Bart O’Kavanaugh in bigly poopoo!

This news isn't new. 2019 called, they want their headline back.

They failed to investigate shit that probably didn't happen 35 years ago? WTF are they going to do? They can't even somehow figure out how to show that Hunter was a fucking crooked crackhead that used his daddy for corrupt business dealings when the evidence is current fresh and in their faces. How the fuck would they prove a drunk college freshman did or didn't flash his dick at some college girl 35 fucking years ago when he was 18?
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And nobody finds the idea of 4,500 "tips" even mildly suspicious? All about a guy nobody had heard of until the most hated President in the history of the U.S. nominated him?
"A dick"? So much for the left's ability to judge the legal qualifications of a Supreme Court Justice after the fact. I wonder if today's lefties think Justice Hugo Black (who?) was a "dick"? FDR appointed the KKK member to the Supreme Court and Black repaid FDR by writing the majority decision that let FDR off the hook for the incarceration of American citizens without due cause. Funny how the left gets away with a selective criticism of the FBI 's background check of a S.C. applicant when there is no criticism of the Bureau for using fake documents gleaned from a foreign agent to undermine the President of the United States.
The most relevant accusations against Kav were the stories about the weekly Gang Rape Parties in Montgomery County.

The fact that the investigations into these alleged rapes ended with the confirmation vote- where Kav was found Innocent- tells me that the liberal inquisition was a failure.

Now, if there is new, relevant, information, the Democrats should launch an impeachment inquiry against the man.

And it would be nice if the Montgomery sheriff and the Maryland Dept of Justice were to investigate the Gang Rape Parties in their jurisdiction as if they had happened last week. Minors were allegedly molested, if Kav is being accused of being a Chomo, he has a right to face his accusers.
Sounds like the Democrats might be planning on stacking the court, even if they have to impeach every conservative justice on it.

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