Bernie Sanders has my vote. He must win.

So now we are beginning to get some kind of form to Bernie Sanders' platform, thanks to Disir.

A summary of what we have up to this point:

A pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants.

Break up Too Big To Fail banks.

Free higher education.

Seizure of wealth from upper 1 percent through special taxes.

End a "variety of loopholes and deductions" in the tax code which benefit the wealthy.

Lift the cap on the payroll tax.

Increase COLA for Social Security.

A "significant" increase in funding to rebuild crumbling bridges, roads, airports and water systems.

Raise the federal minimum wage.

Free daycare.

Free mass transit.
Now of course a lot of you cons oppose Sanders simply because he is a socialist democrat. But very few of you even know what issues he actually stands for.

He is taking on income inequality, Citizens United, and climate change. Three of the most pressing issues this country is currently facing. You know, the things republicans will NEVER try to fix.

Watch this video and become informed on actual, honest to god facts and statistics that support what he stands for.

How many facts are presented by Bernie in this video?

Sen. Bernie Sanders Says U.S. Should Look More Like Scandinavia Watch the video - Yahoo News
He doesn't stand a chance against the Clinton machine and the women who are voting with their vaginas lol

I Am Voting With My Vagina Hillary Clinton For President Dame Magazine
Now of course a lot of you cons oppose Sanders simply because he is a socialist democrat. But very few of you even know what issues he actually stands for.

He is taking on income inequality, Citizens United, and climate change. Three of the most pressing issues this country is currently facing. You know, the things republicans will NEVER try to fix.

Watch this video and become informed on actual, honest to god facts and statistics that support what he stands for.

How many facts are presented by Bernie in this video?

Sen. Bernie Sanders Says U.S. Should Look More Like Scandinavia Watch the video - Yahoo News

The reason Republicans won't try to fix income inequality and Citizens United is that people right of center don't generally consider those problems.

Citizens United makes influence at election time accessible to average citizens. People who, as individuals, don't have enough money to make themselves heard, can band together with other like minded citizens, incorporate, and combine their funds into something large enough to buy ad time. You lefties have formed such a negative connotation with the term, "corporation", and you are willing to blindly condemn them even if it means restricting political influence to wealthy individuals. Other than "corporations are evil!", I've yet to hear a coherent argument against Citizens United by someone who actually understands what the case was about. Keep at it, though. If you just declare it a problem that Republicans aren't willing to "fix", that makes your philosophical rivals look dumb and marginalizes their argument. That way, you don't have to respond rationally, just dismiss. How convenient.

As far as income inequality, I hate to break it to you, but different levels of competence combined with different levels of drive equal different levels of success. There's nothing fair about everyone getting the same outcome from life because everyone doesn't apply the same input to life, that simple. There's nothing fair about forcing the productive to give the fruits of their labor to the unproductive until everyone has the same, and the fact that your morals demand it doesn't give you the right to decide what should be done with the productivity of others.
So now we are beginning to get some kind of form to Bernie Sanders' platform, thanks to Disir.

A summary of what we have up to this point:

A pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants.

Break up Too Big To Fail banks.

Free higher education.

Seizure of wealth from upper 1 percent through special taxes.

End a "variety of loopholes and deductions" in the tax code which benefit the wealthy.

Lift the cap on the payroll tax.

Increase COLA for Social Security.

A "significant" increase in funding to rebuild crumbling bridges, roads, airports and water systems.

Raise the federal minimum wage.

Free daycare.

Free mass transit.

Free everything and thievery by the government.

Only an idiot would think that would work.

But yet the people that will vote for Sanders would have voted for Obama, who gave massive bailouts to the banks to cover the losses caused by the CRA, which was started by the Democrats.

Liberals are very selective about bailouts. They loved Obama bailing out the filthy ass greedy UAW with the GM and Chrysler bailouts but complain about Wall Street.

If anybody is really serious about this then will join me to advocate stopping all government transfers to include welfare, bailouts, subsidies and entitlements.
So now we are beginning to get some kind of form to Bernie Sanders' platform, thanks to Disir.

A summary of what we have up to this point:

A pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants.

Break up Too Big To Fail banks.

Free higher education.

Seizure of wealth from upper 1 percent through special taxes.

End a "variety of loopholes and deductions" in the tax code which benefit the wealthy.

Lift the cap on the payroll tax.

Increase COLA for Social Security.

A "significant" increase in funding to rebuild crumbling bridges, roads, airports and water systems.

Raise the federal minimum wage.

Free daycare.

Free mass transit.

