live by in this life, in order to earn the right to move on to a better life after death.

Among those Morals and Values are the ideals of Self-Reliance and Personal Responsibility. If I can't do for myself and I don't have friends or family who will do what's necessary to keep me alive, then my value to Society has been exceeded and it's time for me to leave Society, permanently.
The Government is us and if the majority prefer the government to set up a healthcare program that`s what we will have. It will be 10-15 or more years to happen but be assured, it will happen. BTW, if someone is stealing your money I suggest you call the police. We pay taxes here and you`re asking for free shit.

No. The Government is YOU, not me. MY Government died in 1861 when Mr Lincoln took the US Constitution to the outhouse to use as toilet paper.

The majority of Americans have no idea of what they want, nevermind how the Government was established to work. You're right that Single Payer is coming, and it will be my death knell. I will not use it. Not even on my death bed.

The government steals from all of us when they tax to finance illegal, immoral and unconstitutional programs and projects.

I don't want snything for free. In fact, I'd cut probably 90% of the US Budget line items to $0 If I had the power. I have no issue supporting the legal, moral and Constitutional acts of the Government, but nothing more.
Well, it isnt time for you to die, but you might remind yourself where the 'a' key is on your keyboard, lol.

My time is comi g to an end far quicker thsn is like. There's little room left in Society for folks like me. I'm an Anachronism and always hsve been - born out of place and time. If Clinton had won in November, I'd likely already be dead.

My typos are a factor of large fingers on a small phone screen.
Bernie's biggest problem is he's trying to sell yet ANOTHER "UNIVERSAL" program. Folks are just waking up to the fact that previous "universal" programs have been seriously mismanaged and actually criminally abused. Like the major theft from the SSecurity surplus that left nothing of tangible value in THAT "trust account". ALL the "trust accounts" are vacant empty holes that have been pillaged. Ask the Indian Trust Fund or the Highway Trust Fund or even --- the National Flood Insurance program. There''s nothing in them to pay bills with.

And these programs suffer from COMPLETE and UTTER neglect from Congress.

Ain't no way the public is gonna want another "UNIVERSAL" anything -- once everyone finds out that SSecurity is now running $30Bill to $40Bill yearly DEFICITS. And every dime of that is FINANCED by NEW bonds issued thru the Treasury and bought by China.
The Government is us and if the majority prefer the government to set up a healthcare program that`s what we will have. It will be 10-15 or more years to happen but be assured, it will happen. BTW, if someone is stealing your money I suggest you call the police. We pay taxes here and you`re asking for free shit.

No. The Government is YOU, not me. MY Government died in 1861 when Mr Lincoln took the US Constitution to the outhouse to use as toilet paper.

The majority of Americans have no idea of what they want, nevermind how the Government was established to work. You're right that Single Payer is coming, and it will be my death knell. I will not use it. Not even on my death bed.

The government steals from all of us when they tax to finance illegal, immoral and unconstitutional programs and projects.

I don't want snything for free. In fact, I'd cut probably 90% of the US Budget line items to $0 If I had the power. I have no issue supporting the legal, moral and Constitutional acts of the Government, but nothing more.
So the govt. that stole your slaves is now stealing your money. :)
The Government is us and if the majority prefer the government to set up a healthcare program that`s what we will have. It will be 10-15 or more years to happen but be assured, it will happen. BTW, if someone is stealing your money I suggest you call the police. We pay taxes here and you`re asking for free shit.

No. The Government is YOU, not me. MY Government died in 1861 when Mr Lincoln took the US Constitution to the outhouse to use as toilet paper.

The majority of Americans have no idea of what they want, nevermind how the Government was established to work. You're right that Single Payer is coming, and it will be my death knell. I will not use it. Not even on my death bed.

The government steals from all of us when they tax to finance illegal, immoral and unconstitutional programs and projects.

I don't want snything for free. In fact, I'd cut probably 90% of the US Budget line items to $0 If I had the power. I have no issue supporting the legal, moral and Constitutional acts of the Government, but nothing more.
So the govt. that stole your slaves is now stealing your money. :)

Despite the fact that I nor anyone in my family ever owned slaves nor were we in the country until after 1900, there are blacks that weren't slaves that think because I'm white I owe them something. They support the government taking from me what I've EARNED and handing to the 1 in 3 1/2 of them that uses food stamps because thrywon't get off their sorry asses and do for themselves.
So the govt. that stole your slaves is now stealing your money

Never owned any slaves, personally. As Northerners my family never did either. What Lincoln stole was the Right of self-deternination from the Ststes and The People, making us all subservient to the Fexeral Government, which was never supposed to have thst type of power.

