Bernie Sanders Says He Will “Look At” Tearing Down Existing U.S/Mexico Border Wall

Only because you are too big an idiot to learn. Never saw a wall or physical barrier I could not breach. You should have served. Then you would know instead of just being a conceited know-nothing mouth piece for your know-nothing party. Maybe that is what they will change their name to, after you guys completely ruin the Republican party, if you haven't totally ruined it already.
It's true that given unlimited time and unlimited resources that every wall can be breached. The question here is whether the people the border wall is designed to stop can breach it. We already have abundant empirical evidence that shows is can't be breached.

All you do is prove that your an imbecile and an open-borders douchebag who doesn't care about the facts.

Bull. I have seen videos of it being climbed, right now the wall is in more highly populated areas near crossing zones. Where it is out from populated areas it will pose little barrier if someone want to climb, breach or tunnel to come under. You are wasting MY tax dollars, without benefit.

There are many places that even if the "wall" was built there will be no wall. Even at that it will always be easier to simply come by boat.
We've seen all these lies already.
I read knopp's post you are calling a lie. It is no lie. You are uselessly venting as usual.
Of course it's a lie. Open borders douchebags have told that lie 10,000 times.
You're an idiot. I have studied history, and current events. They show that walls work. The Israeli wall reduced illegal crossings to zero, and the wall in Hungary reduced illegal crossings by 99%.

You're pumping out the same old open-borders horseshit I've seen 1000 times.
Only because you are too big an idiot to learn. Never saw a wall or physical barrier I could not breach. You should have served. Then you would know instead of just being a conceited know-nothing mouth piece for your know-nothing party. Maybe that is what they will change their name to, after you guys completely ruin the Republican party, if you haven't totally ruined it already.
It's true that given unlimited time and unlimited resources that every wall can be breached. The question here is whether the people the border wall is designed to stop can breach it. We already have abundant empirical evidence that shows is can't be breached.

All you do is prove that your an imbecile and an open-borders douchebag who doesn't care about the facts.

Bull. I have seen videos of it being climbed, right now the wall is in more highly populated areas near crossing zones. Where it is out from populated areas it will pose little barrier if someone want to climb, breach or tunnel to come under. You are wasting MY tax dollars, without benefit.
You have seen videos of people trying to climb it. What you haven't seen is people getting over it when the border patrol has it under surveillance.
Your build a better mousetrap and it will solve your problem is flawed in this case.
Wrong. You're opposed to the wall precisely because you know it will work.

Who do you think you're fooling?
It's true that given unlimited time and unlimited resources that every wall can be breached. The question here is whether the people the border wall is designed to stop can breach it. We already have abundant empirical evidence that shows is can't be breached.

All you do is prove that your an imbecile and an open-borders douchebag who doesn't care about the facts.

Bull. I have seen videos of it being climbed, right now the wall is in more highly populated areas near crossing zones. Where it is out from populated areas it will pose little barrier if someone want to climb, breach or tunnel to come under. You are wasting MY tax dollars, without benefit.

There are many places that even if the "wall" was built there will be no wall. Even at that it will always be easier to simply come by boat.
We've seen all these lies already.
I read knopp's post you are calling a lie. It is no lie. You are uselessly venting as usual.
Of course it's a lie. Open borders douchebags have told that lie 10,000 times.
You are so like your little avatar. Scream little guy. It will not make it true, but maybe you will feel better. Go see your significant other and have him give you a hug.
Bull. I have seen videos of it being climbed, right now the wall is in more highly populated areas near crossing zones. Where it is out from populated areas it will pose little barrier if someone want to climb, breach or tunnel to come under. You are wasting MY tax dollars, without benefit.

There are many places that even if the "wall" was built there will be no wall. Even at that it will always be easier to simply come by boat.
We've seen all these lies already.
I read knopp's post you are calling a lie. It is no lie. You are uselessly venting as usual.
Of course it's a lie. Open borders douchebags have told that lie 10,000 times.
You are so like your little avatar. Scream little guy. It will not make it true, but maybe you will feel better. Go see your significant other and have him give you a hug.
The facts make it true, shit for brains. I just posted them. Walls work.
Only because you are too big an idiot to learn. Never saw a wall or physical barrier I could not breach. You should have served. Then you would know instead of just being a conceited know-nothing mouth piece for your know-nothing party. Maybe that is what they will change their name to, after you guys completely ruin the Republican party, if you haven't totally ruined it already.
It's true that given unlimited time and unlimited resources that every wall can be breached. The question here is whether the people the border wall is designed to stop can breach it. We already have abundant empirical evidence that shows is can't be breached.

