Basic Evidence of Voter Fraud in Election 2020


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It is incredible that people are saying that there is no evidence of voter fraud in this election.
Suppose you were playing a poker game and the dealer decided to do his shuffles under the table so no one can see him shuffle. Would that be cheating in and of itself? Of course, it is. Any sane person would walk away from such a game.
The same is true of obstructing polling watchers so that they could not verify the validity of the ballot counting. How it is done or evidence of a specific technique is irrelevant, the obstruction of oversight is in and of itself cheating and makes the ballot count unverified and thus invalid.
We have several states that are already on course for a recount, and two more that will likely have court-ordered recounts, so the ballot count is no more complete than it was in Floriduh in 2000.
The news media is rushing to declare Biden the presumptive President-elect when the counting is not done and the recounts not even started.
Trump will win this when all is said and done as he drew a record number of legit votes, over 72 million, 9 million more than Obama in 2008. Cheat fake ballots don't count and won't count.

The INTEGRITY of the election is more important than who wins as it strikes at the heart of the democratic processes of our Republic

So why is the mainstream media, to include FAUX Snooze, so determined to rush the declaration of a winner so soon before the recounts have not even begun?

I think the answer is obvious.
It is incredible that people are saying that there is no evidence of voter fraud in this election.
Suppose you were playing a poker game and the dealer decided to do his shuffles under the table so no one can see him shuffle. Would that be cheating in and of itself? Of course, it is. Any sane person would walk away from such a game.
The same is true of obstructing polling watchers so that they could not verify the validity of the ballot counting. How it is done or evidence of a specific technique is irrelevant, the obstruction of oversight is in and of itself cheating and makes the ballot count unverified and thus invalid.
We have several states that are already on course for a recount, and two more that will likely have court-ordered recounts, so the ballot count is no more complete than it was in Floriduh in 2000.
The news media is rushing to declare Biden the presumptive President-elect when the counting is not done and the recounts not even started.
Trump will win this when all is said and done as he drew a record number of legit votes, over 72 million, 9 million more than Obama in 2008. Cheat fake ballots don't count and won't count.

The INTEGRITY of the election is more important than who wins as it strikes at the heart of the democratic processes of our Republic

So why is the mainstream media, to include FAUX Snooze, so determined to rush the declaration of a winner so soon before the recounts have not even begun?

I think the answer is obvious.

None. Stop parroting this shit. I didn't hear you squawking four years ago when the numbers broke in the direction of the guy you supported.
The recounts are triggered by the percentage margin of victory..and they rarely result in turnovers.
It is incredible that people are saying that there is no evidence of voter fraud in this election.
Suppose you were playing a poker game and the dealer decided to do his shuffles under the table so no one can see him shuffle. Would that be cheating in and of itself? Of course, it is. Any sane person would walk away from such a game.
The same is true of obstructing polling watchers so that they could not verify the validity of the ballot counting. How it is done or evidence of a specific technique is irrelevant, the obstruction of oversight is in and of itself cheating and makes the ballot count unverified and thus invalid.
We have several states that are already on course for a recount, and two more that will likely have court-ordered recounts, so the ballot count is no more complete than it was in Floriduh in 2000.
The news media is rushing to declare Biden the presumptive President-elect when the counting is not done and the recounts not even started.
Trump will win this when all is said and done as he drew a record number of legit votes, over 72 million, 9 million more than Obama in 2008. Cheat fake ballots don't count and won't count.

The INTEGRITY of the election is more important than who wins as it strikes at the heart of the democratic processes of our Republic

So why is the mainstream media, to include FAUX Snooze, so determined to rush the declaration of a winner so soon before the recounts have not even begun?

I think the answer is obvious.

