Beginner's Guide to the New World Order

We don't have a secret government run by conspiracy.

We have an OPENLY CORRUPTED GOVERNMENT which is often actually run by conspiracies.

Make a note of it.
We have an OPENLY CORRUPTED GOVERNMENT... Make a note of it.

"We have been called to witness the most stupendous frauds in all sections of the country - municipalities reduced almost to the verge of ruin by men who have abused the confidence reposed in them. We have seen the Government robbed of large sums of money by delinquent officers who have been serving terms in the penitentiary; we have seen our State Legislatures invaded, and in some instances controlled by enormous bribes to secure elections in the Senate of the United States; we have witnessed the lobbies of this House not unfrequently outraged by persons coming here to influence legislation; and we have seen honorable members of this House approached by the offers of bribes, ingeniously contrived to prevent discovery, so barefaced as to excite the shame and indignation of the whole American people. Public virtue has almost ceased to exist as a controlling power in our republican system, and corruption is now holding its orgies in every section of our beloved country. We may treat these untoward indications with indifference and levity; we may mock people, who are already struck with alarm at the dangers impending over them; but the time has arrived when, if something is not done to check the downward tendency of our public morals and to rescue the Government from the maelstrom into which we have unhappily fallen, we may look in vain for the realization of those cherished visions of grandeur and prosperity which inspired the hopes and nerved the arms of the early founders of this Republic. Mr. Speaker, the existing condition of things cannot be permitted to go on with the sanction and countenance of this House. Our Halls of legislation at least must be kept pure. The people must not be driven, by stubborn indifference to the appeals which are being made to us to lose their confidence in those who have been appointed and sent here to represent them; for when that period arrives we may prepare to encounter a revulsion in public sentiment which will shake the very foundation of this Capitol. To say that this revolution has already commenced is to foreshadow no more than what is taking place from day to day in all parts of the country, the rapid crystallization of an indignant public feeling, the firm and decided tone of the public press, without distinction of party, and the unmistakable indications of a gathering storm which, without prompt and decided action on the part of this House, threatens to break over us with results which no man can foresee. ...there is no antagonism more to be dreaded than that of an outraged and justly excited people striving to maintain the purity of their institutions against fraud and corruption."

This speech, delivered by a congressman in the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, quite adequately describes conditions that exist today. He could have been describing conditions in the Congress during the time of Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of the Treasury, bribing members of the Congress for the passage of the bill for the incorporation of the Bank of U.S. The Congressman could have been describing the machinations of some of the stockholders of the Bank of U.S. while they sought favorable legislation for bills affecting the Bank during its existence. He could also have been describing the Teapot Dome Scandal during the 1920's, or just about any other scandal during just about any period of our history. The congressman was Thomas Swann, Congressional Representative from the State of Maryland. He was addressing the scandal that followed the building of the Transcontinental Railway System in a speech in the House of Representatives on the date 3 March 1873. His remarks followed an investigation in the Congress as a member of the Wilson committee, which was assigned to examine into accusations of fraud and bribery in the Congress of the United States.

I wrote the foregoing in an article around 1990. The more things change, the more they stay the same...
We have an OPENLY CORRUPTED GOVERNMENT... Make a note of it.

I wrote the foregoing in an article around 1990. The more things change, the more they stay the same...

Human nature doesn't change.

Societies change, economic systems change, technology changes, but human nature, the ULTIMATE driver of mankind, hasn't changed.

Every system, however well designed, depends on the honesty and integrity of those who are put in charge of it and everyone who has anything to do with it.

Hence every system sooner or later falls apart probably mostly because to the actions or inactions of the players involved.

You must remember this
A kiss is still is a kiss,
A sigh is still a sigh.
The world will always welcome lovers.
As time goes bye.
as the country faces bankruptcy.. as thousands have died and will continue to die in a war built of lies.. it is interesting.. but sad.. that when the reality of the true perpetrators and their agenda is spoken of it triggers nonsense responses.. about television PROGRAMS and entertainment wrestling placed into your brains from the brainwashing mind numbing and controlling television and the interest that stand behind it ....and all the while...thinking yourself... witty
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no...I however will never cease to find it sad and deeply disturbing...just like this

[ame=]YouTube - Cheney on CFR, Council on Foreign Relations[/ame]
as the country faces bankruptcy.. as thousands have died and will continue to die in a war built of lies.. it is interesting.. but sad.. that when the reality of the true perpetrators and their agenda is spoken of it triggers nonsense responses.. about television PROGRAMS and entertainment wrestling placed into your brains from the brainwashing mind numbing and controlling television and the interest that stand behind it ....and all the while...thinking yourself... witty

Maybe you should take a second look at your avatar...
as the country faces bankruptcy.. As thousands have died and will continue to die in a war built of lies.. It is interesting.. But sad.. That when the reality of the true perpetrators and their agenda is spoken of it triggers nonsense responses.. About television programs and entertainment wrestling placed into your brains from the brainwashing mind numbing and controlling television and the interest that stand behind it ....and all the while...thinking yourself... Witty

maybe you should take a second look at your avatar...

or perhaps you.. Yours ..rather.. Blank...doesnt...speak to me..

Old world order

The rich exploit the worker
The powerful dominate the weak
The Leaders lie to the people
Stupid people believe them

New World Order

The rich exploit the worker
The powerful dominate the weak
The Leaders lie to the people
Stupid people believe them

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