All you do is prove that your an imbecile and an open-borders douchebag who doesn't care about the facts.

Bull. I have seen videos of it being climbed, right now the wall is in more highly populated areas near crossing zones. Where it is out from populated areas it will pose little barrier if someone want to climb, breach or tunnel to come under. You are wasting MY tax dollars, without benefit.
You have seen videos of people trying to climb it. What you haven't seen is people getting over it when the border patrol has it under surveillance.
Your build a better mousetrap and it will solve your problem is flawed in this case.
Wrong. You're opposed to the wall precisely because you know it will work.

Who do you think you're fooling?
You were fooled when you did not learn the lesson of walls from Russia, China or even Jericho. They fail to protect for a variety of reasons.
The TDS morons in here claim that none of the Dims running for office are in favor of open borders. Why would you tear down the wall unless you want to make it easier for illegals to enter the United States? How can you claim you support controlling immigration if you want to destroy the means of doing it?

One thing is certain: Bernie just destroyed any chance he may have had of getting elected.

  • Wow, this is quite a contrast. The number one policy initiative that helped President Trump win election in 2016 was his promise to build a southern border wall. Several hundred miles of the new border security barrier have been completed with several hundred more in various stages of construction. During the VICE News Brown & Black Democrat Presidential Forum today, 2020 candidate Bernie Sanders said he would “look at” tearing it all down.
Saw the video. Looked rather non-committal to me. He, referred to the cost of tear down, saying it would be considered if the money to do that couldn't be better spent on child care or something else. Your just trying to shock the straights, appease and entertain the radical right haters. He is not my favorite, but your little post is ineffective. Probably better if you had linked to some dumb right-wing article attacking him for it, but not actually showing the video, with the true context. Either you have never studied history or you already know walls do not stop people except temporarily under military attack. Patton correctly noted that fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man. You seem foolish and bitter. Better policy is the only answer, along with working with originating and pass-through countries. This would have to be re-enforced on our side by sending businessmen and business owners to jail for hiring illegal aliens, not just slap on the wrist fines. Neither party has been willing to do this. meaning the problems being cause by cross boarder migrations only warrant expensive false fixes and rhetoric to rouse the base, while conducting business as usual. The wall promised by Drump, that Mexico will never pay for, is just a political stunt to con the stupid. Thanks for playing the same old stupid game.
You're an idiot. I have studied history, and current events. They show that walls work. The Israeli wall reduced illegal crossings to zero, and the wall in Hungary reduced illegal crossings by 99%.

You're pumping out the same old open-borders horseshit I've seen 1000 times.
Only because you are too big an idiot to learn. Never saw a wall or physical barrier I could not breach. You should have served. Then you would know instead of just being a conceited know-nothing mouth piece for your know-nothing party. Maybe that is what they will change their name to, after you guys completely ruin the Republican party, if you haven't totally ruined it already.
It's true that given unlimited time and unlimited resources that every wall can be breached. The question here is whether the people the border wall is designed to stop can breach it. We already have abundant empirical evidence that shows is can't be breached.

All you do is prove that your an imbecile and an open-borders douchebag who doesn't care about the facts.

Bull. I have seen videos of it being climbed, right now the wall is in more highly populated areas near crossing zones. Where it is out from populated areas it will pose little barrier if someone want to climb, breach or tunnel to come under. You are wasting MY tax dollars, without benefit.

Please explain: how is it that a wall or fence has worked everywhere in the world, but it can't work in the USA? After all, where newer walls exist, they work fine here too.
It's true that given unlimited time and unlimited resources that every wall can be breached. The question here is whether the people the border wall is designed to stop can breach it. We already have abundant empirical evidence that shows is can't be breached.

All you do is prove that your an imbecile and an open-borders douchebag who doesn't care about the facts.

Bull. I have seen videos of it being climbed, right now the wall is in more highly populated areas near crossing zones. Where it is out from populated areas it will pose little barrier if someone want to climb, breach or tunnel to come under. You are wasting MY tax dollars, without benefit.
You have seen videos of people trying to climb it. What you haven't seen is people getting over it when the border patrol has it under surveillance.
Your build a better mousetrap and it will solve your problem is flawed in this case.
Wrong. You're opposed to the wall precisely because you know it will work.