DENIAL ^^^. It's not fatal Mr. Bowie, and I must assure you that you can still keep your guns, as long as you don't use them illegally.
It is incredible that people are saying that there is no evidence of voter fraud in this election.
Suppose you were playing a poker game and the dealer decided to do his shuffles under the table so no one can see him shuffle. Would that be cheating in and of itself? Of course, it is. Any sane person would walk away from such a game.
The same is true of obstructing polling watchers so that they could not verify the validity of the ballot counting. How it is done or evidence of a specific technique is irrelevant, the obstruction of oversight is in and of itself cheating and makes the ballot count unverified and thus invalid.
We have several states that are already on course for a recount, and two more that will likely have court-ordered recounts, so the ballot count is no more complete than it was in Floriduh in 2000.
The news media is rushing to declare Biden the presumptive President-elect when the counting is not done and the recounts not even started.
Trump will win this when all is said and done as he drew a record number of legit votes, over 72 million, 9 million more than Obama in 2008. Cheat fake ballots don't count and won't count.

The INTEGRITY of the election is more important than who wins as it strikes at the heart of the democratic processes of our Republic

So why is the mainstream media, to include FAUX Snooze, so determined to rush the declaration of a winner so soon before the recounts have not even begun?

I think the answer is obvious.

None. Stop parroting this shit.
You sound just like one of those stupid dindus on The First 48.

According to Wisconsin law, an absentee ballot requires that it be signed by a witness who also lists his or her address. Should the ballot not contain the a witness address, the ballot is disallowed and must be returned to the voter so that the witness can provide that information.
However, according to a report from the “Dan O’Donnell Show,” sources claim that “clerks and vote counters” in the state wrote in the witness signatures themselves. Furthermore, the report claims that the election workers chose to write in the addresses because they were illegally advised to do so by the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC).
If the poll workers did in fact write the addresses in, the ballots are invalid.
According to the Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, several election irregularities in Pennsylvania require urgent attention and necessitate an audit of the state’s election results.
1. Partisan Democrats on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court unilaterally extended the deadline to receive late ballots and mandated that ballots without a postmark would be presumed to be timely.
a. This unconstitutional decision occurred just weeks before the November 3rd election and created chaos and confusion across Pennsylvania.
b. Democrats on the court unilaterally bypassed the state legislature, which is vested authority over state elections by the U.S. Constitution.
2. Pennsylvania’s Democrat Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar, directed county officials to accept absentee and mail ballots even if the signatures on the ballot did not match.
a. Her last-minute decision goes against long-standing Pennsylvania law and ignores one of the most basic tools to fight election fraud.
b. Boockvar has repeatedly expressed her dislike for President Trump and her desire to remove him from office on social media.
3. Democrat election officials in largely populated Democrat-run counties allowed some voters to “cure” potential “defects” on their ballots.
a. However, not all counties were permitted to “cure” ballots prior to the election, raising equal protection concerns that voters from different counties were treated differently.
4. Poll watchers across Pennsylvania were denied the opportunity to meaningfully observe the vote count.
a. Watching the vote count ensures transparency, fairness, and accuracy.
b. Denying poll watchers access raises the suspicion that Democrat-run officials had something to hide.
5. An unprecedented 100,500 provisional ballots were issued across the state of Pennsylvania.
a. It is extremely rare to issue provisional ballots on such a large scale.
b. Officials must be sure that provisional ballots were not issued to people who had already turned in their absentee or mail-in ballot.
Anyone else remember Hillary Clintoon telling Joe Biden to not concede the election till all the votes are counted?


Rudy Giuliani announced on Saturday that President Donald Trump will not concede the 2020 presidential election, as the validity of “at least 600,000 ballots” are still in question in Pennsylvania — a key swing state.
“Obviously, he’s not going to concede when at least 600,000 ballots are in question,” Giuliani said in response to a reporter’s question about the president conceding in the wake of media calling Pennsylvania for Joe Biden.
Anyone else remember Hillary Clintoon telling Joe Biden to not concede the election till all the votes are counted?