Free everything and thievery by the government.

Only an idiot would think that would work.

Yeah, gotta love lefties' repetitive use of the term "free".

Free healthcare. Oh? You found doctors willing to volunteer their time and pharmaceutical makers to donate their medicine free of charge? No? Oh, right, when you say free what you mean is you'll use the threat of prosecution to force someone else to pay for it.

Free mass transit? Are the busses running on good intentions? Do they drive themselves? No? Ah, you said free but what you actually meant is that you'll use the threat of prosecution to force someone else to pay the bus fare.

Free daycare? Have you found babysitters and child care professionals who are going to volunteer their time at facilities donated by philanthropists to the cause of ensuring everybody gets free time away from their toddlers? No? Ah, right, you meant using the force of government to coerce someone else into paying for that child care.

You guys are so generous to demand that everyone else pay for your moral vision of utopia to come to fruition. The tenacious selflessness you display in attempting to subjugate everyone to your personal values with the weight of society is a credit to mankind. What could possibly be more tolerant than forcing everyone to abide by your superior code of right and wrong? What could be more open minded? Nothing, I say!

Holy shit, the fact that you dems still have the audacity to call yourselves liberal is a fucking travesty.
NORTH CONWAY - Newly minted Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont was preaching to the choir on Saturday, telling members of the New Hampshire AFL-CIO that the trade-union movement is critical to halting the 40-year decline of the American middle class.

An Independent who caucuses with Democrats, the Green Mountain State's junior senator currently has one declared challenger - Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state and senator from New York, although both Sanders and Clinton may have lots of company by the time New Hampshire's first-in-the nation presidential primary rolls around in February.

Addressing the convention of the New Hampshire AFL-CIO at the White Mountain Hotel and Resort, Sanders spoke about several issues facing the country, but he focused on what he said was the immoral and unsustainable wealth inequality between America's "top one percent" and the rest of the country.

That uppermost echelon of Americans, the Koch brothers prominent among them, is driving a national Republican agenda of slashing budgets and benefits that will have a negative effect on millions of American, Sanders said, while promoting even more tax cuts for the wealthy.

Sanders told the audience of about 150 people that he had two major trepidations in running for the Democratic nomination: that he be might not be able to rally the many disenchanted voters who didn't bother going to the polls in the 2014 mid-term elections; and withstanding the force of the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, which he said lets billionaires "buy elections."

If elected President, Sanders said he'd work for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, adding that he'd also want to do the opposite of what the current Republican-controlled House and Senate want to do.

Sanders said Congress wants to cut Social Security, Pell educational grants and food programs but he would increase spending on all three, saying he could also see offering free educations at public colleges and universities. He said the cost of the education program - $70 billion a year - could be covered if American companies that now "stash" their earnings abroad paid the $100 billion in taxes due on it annually.

Saying health care is a right, Sanders would expand Medicare and transform it into a universal, single-payer system. Sanders supports income equality for women; a livable wage; "major" infrastructure improvements; a major federal jobs program; and efforts to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy sources to address climate change.
Sanders in NH visit talks income inequality New Hampshire
Sen. Bernie Sanders this weekend is stepping up a campaign to defeat a job-killing, 12-nation trade deal.

“Look at whose side multinational corporations are on this. How do the drug companies feel about this? How does Wall Street feel about it? All of the multinationals believe this is a great agreement, for good reasons. They're going to make a whole lot of money out of that,” Sanders said on MSNBC.

Any presidential candidate, Sanders added, should “make it clear that the Trans-Pacific Partnership should be rejected and we must develop trade policies that benefit working families, not just Wall Street and multi-national corporations.” Sanders said. “It is very disappointing that President Barack Obama is on the wrong side of this and that Hillary Clinton has not spoken out strongly in defense of working people on this issue,” Sanders told Ed Schultz.

At a rally near the Capitol earlier in the week, union leaders and environmentalists demonstrated heir opposition to the trade deal. Sanders and other critics said claims used to sell past trade agreements were wrong. “They told us NAFTA was going to create hundreds of thousands of new jobs. NAFTA cost us jobs,” Sanders said in the report on NPR’s “All Things Considered.”
Trade Deal Must be Defeated - Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont

But yet the people that will vote for Sanders would have voted for Obama, who gave massive bailouts to the banks to cover the losses caused by the CRA, which was started by the Democrats.

Liberals are very selective about bailouts. They loved Obama bailing out the filthy ass greedy UAW with the GM and Chrysler bailouts but complain about Wall Street.