Who do you think you're fooling?
You were fooled when you did not learn the lesson of walls from Russia, China or even Jericho. They fail to protect for a variety of reasons.
The Great Wall of China kept the Mongol hoards out of the country for hundreds of years, and they kept rebuilding and extending it for 1500 years.

It seems the Chinese believed they worked.

What is your evidence that the walls of Jericho didn't work, the Bible?
Saw the video. Looked rather non-committal to me. He, referred to the cost of tear down, saying it would be considered if the money to do that couldn't be better spent on child care or something else. Your just trying to shock the straights, appease and entertain the radical right haters. He is not my favorite, but your little post is ineffective. Probably better if you had linked to some dumb right-wing article attacking him for it, but not actually showing the video, with the true context. Either you have never studied history or you already know walls do not stop people except temporarily under military attack. Patton correctly noted that fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man. You seem foolish and bitter. Better policy is the only answer, along with working with originating and pass-through countries. This would have to be re-enforced on our side by sending businessmen and business owners to jail for hiring illegal aliens, not just slap on the wrist fines. Neither party has been willing to do this. meaning the problems being cause by cross boarder migrations only warrant expensive false fixes and rhetoric to rouse the base, while conducting business as usual. The wall promised by Drump, that Mexico will never pay for, is just a political stunt to con the stupid. Thanks for playing the same old stupid game.
You're an idiot. I have studied history, and current events. They show that walls work. The Israeli wall reduced illegal crossings to zero, and the wall in Hungary reduced illegal crossings by 99%.

You're pumping out the same old open-borders horseshit I've seen 1000 times.
Only because you are too big an idiot to learn. Never saw a wall or physical barrier I could not breach. You should have served. Then you would know instead of just being a conceited know-nothing mouth piece for your know-nothing party. Maybe that is what they will change their name to, after you guys completely ruin the Republican party, if you haven't totally ruined it already.
It's true that given unlimited time and unlimited resources that every wall can be breached. The question here is whether the people the border wall is designed to stop can breach it. We already have abundant empirical evidence that shows is can't be breached.

All you do is prove that your an imbecile and an open-borders douchebag who doesn't care about the facts.

Bull. I have seen videos of it being climbed, right now the wall is in more highly populated areas near crossing zones. Where it is out from populated areas it will pose little barrier if someone want to climb, breach or tunnel to come under. You are wasting MY tax dollars, without benefit.

Please explain: how is it that a wall or fence has worked everywhere in the world, but it can't work in the USA? After all, where newer walls exist, they work fine here too.
The leftwing definition of "not working" is when one person manages to cross even though before it was built, 500,000 people crossed.

That is how stupid these nutters are.
They could start today if leftwing judges didn't try to interfere in everything Trump does, and if Congress would reform our immigration laws so we don't have to set them free inside the country.

An employer has to be busted before the courts can do anything. Excuses, excuses, excuses for Trump's inaction.

Employers have been busted in the past. Courts did not get in the way.

In a lot of cases the courts can't do anything because intent has to be proven first.

Intent can not be proven when no one is arrested.

Largest US immigration raids in a decade net 680 arrests

Immigration raids target hundreds in 'sanctuary' cities

ICE raids 7-Eleven stores nationwide in crackdown officials call 'a harbinger of what’s to come'

US agents arrest more than 200 undocumented immigrants, target 122 businesses in California sweep

ICE Raids Texas Technology Company, Arrests 280 Over Immigration Violations

Immigrants are not the problem. Those who hire them are.

And Trump is working on both problems.
Saw the video. Looked rather non-committal to me. He, referred to the cost of tear down, saying it would be considered if the money to do that couldn't be better spent on child care or something else. Your just trying to shock the straights, appease and entertain the radical right haters. He is not my favorite, but your little post is ineffective. Probably better if you had linked to some dumb right-wing article attacking him for it, but not actually showing the video, with the true context. Either you have never studied history or you already know walls do not stop people except temporarily under military attack. Patton correctly noted that fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man. You seem foolish and bitter. Better policy is the only answer, along with working with originating and pass-through countries. This would have to be re-enforced on our side by sending businessmen and business owners to jail for hiring illegal aliens, not just slap on the wrist fines. Neither party has been willing to do this. meaning the problems being cause by cross boarder migrations only warrant expensive false fixes and rhetoric to rouse the base, while conducting business as usual. The wall promised by Drump, that Mexico will never pay for, is just a political stunt to con the stupid. Thanks for playing the same old stupid game.
You're an idiot. I have studied history, and current events. They show that walls work. The Israeli wall reduced illegal crossings to zero, and the wall in Hungary reduced illegal crossings by 99%.