Rudy Giuliani announced on Saturday that President Donald Trump will not concede the 2020 presidential election, as the validity of “at least 600,000 ballots” are still in question in Pennsylvania — a key swing state.
“Obviously, he’s not going to concede when at least 600,000 ballots are in question,” Giuliani said in response to a reporter’s question about the president conceding in the wake of media calling Pennsylvania for Joe Biden.

They've been counted and certified. PA goes for Biden.
Why do you continue to place your faith in Guliani?
Damn, this guy SUCKS at crafting a message.

Hard to believe this WAS America's mayor. :)
It is incredible that people are saying that there is no evidence of voter fraud in this election.
Suppose you were playing a poker game and the dealer decided to do his shuffles under the table so no one can see him shuffle. Would that be cheating in and of itself? Of course, it is. Any sane person would walk away from such a game.
The same is true of obstructing polling watchers so that they could not verify the validity of the ballot counting. How it is done or evidence of a specific technique is irrelevant, the obstruction of oversight is in and of itself cheating and makes the ballot count unverified and thus invalid.
We have several states that are already on course for a recount, and two more that will likely have court-ordered recounts, so the ballot count is no more complete than it was in Floriduh in 2000.
The news media is rushing to declare Biden the presumptive President-elect when the counting is not done and the recounts not even started.
Trump will win this when all is said and done as he drew a record number of legit votes, over 72 million, 9 million more than Obama in 2008. Cheat fake ballots don't count and won't count.

The INTEGRITY of the election is more important than who wins as it strikes at the heart of the democratic processes of our Republic

So why is the mainstream media, to include FAUX Snooze, so determined to rush the declaration of a winner so soon before the recounts have not even begun?

I think the answer is obvious.

None. Stop parroting this shit. I didn't hear you squawking four years ago when the numbers broke in the direction of the guy you supported.
The recounts are triggered by the percentage margin of victory..and they rarely result in turnovers.
We didn't cheat. And you cheated then to. Supporting a nation that has a political party that now does this in front of people makes no sense. For me, I will endevour to not purchase products in blue areas unless there is no choice. to start. In a jury a Non prog against a Prog is not guilty. A Prog against a Non Prog is guilty. For what that's worth
It is incredible that people are saying that there is no evidence of voter fraud in this election.
Suppose you were playing a poker game and the dealer decided to do his shuffles under the table so no one can see him shuffle. Would that be cheating in and of itself? Of course, it is. Any sane person would walk away from such a game.
The same is true of obstructing polling watchers so that they could not verify the validity of the ballot counting. How it is done or evidence of a specific technique is irrelevant, the obstruction of oversight is in and of itself cheating and makes the ballot count unverified and thus invalid.
We have several states that are already on course for a recount, and two more that will likely have court-ordered recounts, so the ballot count is no more complete than it was in Floriduh in 2000.
The news media is rushing to declare Biden the presumptive President-elect when the counting is not done and the recounts not even started.
Trump will win this when all is said and done as he drew a record number of legit votes, over 72 million, 9 million more than Obama in 2008. Cheat fake ballots don't count and won't count.

The INTEGRITY of the election is more important than who wins as it strikes at the heart of the democratic processes of our Republic

So why is the mainstream media, to include FAUX Snooze, so determined to rush the declaration of a winner so soon before the recounts have not even begun?

I think the answer is obvious.

None. Stop parroting this shit. I didn't hear you squawking four years ago when the numbers broke in the direction of the guy you supported.
The recounts are triggered by the percentage margin of victory..and they rarely result in turnovers.
We didn't cheat. And you cheated then to. Supporting a nation that has a political party that now does this in front of people makes no sense. For me, I will endevour to not purchase products in blue areas unless there is no choice. to start. In a jury a Non prog against a Prog is not guilty. A Prog against a Non Prog is guilty. For what that's worth

77,000 votes across three states. Two denied recounts that were well within the margin of asking. One recount squashed. All by states with Republican governors.
Accept defeat gracefully. You'll be happier. And maybe, just maybe, those blue state heathens...many of whom voted for Trump will still welcome you as a comrade.
Have a drink..please. :)
" me, this is big. “Biden Underperforms Hillary Clinton and Obama.” Underperforms means that he did worse. Biden got fewer votes in this election than Hillary and Obama except in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Wisconsin. How the hell does that happen? Joe Biden gets fewer votes than Hillary and Obama all over this country on Tuesday this year.

