Be Honest With Yourself


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
2,290 can you say the media doesn't influence you. It is very apparent here (and ever where) one seriously cared about Confederate states until it became sensationalized. Where was your outrage 10 years or even 5 years ago?

This is only one example
See the democrats cannot win elections anymore so they are turning to violence. All Trump needs to do is set back and let them destroy themselves and that is what they are doing. can you say the media doesn't influence you. It is very apparent here (and ever where) one seriously cared about Confederate states until it became sensationalized. Where was your outrage 10 years or even 5 years ago?

This is only one example

Okay so I typed this in bed on my phone last night and it's totally botched up!

This was meant to say Confederate STATUES (not States)... ugh!
What is presented as news affects the social atmosphere, of course. To merely believe it, take it seriously, fail to analyze, is not adult nor intelligent.
What is presented as news affects the social atmosphere, of course. To merely believe it, take it seriously, fail to analyze, is not adult nor intelligent.

Broad statement about 90% of the people on this board... can you say the media doesn't influence you. It is very apparent here (and ever where) one seriously cared about Confederate states until it became sensationalized. Where was your outrage 10 years or even 5 years ago?

This is only one example
I refuse to let it influence me. I'll decide for myself what to be outraged about. Unfortunately the ignorant masses of the left are easily manipulated via the media. And are readily willing to submit to the suggestions that the media gives them. A perfect example is this Virginia story. Their outrage is crafted by the media to seem unparraleled. But it flagrant bullshit. And I can prove it...
Replace the white nationalists legally protesting with negros... Voila!!! Now the left would be howling with fury at the ANTIFA agitators, and lining take turns pissing on the corpse of this girl. Fact.
This faux outrage is pure political. The left doesn't give one shit about this girl. And they never did.
Demonstrations by the KKK have been around for many many decades.
Few liked or wanted any part of it.
However, this is new where city leaders and their police will look the other way while the demonstrators are physically attacked.
It's also new, where even the most moderate of the Dimocrat party refuse to condemn the violence from their side.
I think liberals are pretty adept at taking advantage of the old adage "the squeaky wheel gets the grease".

It's made all the more easier for them since the media has bias toward the liberal agenda, and, companies will support whatever the media and the loudest voices are saying.

They won't change on their own. It's a fast moving train, so it will take something pretty large to put a stop to it. What that is is the question...
For generations, KKK violence was un- or under reported. It isn't new that exaggeration occurs, and it isn't ideology, that media cannot be 'trusted'. Charlottesville is just another rather unimportant, local event that some choose to seize upon for any variety of reasons. Reasoning and logic as so absent from debate today that the very language we use has become meaningless. No point can be made, no agreement reached, no lesson learned because everything is so immediately detoured to special agendas. 'Right' and 'left' hardly encompass the sides as these terms, especially, no longer have value.
For generations, KKK violence was un- or under reported. It isn't new that exaggeration occurs, and it isn't ideology, that media cannot be 'trusted'. Charlottesville is just another rather unimportant, local event that some choose to seize upon for any variety of reasons. Reasoning and logic as so absent from debate today that the very language we use has become meaningless. No point can be made, no agreement reached, no lesson learned because everything is so immediately detoured to special agendas. 'Right' and 'left' hardly encompass the sides as these terms, especially, no longer have value.

Well also, there weren't so many outlets for reporting and news as their are now.
It's much more powerful and ever-present.....
Power is rendered by the perceiver.

True, you only allow things to influence you.
Just more opportunity for it now with more media sources.....
If the KKK was active now, I don't think it would be under-reported! Due to various factors/reasons...
It's also new, where even the most moderate of the Dimocrat party refuse to condemn the violence from their side
Liberals mistakenly believe they own the moral ground so acts of violence, hatred, suppression from the Left is justifiable. It's this sort of thinking giving cover for Google, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook to censure conservative speech.

We are fortunate that USMB does not suppress our speech, for the most part. Conservatives are free to express their views, also our "libtards"' Nazis, White and Black Supremists. But what if the ISP providing access to USMB decides to block it because the liberal CEO decides he doesn't like all this conservative talk? The ISP isn't a government agency so it's not bound by the First Amendment. Liberal's should be the first in line to express outrage at these Socialmedia websites for suppressing speech.

We are living in chilling times.
Last edited: can you say the media doesn't influence you. It is very apparent here (and ever where) one seriously cared about Confederate states until it became sensationalized. Where was your outrage 10 years or even 5 years ago?

This is only one example
I refuse to let it influence me. I'll decide for myself what to be outraged about. Unfortunately the ignorant masses of the left are easily manipulated via the media. And are readily willing to submit to the suggestions that the media gives them. A perfect example is this Virginia story. Their outrage is crafted by the media to seem unparraleled. But it flagrant bullshit. And I can prove it...
Replace the white nationalists legally protesting with negros... Voila!!! Now the left would be howling with fury at the ANTIFA agitators, and lining take turns pissing on the corpse of this girl. Fact.
This faux outrage is pure political. The left doesn't give one shit about this girl. And they never did.

View all the videos of this topic without the partisan commentary and with the sound off. You will clearly see that both sides are guilty of violence.

Yet, President Trump is excoriated and ridiculed for saying just exactly that.
All statues, all monuments, all literature and all vestiges of recognition of white people MUST BE permanently erased/ removed, obliterated and destroyed.

It is the only way to eliminate black poverty, 70% of illegitimate out of wedlock black births, 60% of black high school drop out rate, black killing black street violence, and all the other harms and evils those 19th century white bastards devised to keep 21st century innocent black people in chains (according to former VP Biden).

Once all those statues and monuments are down it will, no doubt, be all well in the world, can you say the media doesn't influence you. It is very apparent here (and ever where) one seriously cared about Confederate states until it became sensationalized. Where was your outrage 10 years or even 5 years ago?

This is only one example
Of course you are right. This has all been ginned up by nefarious forces.

Yet way too many Americans can't see it. They are still easily influenced by the power elite.

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