You're pumping out the same old open-borders horseshit I've seen 1000 times.
Only because you are too big an idiot to learn. Never saw a wall or physical barrier I could not breach. You should have served. Then you would know instead of just being a conceited know-nothing mouth piece for your know-nothing party. Maybe that is what they will change their name to, after you guys completely ruin the Republican party, if you haven't totally ruined it already.
It's true that given unlimited time and unlimited resources that every wall can be breached. The question here is whether the people the border wall is designed to stop can breach it. We already have abundant empirical evidence that shows is can't be breached.

All you do is prove that your an imbecile and an open-borders douchebag who doesn't care about the facts.

Bull. I have seen videos of it being climbed, right now the wall is in more highly populated areas near crossing zones. Where it is out from populated areas it will pose little barrier if someone want to climb, breach or tunnel to come under. You are wasting MY tax dollars, without benefit.

Please explain: how is it that a wall or fence has worked everywhere in the world, but it can't work in the USA? After all, where newer walls exist, they work fine here too.
No they don't. Didn't you take classes on breaching obstruction?
You're an idiot. I have studied history, and current events. They show that walls work. The Israeli wall reduced illegal crossings to zero, and the wall in Hungary reduced illegal crossings by 99%.

You're pumping out the same old open-borders horseshit I've seen 1000 times.
Only because you are too big an idiot to learn. Never saw a wall or physical barrier I could not breach. You should have served. Then you would know instead of just being a conceited know-nothing mouth piece for your know-nothing party. Maybe that is what they will change their name to, after you guys completely ruin the Republican party, if you haven't totally ruined it already.
It's true that given unlimited time and unlimited resources that every wall can be breached. The question here is whether the people the border wall is designed to stop can breach it. We already have abundant empirical evidence that shows is can't be breached.

All you do is prove that your an imbecile and an open-borders douchebag who doesn't care about the facts.

Bull. I have seen videos of it being climbed, right now the wall is in more highly populated areas near crossing zones. Where it is out from populated areas it will pose little barrier if someone want to climb, breach or tunnel to come under. You are wasting MY tax dollars, without benefit.

Please explain: how is it that a wall or fence has worked everywhere in the world, but it can't work in the USA? After all, where newer walls exist, they work fine here too.
The leftwing definition of "not working" is when one person manages to cross even though before it was built, 500,000 people crossed.

That is how stupid these nutters are.

Of course some people will get through. but most won't have the physical capabilities, fear of height, or even the guts to try. What's more appealing to do, try to climb up and get over a wall, or just walk over a line in the sand?

Even those that make the attempt, it will take them some time to breach the wall, making it more likely technology or border patrol will stop them before or not long after their success.
You're an idiot. I have studied history, and current events. They show that walls work. The Israeli wall reduced illegal crossings to zero, and the wall in Hungary reduced illegal crossings by 99%.

You're pumping out the same old open-borders horseshit I've seen 1000 times.
Only because you are too big an idiot to learn. Never saw a wall or physical barrier I could not breach. You should have served. Then you would know instead of just being a conceited know-nothing mouth piece for your know-nothing party. Maybe that is what they will change their name to, after you guys completely ruin the Republican party, if you haven't totally ruined it already.
It's true that given unlimited time and unlimited resources that every wall can be breached. The question here is whether the people the border wall is designed to stop can breach it. We already have abundant empirical evidence that shows is can't be breached.

All you do is prove that your an imbecile and an open-borders douchebag who doesn't care about the facts.

Bull. I have seen videos of it being climbed, right now the wall is in more highly populated areas near crossing zones. Where it is out from populated areas it will pose little barrier if someone want to climb, breach or tunnel to come under. You are wasting MY tax dollars, without benefit.

Please explain: how is it that a wall or fence has worked everywhere in the world, but it can't work in the USA? After all, where newer walls exist, they work fine here too.
No they don't. Didn't you take classes on breaching obstruction?

Hungary credits razor wire border fence for almost 100 percent drop in illegal migration

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere
Bull. I have seen videos of it being climbed, right now the wall is in more highly populated areas near crossing zones. Where it is out from populated areas it will pose little barrier if someone want to climb, breach or tunnel to come under. You are wasting MY tax dollars, without benefit.
You have seen videos of people trying to climb it. What you haven't seen is people getting over it when the border patrol has it under surveillance.
Your build a better mousetrap and it will solve your problem is flawed in this case.
Wrong. You're opposed to the wall precisely because you know it will work.