Except in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin? Every damn state he needs, where they have been counting votes in the dark, where they have not let people in to watch the vote-counting process, where they’ve been putting cardboard up on the windows, doing everything they can to prevent anybody from watching what they’re doing — with ballots coming in by the tens of thousands overnight while everybody else is asleep.

How does this happen? How does Biden do worse than Obama and Hillary except in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin — and there’s no get-out-the-vote effort, folks. They did not have that. They didn’t spend their money on that. Meaning there was no grassroots. And we had people calling and commenting on this. There was nobody knocking on doors.

There was nobody driving little yellow buses on Tuesday to get Biden voters to the polling places. That get-out-the-vote effort didn’t happen. This is all done under cover of darkness. Then you’ve got these mail-in ballot dumps with 100% margins for Joe Biden? Come on, folks. As Biden likes to say, “Come on, man!” We’re supposed to sit here and believe this?

A tranche of 10,000 ballots comes in here, 25,000 there, and every damn one of them is for Joe Biden? But there’s nothing strange going on here? In the midst of all this, the Republicans lose zero seats in the House and they’re gonna hold 51 to 52 seats in the Senate? Let me tell you what this is. This is an entirely made-up scenario. So now you’re gonna have the media saying things to people like Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham and all the others.

You know, a bunch of mainstream Republican establishment types. “You need to reject Trumpism. See what happened? Trump is the reason you lost this thing.” It’s the exact opposite. But they’re gonna tell these guys, “Trumpism is why Biden wins these states.” No, it’s not. Chicanery is. There’s another interesting story. Now, this is from last night.

It’s by Stu Cvrk at Red State, and the title of his piece is, “It’s Not Even Close to Being Over.” He says, “I forced myself to listen to parts of Dementia Joe’s ‘victory speech’ yesterday and found myself shouting at his blatant lies. The most egregious [lie] was that he claimed that when all the ballots are counted, he will have received the most in presidential history…

“That’s even a bigger lie than Hillary claiming she won the popular vote in 2016. (By the way, how does her claim look in retrospect after what we’ve witnessed in terms of MASSIVE voter fraud and ballot harvesting in Democrat-run swing states over the past two days?)” Nothing we were told about the 2016 count was legit because none of it was.

It is incredible that people are saying that there is no evidence of voter fraud in this election.
Suppose you were playing a poker game and the dealer decided to do his shuffles under the table so no one can see him shuffle. Would that be cheating in and of itself? Of course, it is. Any sane person would walk away from such a game.
The same is true of obstructing polling watchers so that they could not verify the validity of the ballot counting. How it is done or evidence of a specific technique is irrelevant, the obstruction of oversight is in and of itself cheating and makes the ballot count unverified and thus invalid.
We have several states that are already on course for a recount, and two more that will likely have court-ordered recounts, so the ballot count is no more complete than it was in Floriduh in 2000.
The news media is rushing to declare Biden the presumptive President-elect when the counting is not done and the recounts not even started.
Trump will win this when all is said and done as he drew a record number of legit votes, over 72 million, 9 million more than Obama in 2008. Cheat fake ballots don't count and won't count.

The INTEGRITY of the election is more important than who wins as it strikes at the heart of the democratic processes of our Republic

So why is the mainstream media, to include FAUX Snooze, so determined to rush the declaration of a winner so soon before the recounts have not even begun?

I think the answer is obvious.
The only thing obvious is that the thread premise is as desperate as it is ridiculous.

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