Because it becomes good when Obama does it.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Ever notice how the liberals are for whatever Obama does even when they were against it when Bush was POTUS?

War was bad when Bush did it, now they're practially warmongers with Obama in the WH.

Obama called raising the debt ceiling (back in 2006) "irresponsible", now he thinks it's "irrisponsible" not to raise it.

Guantanimo was in the news every single day when Bush was there, now it's fine that it still isn't closed.

The DNC filibustered Republicans but now that the GOP filibusters the Democrats, the GOP is obstructionist.

The Patriot Act was an abomination under Bush, but now that Obama has expanded on it, it's great!

The list is endless.

And rdean is clueless.
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Ever notice how the liberals are for whatever Obama does even when they were against it when Bush was POTUS?

War was bad when Bush did it, now they're practially warmongers with Obama in the WH.

Obama called raising the debt ceiling (back in 2006) "irresponsible", now he thinks it's "irrisponsible" not to raise it.

Guantanimo was in the news every single day when Bush was there, not it's fine that it still isn't closed.

The DNC filibustered Republicans but now that the GOP filibusters the Democrats, the GOP is obstructionist.

The list is endless.

And rdean is clueless.

Well. The Liberals went apeshit for months regarding the wiretapping of known terrorist contacts. It was about all they raved about for months.

At least Obama stopped that practice.

oh wait
The OP is simple minded and stupid.

The OP is simple minded and stupid.


No, the meaning is that the OP cannot come up with an original thought on his own and had his feelings hurt with the original thread pointing out conservative hypocrisy so he decided to create a parody thread with a bunch of non-truths about a straw man group. But you'd know that if you weren't a brain dead partisan piece of shit who was incapable of critical thinking.
The OP is simple minded and stupid.


No, the meaning is that the OP cannot come up with an original thought on his own and had his feelings hurt with the original thread pointing out conservative hypocrisy so he decided to create a parody thread with a bunch of non-truths about a straw man group. But you'd know that if you weren't a brain dead partisan piece of shit who was incapable of critical thinking.

I makes a point that you aren't smart enough to recognise.


No, the meaning is that the OP cannot come up with an original thought on his own and had his feelings hurt with the original thread pointing out conservative hypocrisy so he decided to create a parody thread with a bunch of non-truths about a straw man group. But you'd know that if you weren't a brain dead partisan piece of shit who was incapable of critical thinking.

I makes a point that you aren't smart enough to recognise.

:lol: Oh good do we get to make things up now just because we typed 'em? Okay, in that case congratulations on your gay wedding. It's good that you can finally be out of the closet and live the lifestyle you've always wanted.
No, the meaning is that the OP cannot come up with an original thought on his own and had his feelings hurt with the original thread pointing out conservative hypocrisy so he decided to create a parody thread with a bunch of non-truths about a straw man group. But you'd know that if you weren't a brain dead partisan piece of shit who was incapable of critical thinking.

I makes a point that you aren't smart enough to recognise.

:lol: Oh good do we get to make things up now just because we typed 'em? Okay, in that case congratulations on your gay wedding. It's good that you can finally be out of the closet and live the lifestyle you've always wanted.

Tell us which one is a lie? Liberals constantly were outraged at the patriot act, but eventhough obama expanded it liberals are okay with it now. Predfan is showing how your a hypocrite, and you can't take it.
I makes a point that you aren't smart enough to recognise.

:lol: Oh good do we get to make things up now just because we typed 'em? Okay, in that case congratulations on your gay wedding. It's good that you can finally be out of the closet and live the lifestyle you've always wanted.

Tell us which one is a lie? Liberals constantly were outraged at the patriot act, but eventhough obama expanded it liberals are okay with it now. Predfan is showing how your a hypocrite, and you can't take it.

Thanks, I forgot about the PA, I need to add that to the OP.
:lol: Oh good do we get to make things up now just because we typed 'em? Okay, in that case congratulations on your gay wedding. It's good that you can finally be out of the closet and live the lifestyle you've always wanted.

Tell us which one is a lie? Liberals constantly were outraged at the patriot act, but eventhough obama expanded it liberals are okay with it now. Predfan is showing how your a hypocrite, and you can't take it.

Thanks, I forgot about the PA, I need to add that to the OP.

No problem, i'm sure we can think of alot more, remember believe or not they were more hateful when bush was in office. I know that's hard to believe.
The OP is simple minded and stupid.


No, the meaning is that the OP cannot come up with an original thought on his own and had his feelings hurt with the original thread pointing out conservative hypocrisy so he decided to create a parody thread with a bunch of non-truths about a straw man group. But you'd know that if you weren't a brain dead partisan piece of shit who was incapable of critical thinking.

