Been Super Busy This Past Weekend and Currently Have A Crazy Life (Info About Halloween Threads As Well)

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Well, I thought that I could possibly have had a job washing tables, but the place I was just looking into is no longer hiring. The good news is though that my fiancée currently might have a possible job opportunity as a dishwasher and that would help us pay the bills and finally save up for our wedding together. Now, let me just explain one thing to you guys who are currently badgering me to get a job.

Let's get thing one straight here, I am not lazy or refusing to work. I am just having super difficulty finding one because I need to have the proper qualifications to do it and being mentally disabled that's a major concern for me. I am also on SSI, and with any job I get I will have money taken away from it. (However, I also recently found out that my insurance is safe.)

So all of you who are currently ridiculing me... (along with asking me constantly why I'm not married yet) knock it off. You don't know the full extent to somebody's situation until you walk a mile in their shoes and since none of you know me in real life that's impossible.

Anyways, the reason that I haven't been keeping up on my Halloween threads as I've had personal issues going on with this just being one of them. For those of you who know I was going to one though, I had a great time at my adult Halloween party this past weekend. I really enjoyed the games there and the dancing was fun. Anyways, I wanted to just give you all an update and it's not like I've given up hope for a job opportunity, but if it's meant to happen it will, if not I should be able to get by on my SSI and my (hopefully) soon to be husband's income. And yes he is real, times are just tough right now is all. That's why it's taking so long.
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