But yes, the current theft of funds IS directly tied to Lincoln's betrayal of the Constitution which led to FDR's decimation of the document and 150+ years of illegal and unconstitutional Government in this country.
Yes it would. There's no reason a business should be in the insurance business.

Expand Medicare / Medicare Supplements / Medicare Advantage to all. Individual and portable.

again, not seeing why we need a greedy insurance company to manage it. what's the advantage?

cut out the middleman. Government collects taxes, government pays providers. Simple enough.
I am Spiritual, not Religious. There is a major difference. My beliefs are based around the Morals and Values that I believe humanity was intended to engender and live by in this life, in order to earn the right to move on to a better life after death.

Among those Morals and Values are the ideals of Self-Reliance and Personal Responsibility. If I can't do for myself and I don't have friends or family who will do what's necessary to keep me alive, then my value to Society has been exceeded and it's time for me to leave Society, permanently.

Wow, you are lucky to live in a society that doesn't have the lack of compassion you have.

Here's the reality. All health care is "socialized", whether it is run by an insurance company or a government program. Either you are paying in more than you are taking out, or you are taking out more than you are putting in.

And you know what, that's fine. IT really is.
Despite the fact that I nor anyone in my family ever owned slaves nor were we in the country until after 1900, there are blacks that weren't slaves that think because I'm white I owe them something. They support the government taking from me what I've EARNED and handing to the 1 in 3 1/2 of them that uses food stamps because thrywon't get off their sorry asses and do for themselves.

If you are a white person who entered the country after 1900 and you ended up ahead of the blacks who were here longer and not by choice, then maybe you do owe them something.

Again, Food Stamps are there to support farmers, not poor people.
Ain't no way the public is gonna want another "UNIVERSAL" anything -- once everyone finds out that SSecurity is now running $30Bill to $40Bill yearly DEFICITS. And every dime of that is FINANCED by NEW bonds issued thru the Treasury and bought by China.

That just means you need to reform the tax system. The reason why there's nothing in the trust fund is while Al Gore wanted to put those trust funds in a lock box, George W. Stupid wanted to give tax breaks to billionaires.
Yes it would. There's no reason a business should be in the insurance business.

Expand Medicare / Medicare Supplements / Medicare Advantage to all. Individual and portable.

again, not seeing why we need a greedy insurance company to manage it. what's the advantage?

cut out the middleman. Government collects taxes, government pays providers. Simple enough.

Single Payer is just replacing a handful of middle men with one that can arrest us if we piss them off. No thanks.
The Government is us and if the majority prefer the government to set up a healthcare program that`s what we will have. It will be 10-15 or more years to happen but be assured, it will happen. BTW, if someone is stealing your money I suggest you call the police. We pay taxes here and you`re asking for free shit.

No. The Government is YOU, not me. MY Government died in 1861 when Mr Lincoln took the US Constitution to the outhouse to use as toilet paper.

The majority of Americans have no idea of what they want, nevermind how the Government was established to work. You're right that Single Payer is coming, and it will be my death knell. I will not use it. Not even on my death bed.

The government steals from all of us when they tax to finance illegal, immoral and unconstitutional programs and projects.

I don't want snything for free. In fact, I'd cut probably 90% of the US Budget line items to $0 If I had the power. I have no issue supporting the legal, moral and Constitutional acts of the Government, but nothing more.
So the govt. that stole your slaves is now stealing your money. :)

Despite the fact that I nor anyone in my family ever owned slaves nor were we in the country until after 1900, there are blacks that weren't slaves that think because I'm white I owe them something. They support the government taking from me what I've EARNED and handing to the 1 in 3 1/2 of them that uses food stamps because thrywon't get off their sorry asses and do for themselves.
The same can be said for the trailer trash unless you consider cooking meth and growing weed doing things for themselves.
Wow, you are lucky to live in a society that doesn't have the lack of compassion you have.

Not really that lucky. Living or dead makes no difference to me. My money being taken to support losers and lazy fucks DOES make a difference to me.

Here's the reality. All health care is "socialized", whether it is run by an insurance company or a government program. Either you are paying in more than you are taking out, or you are taking out more than you are putting in.

And you know what, that's fine. IT really is.

Not once the Government gets involved. Once theyre involved things become MSNDSTORY, which should never be. The Government has no legitimate authority regarding such things.

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