Who do you think you're fooling?
You were fooled when you did not learn the lesson of walls from Russia, China or even Jericho. They fail to protect for a variety of reasons.
The Great Wall of China kept the Mongol hoards out of the country for hundreds of years, and they kept rebuilding and extending it for 1500 years.

It seems the Chinese believed they worked.

What is your evidence that the walls of Jericho didn't work, the Bible?
What is the most invaded country in history?
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36 Answers

Kang-Lin Cheng
, studied at University of California, Irvine (2012)
Answered May 6, 2018 · Author has 782 answers and 5.4m answer views
The big country of China.


Now most people go around or fly over, but any wall can be breached. It is not a cost effective solution.

Immigrants are not the problem. Those who hire them are.

And Trump is working on both problems.

No he isn't. He is only mouthing.
You're an idiot. I have studied history, and current events. They show that walls work. The Israeli wall reduced illegal crossings to zero, and the wall in Hungary reduced illegal crossings by 99%.

You're pumping out the same old open-borders horseshit I've seen 1000 times.
Only because you are too big an idiot to learn. Never saw a wall or physical barrier I could not breach. You should have served. Then you would know instead of just being a conceited know-nothing mouth piece for your know-nothing party. Maybe that is what they will change their name to, after you guys completely ruin the Republican party, if you haven't totally ruined it already.
It's true that given unlimited time and unlimited resources that every wall can be breached. The question here is whether the people the border wall is designed to stop can breach it. We already have abundant empirical evidence that shows is can't be breached.

All you do is prove that your an imbecile and an open-borders douchebag who doesn't care about the facts.

Bull. I have seen videos of it being climbed, right now the wall is in more highly populated areas near crossing zones. Where it is out from populated areas it will pose little barrier if someone want to climb, breach or tunnel to come under. You are wasting MY tax dollars, without benefit.

Please explain: how is it that a wall or fence has worked everywhere in the world, but it can't work in the USA? After all, where newer walls exist, they work fine here too.
The leftwing definition of "not working" is when one person manages to cross even though before it was built, 500,000 people crossed.

That is how stupid these nutters are.
Your definition of successful is the number of people that go around or have to climb? No substitute for better regulation or meaningfully punishing employers for hiring illegals and you know it.

A 70% reduction in border crossings is more than mouthing. Trump is taking action and coming up with plans. The only thing that's been holding him back are the Democrats in the House, and what they can't stop, their commie judges can.

A 70% reduction in border crossings is more than mouthing. Trump is taking action and coming up with plans. The only thing that's been holding him back are the Democrats in the House, and what they can't stop, their commie judges can.

Border crossings went way up and then went back to normal. That is not a reduction.
You have seen videos of people trying to climb it. What you haven't seen is people getting over it when the border patrol has it under surveillance.
Your build a better mousetrap and it will solve your problem is flawed in this case.
Wrong. You're opposed to the wall precisely because you know it will work.

Who do you think you're fooling?
You were fooled when you did not learn the lesson of walls from Russia, China or even Jericho. They fail to protect for a variety of reasons.
The Great Wall of China kept the Mongol hoards out of the country for hundreds of years, and they kept rebuilding and extending it for 1500 years.

It seems the Chinese believed they worked.

What is your evidence that the walls of Jericho didn't work, the Bible?
What is the most invaded country in history?
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Have you ever googled yourself? Do a "deep search" instead.
This new search engine reveals so much more. Type in your name, wait 8 seconds, brace yourself.
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36 Answers

Kang-Lin Cheng
, studied at University of California, Irvine (2012)
Answered May 6, 2018 · Author has 782 answers and 5.4m answer views
The big country of China.


Now most people go around or fly over, but any wall can be breached. It is not a cost effective solution.
The Great Wall of China would obviously be too expensive to build today. The Israeli wall is much more economical, and it's 100% effective.

How is the quantity "most invaded" measured?

A 70% reduction in border crossings is more than mouthing. Trump is taking action and coming up with plans. The only thing that's been holding him back are the Democrats in the House, and what they can't stop, their commie judges can.

Border crossings went way up and then went back to normal. That is not a reduction.
They went up because of bullshit rulings by Obama judges.

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