If anybody is really serious about this then will join me to advocate stopping all government transfers to include welfare, bailouts, subsidies and entitlements.

Actually, if Obama gave a damn about the UAW then he wouldn't have put in Steve Rattner-which he did to fuck the union. Try again.
The rich get richer the worse the economy is, because they can, and the further left we go the worse it gets. So the libtards think the answer is more of the same and creating a business friendly atmosphere is bad for the economy? That's why no liberal should be in office, anywhere.

But I'm glad the socialist is running and hope him and Hillary drag each other through the mud.
So now we are beginning to get some kind of form to Bernie Sanders' platform, thanks to Disir.

A summary of what we have up to this point:

A pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants.

Break up Too Big To Fail banks.

Free higher education.

Seizure of wealth from upper 1 percent through special taxes.

End a "variety of loopholes and deductions" in the tax code which benefit the wealthy.

Lift the cap on the payroll tax.

Increase COLA for Social Security.

A "significant" increase in funding to rebuild crumbling bridges, roads, airports and water systems.

Raise the federal minimum wage.

Free daycare.

Free mass transit.

Free everything and thievery by the government.

Only an idiot would think that would work.

Yeah, gotta love lefties' repetitive use of the term "free".

Free healthcare. Oh? You found doctors willing to volunteer their time and pharmaceutical makers to donate their medicine free of charge? No? Oh, right, when you say free what you mean is you'll use the threat of prosecution to force someone else to pay for it.

Free mass transit? Are the busses running on good intentions? Do they drive themselves? No? Ah, you said free but what you actually meant is that you'll use the threat of prosecution to force someone else to pay the bus fare.

Free daycare? Have you found babysitters and child care professionals who are going to volunteer their time at facilities donated by philanthropists to the cause of ensuring everybody gets free time away from their toddlers? No? Ah, right, you meant using the force of government to coerce someone else into paying for that child care.

You guys are so generous to demand that everyone else pay for your moral vision of utopia to come to fruition. The tenacious selflessness you display in attempting to subjugate everyone to your personal values with the weight of society is a credit to mankind. What could possibly be more tolerant than forcing everyone to abide by your superior code of right and wrong? What could be more open minded? Nothing, I say!

Holy shit, the fact that you dems still have the audacity to call yourselves liberal is a fucking travesty.

I think you misunderstood my statement there Sport.

I was condemning the Bernie Sanders idea that everything should be free.

I have never voted for a Democrat in my life and I have quit the Republican Party because they are just as big government as the Democrats.

You are lecturing the wrong guy.

But yet the people that will vote for Sanders would have voted for Obama, who gave massive bailouts to the banks to cover the losses caused by the CRA, which was started by the Democrats.

Liberals are very selective about bailouts. They loved Obama bailing out the filthy ass greedy UAW with the GM and Chrysler bailouts but complain about Wall Street.

If anybody is really serious about this then will join me to advocate stopping all government transfers to include welfare, bailouts, subsidies and entitlements.

Actually, if Obama gave a damn about the UAW then he wouldn't have put in Steve Rattner-which he did to fuck the union. Try again.

I think stealing money from the bondholders and using tax payer's money to cover the bloated UAW pension pretty well established Obama's position to kiss the ass of the filthy unions on the GM bailout.

It was a pretty sweet deal. The Unions gave Obama a billion dollars and he returned the favor about 20 fold.

I didn't see any of these Moon Bats that complain about Wall Street bailouts say a word about Obama doing it or bailing out GM and Chrysler.

Typical Libtard hypocrisy.

But yet the people that will vote for Sanders would have voted for Obama, who gave massive bailouts to the banks to cover the losses caused by the CRA, which was started by the Democrats.

Liberals are very selective about bailouts. They loved Obama bailing out the filthy ass greedy UAW with the GM and Chrysler bailouts but complain about Wall Street.

If anybody is really serious about this then will join me to advocate stopping all government transfers to include welfare, bailouts, subsidies and entitlements.

Actually, if Obama gave a damn about the UAW then he wouldn't have put in Steve Rattner-which he did to fuck the union. Try again.

I think stealing money from the bondholders and using tax payer's money to cover the bloated UAW pension pretty well established Obama's position to kiss the ass of the filthy unions on the GM bailout.

It was a pretty sweet deal. The Unions gave Obama a billion dollars and he returned the favor about 20 fold.

I didn't see any of these Moon Bats that complain about Wall Street bailouts say a word about Obama doing it or bailing out GM and Chrysler.

Typical Libtard hypocrisy.

Auto bailouts seemed to have worked.

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