How close are we?


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2014
Look at students all around the U.S. they just witnessed 1300 Israelis chased down and murdered, in some cases, dead mothers and children or entire families burned alive and other unspeakable horrors. Yet when you go to some of these campuses, many of these college and possibly H.S. students seem to have Zero empathy for what those people went through. And not only that, a day or two later they were celebrating hamas, and then protesting Israel.
To some people who havnt been paying attention this probably seems to have happened over night but it hasnt. It's what happens when the Political System inserts itself into the student body and tries to control the outcome. Which is exactly what many of this sicko professors have done.

Where else have we seen this done? was it also something that took that society by surprise? something they thought would and could never happen?

Yep, the CHinese Cultural Revolution. They used the kids and they were the ones the violence came from. Sadly, I can see this happeniong right here once these "children" are filled with rage. be it Palestinian "genocide" , global warming, etc.
Each passing year, these kids seem more and more crazed. We had some video of them denying that any Jews were even killed at all... they are looking for a cause to latch onto and IMO, its this political interference that is a dangerous thing. Its been done before with horrendous results.
If they try to get froggy anywhere outside of blue shit-holes that spawn them they would get the shit beat out of them and they know it.....Why do you think they call the cops before they do that shit?
If they try to get froggy anywhere outside of blue shit-holes that spawn them they would get the shit beat out of them and they know it.....Why do you think they call the cops before they do that shit

Then theres still a lot of time. But if this continues on the High School level, I dont know if we will be recognizable in ten more years
Look at students all around the U.S. they just witnessed 1300 Israelis chased down and murdered, in some cases, dead mothers and children or entire families burned alive and other unspeakable horrors. Yet when you go to some of these campuses, many of these college and possibly H.S. students seem to have Zero empathy for what those people went through. And not only that, a day or two later they were celebrating hamas, and then protesting Israel.
To some people who havnt been paying attention this probably seems to have happened over night but it hasnt. It's what happens when the Political System inserts itself into the student body and tries to control the outcome. Which is exactly what many of this sicko professors have done.

Where else have we seen this done? was it also something that took that society by surprise? something they thought would and could never happen?

Yep, the CHinese Cultural Revolution. They used the kids and they were the ones the violence came from. Sadly, I can see this happeniong right here once these "children" are filled with rage. be it Palestinian "genocide" , global warming, etc.
Each passing year, these kids seem more and more crazed. We had some video of them denying that any Jews were even killed at all... they are looking for a cause to latch onto and IMO, its this political interference that is a dangerous thing. Its been done before with horrendous results.
Same thing happened in Iran in 1979.
The long-term process of international delegitimization of the state of Israel is so real, so blatant that the israeli government and zionist organizations around the world are now spending millions of dollars to fight it.
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Yarddog, some of these students are aware of things Israel has done in the past.

Yarddog, some of these students are aware of things Israel has done in the past.

Your problem is you don't take history into consideration. Also you give the Musselmans too much credit.
Yarddog, some of these students are aware of things Israel has done in the past.

Ahh yeah. Land disputes. And Abbas also walked away from peace negotiations instead of accepting.
The jews never did this.

STill if those students knew those things, it doesnt excuse ANY army to do what they did to unarmed people, simply trying to hide or run away. actually Hamas had to hunt them down for hours. When did Israel ever do that? they always fire on positions where fire has come from first or their intelligence confirms is being used as a military base.
Ahh yeah. Land disputes. And Abbas also walked away from peace negotiations instead of accepting.
The jews never did this.

STill if those students knew those things, it doesnt excuse ANY army to do what they did to unarmed people, simply trying to hide or run away. actually Hamas had to hunt them down for hours. When did Israel ever do that? they always fire on positions where fire has come from first or their intelligence confirms is being used as a military base.

I'm not defending what Hamas did. I'm saying both sides have made mistakes.
Then theres still a lot of time. But if this continues on the High School level, I dont know if we will be recognizable in ten more years
sad and true ... the left has indoctrinated a huge % of the youth into their cult .. in 20 yrs these people will have the say so when it comes to our freedoms and rights ..
Look at students all around the U.S. they just witnessed 1300 Israelis chased down and murdered, in some cases, dead mothers and children or entire families burned alive and other unspeakable horrors. Yet when you go to some of these campuses, many of these college and possibly H.S. students seem to have Zero empathy for what those people went through. And not only that, a day or two later they were celebrating hamas, and then protesting Israel.
To some people who havnt been paying attention this probably seems to have happened over night but it hasnt. It's what happens when the Political System inserts itself into the student body and tries to control the outcome. Which is exactly what many of this sicko professors have done.

Where else have we seen this done? was it also something that took that society by surprise? something they thought would and could never happen?

Yep, the CHinese Cultural Revolution. They used the kids and they were the ones the violence came from. Sadly, I can see this happeniong right here once these "children" are filled with rage. be it Palestinian "genocide" , global warming, etc.
Each passing year, these kids seem more and more crazed. We had some video of them denying that any Jews were even killed at all... they are looking for a cause to latch onto and IMO, its this political interference that is a dangerous thing. Its been done before with horrendous results.
Yep, we have a whole generation or two of "Red Guards" right here in America right now. :(

They are way more apathetic in general than kids used to be, too.
It ain't the kids so much as it's the left wing professors who fled to Canada to avoid the draft and were pardoned by the peanut man. Factor in the left wing media that seems to applaud every assault on a conservative speaker on a college campus and you have a hypocrite generation that hates it's own Country.
, many of these college and possibly H.S. students seem to have Zero empathy for what those people went through. And not only that, a day or two later they were celebrating hamas, and then protesting Israel.
To some people who havnt been paying attention this probably seems to have happened over night but it hasnt.
OR ,
people can and do think intuitively with much more success and accuracy than you perhaps have considered .
This links with results obtained from Remote Viewing and Predictive Linguistics , subject areas which are somewhat too cutting edge for certain types of people to yet accept and take seriously .

Whilst you may only have my word for it , both techniques are used extensively at the highest levels and with complete seriousness by all major powers because they work .With decades of back success

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