Ever notice how the liberals are for whatever Obama does even when they were against it when Bush was POTUS?

War was bad when Bush did it, now they're practially warmongers with Obama in the WH.

Obama called raising the debt ceiling (back in 2006) "irresponsible", now he thinks it's "irrisponsible" not to raise it.

Guantanimo was in the news every single day when Bush was there, now it's fine that it still isn't closed.

The DNC filibustered Republicans but now that the GOP filibusters the Democrats, the GOP is obstructionist.

The Patriot Act was an abomination under Bush, but now that Obama has expanded on it, it's great!

The list is endless.

And rdean is clueless.

No. I do notice however that the Bush supporters out there want it to be so, so bad.

How many invasions (you know with American troops) and occupations has President Obama called for?

Democrats didn't have the votes to block raising the debt ceiling so his speech was nothing but political postering.

It was Congress that blocked his closing our enemy combatant/POW camp in Cuba.

The Democrats didn't hold every single issue hostage to the 60 vote threshold like the last Congress did.

Several items in the patriot act I do not support then or now.

I also don't support his use of blind drone strikes.

I don't support the federal war on Americans who use non-approved recreational substances. The president should order the re-classification of marijuana.
The OP is simple minded and stupid.


No, the meaning is that the OP cannot come up with an original thought on his own and had his feelings hurt with the original thread pointing out conservative hypocrisy so he decided to create a parody thread with a bunch of non-truths about a straw man group. But you'd know that if you weren't a brain dead partisan piece of shit who was incapable of critical thinking.
No, it's far more likely you're just a butthurt little bitch.


No, the meaning is that the OP cannot come up with an original thought on his own and had his feelings hurt with the original thread pointing out conservative hypocrisy so he decided to create a parody thread with a bunch of non-truths about a straw man group. But you'd know that if you weren't a brain dead partisan piece of shit who was incapable of critical thinking.
No, it's far more likely you're just a butthurt little bitch.

:lol: What am I supposedly upset about? The fact that my candidate won and that I own partisan pieces of shit like you on a daily basis? :lmao:
Ever notice how the liberals are for whatever Obama does even when they were against it when Bush was POTUS?

War was bad when Bush did it, now they're practially warmongers with Obama in the WH.

Obama called raising the debt ceiling (back in 2006) "irresponsible", now he thinks it's "irrisponsible" not to raise it.

Guantanimo was in the news every single day when Bush was there, now it's fine that it still isn't closed.

The DNC filibustered Republicans but now that the GOP filibusters the Democrats, the GOP is obstructionist.

The Patriot Act was an abomination under Bush, but now that Obama has expanded on it, it's great!

The list is endless.

And rdean is clueless.

No. I do notice however that the Bush supporters out there want it to be so, so bad.

How many invasions (you know with American troops) and occupations has President Obama called for?

Democrats didn't have the votes to block raising the debt ceiling so his speech was nothing but political postering.

It was Congress that blocked his closing our enemy combatant/POW camp in Cuba.

The Democrats didn't hold every single issue hostage to the 60 vote threshold like the last Congress did.

Several items in the patriot act I do not support then or now.

I also don't support his use of blind drone strikes.

I don't support the federal war on Americans who use non-approved recreational substances. The president should order the re-classification of marijuana.

Nice dodge. Too bad it's so transparent.
No, the meaning is that the OP cannot come up with an original thought on his own and had his feelings hurt with the original thread pointing out conservative hypocrisy so he decided to create a parody thread with a bunch of non-truths about a straw man group. But you'd know that if you weren't a brain dead partisan piece of shit who was incapable of critical thinking.
No, it's far more likely you're just a butthurt little bitch.

:lol: What am I supposedly upset about? The fact that my candidate won and that I own partisan pieces of shit like you on a daily basis? :lmao:
Well, you're half right. That's better than your usual average. :lol:

But what's REALLY hilarious is that you somehow believe you're NOT a partisan piece of shit.

The OP is simple minded and stupid.


No, the meaning is that the OP cannot come up with an original thought on his own and had his feelings hurt with the original thread pointing out conservative hypocrisy so he decided to create a parody thread with a bunch of non-truths about a straw man group. But you'd know that if you weren't a brain dead partisan piece of shit who was incapable of critical thinking.

Care to point out these so-called "non-truths"? No? Can't? Didn't think so....

Why do you come here when you add absolutely nothing?!?! All yo do is moronic personal attacks - never even bothering to point out why you are attacking. You're a brainless, dickless, useless ass...

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