Being The Devil Refused Ariel Castro.Anyone Want To Speculate Where He Went? Detroit?

Feb 1, 2013
Naples,Marco Area

As we all know by now, Castro committed suicide in jail "Assuming He Would Go To Heaven". Well, 98.9% Chance, God and Saint Pete told him to "Go To Hell".
Then Castro was sent to Hell !!!
When he approached the door, Beallzibub answered and was very adamant that he would not accept anyone that was "Worse Than The Devil".
So where did his soul go? South Chicago? Detroit? The East River? Los Angeles?
Anyone want to guess?
A Chick-Fil-A in downtown San Francisco.

< snicker >


Far more judgmentally...

From a karma perspective...

Maybe he's being reincarnated as we speak...

As a future kidnapping victim who will, at a key moment, be programmed to remember what he did in his previous life, and despair, and live in terror for some time, before being freed...

And then go insane over that memory from his previous life, and spend the rest of his (next set of) days drooling, in a padded cell, vaguely aware of his present condition, and keenly aware of his past sins, and the terror he inflicted while committing them.

Now that would be Justice.
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I know, I know....


He joined the club with the other devils.
When satan refused him, God turned him into a puppet and placed him eternally in the It's a Small World Ride. As close to hell as he could get I guess.:FIREdevil:

[ame=]it's a small world ride-through at the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World - YouTube[/ame]
This is a tough choice for Castro, to spend eternity with either John Kerry, Chris Matthews,Oprah,World's Most Interesting(more like Annoying)Man, Ed Schultz or even Moochelle is a tough decision. I am actually leaning more to being glued to Moochelle for a million years as a fate worse than hell.
This is a tough choice for Castro, to spend eternity with either John Kerry, Chris Matthews,Oprah,World's Most Interesting(more like Annoying)Man, Ed Schultz or even Moochelle is a tough decision. I am actually leaning more to being glued to Moochelle for a million years as a fate worse than hell.

How about Rosie O'Donnell? That could actually beat out Moochelle. Or Spend Eternity with "The Women Of The View". Lets face it that would be horrific, especially Whoopie. I shudder to think of such a fate but for Castro,it's well deserved.

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