Bernie op-ed: We must do everything possible to avoid an enormously destructive war in Ukraine

Does no one remember when the Ukraine had so many nukes they were the 3rd largest nuclear power on the planet?

And they gave them all up in exchange for promises of protection? We, among other nations, promised to aid them if they were attacked or invaded. The way were are avoiding the promises we made to them, you'd think they were Native Americans.

The sooner the rest of the world learns to not believe our promises the better off they will be.
Are you sure? What was his platform again?
Oh, yeah:
1. Medicare for all.
2. Green New Deal.
3. $15.00 minimum universal minimum wage by order of the Federal Government.
4. Cut military and raise taxes to feed his programs.
5. Free Tuition.
6. On Criminal Justice, he favored ending cash bail, unfair to people that cannot afford it.
He was for abolishing private prisons. I could get behind that.
7. In foreign policy, End America's involvement in the Saudi war against Yemen. I say amen to that.
Broadly, he ran as anti-war, anti-imperialist, Anti-colonial, and anti-fascist.
If true, I could support that foreign policy as long as applied with some reason, evaluation of
reality on the ground around the world.
But, basically, he ran as a card carrying socialist favoring socialism for all.

We already have Medicare/Medicaid for many. We already have environmental laws. We already have a minimum wage. Yes. he wants to actually pay for his programs. You, not so much. We already have tuition provided up to 12th grade.

The things you disagree with we already do.

We also bail out failed businesses with taxpayer money. We force anyone that wants to trade to get the governments permission.

What exactly do you think this country is to start with?
We already have Medicare/Medicaid for many. We already have environmental laws. We already have a minimum wage. Yes. he wants to actually pay for his programs. You, not so much. We already have tuition provided up to 12th grade.

The things you disagree with we already do.

We also bail out failed businesses with taxpayer money. We force anyone that wants to trade to get the governments permission.

What exactly do you think this country is to start with?
It is a country grounded in capitalism and the value of individual efforts, where the people are entitled to keep, and own, and invest individually in their own future, first. While there is no denying we have social programs, that are indeed socialist/collective in nature, it is not the basic direction of our form of government or the will of the majority of individual earners and producers in this country. For example, I funded my higher education by my efforts and work. I chose to fund the education of my children, including higher education at my expense. I am in no way obligated to fund you or your children's higher education. I do not believe in a free ride, on the public dole at my expense.
where are the anti-war protests? an op-ed won't do the trick

The world fucked up.

Good for Bernie.

Adam Shithead said we cant do sanction before war because then we couldnt do them AFTER the invasion. :rolleyes:

Just retarded.
It is a country grounded in capitalism and the value of individual efforts, where the people are entitled to keep, and own, and invest individually in their own future, first.

With the governments permission and permits.

While there is no denying we have social programs, that are indeed socialist/collective in nature, it is not the basic direction of our form of government or the will of the majority of individual earners and producers in this country. For example, I funded my higher education by my efforts and work. I chose to fund the education of my children, including higher education at my expense. I am in no way obligated to fund you or your children's higher education. I do not believe in a free ride, on the public dole at my expense.

But I have NO option when I do NOT want to fund your (Your in the big picture sense) failed business. And if you are invested in any way, the country as a whole most certainly paid for the education of your kids with the pumping of trillions of dollars into those markets.
With the governments permission and permits.

But I have NO option when I do NOT want to fund your (Your in the big picture sense) failed business. And if you are invested in any way, the country as a whole most certainly paid for the education of your kids with the pumping of trillions of dollars into those markets.
Where is that permits and permissions thing spelled out in the constitution? I forget.
Where is that permits and permissions thing spelled out in the constitution? I forget.

It isn't. Things are spelled out in the Constitution like the 4th Amendment but boy do we cheer when the cops violate it.
While there is no denying we have social programs, that are indeed socialist/collective in nature, it is not the basic direction of our form of government or the will of the majority of individual earners and producers in this country.
The basic direction of our form of government being run by a bunch of corporate stooges. Corporate rather than individualistic capitalism. And who comprises this minority of non-individual earners and producers in this country who apparently have and deserve no say? Young children, the retired, fired, laid-off, underemployed, disabled, mentally ill,..?
The basic direction of our form of government being run by a bunch of corporate stooges. Corporate rather than individualistic capitalism. And who comprises this minority of non-individual earners and producers in this country who apparently have and deserve no say? Young children, the retired, fired, laid-off, underemployed, disabled, mentally ill,..?

We are a country of "corporations". Not of free market ideas. Not of Capitalism, but of corporatism.
The sooner the rest of the world learns to not believe our promises the better off they will be.
Americans aren’t informed of their government’s failed promises. So, they aren't informed. They do know all about other nations that have reneged on promises, but only if those reneged promises harm the oligarchy.

For example, few Americans know their government promised Russia they wouldn’t expand NATO one inch eastward, after the fall of the USSR.

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