Barry Squeals Just Like A Pig

Trump spending all his political capital covering for the crimes of his henchmen is one of his biggest betrayals. He could have been making America great again but since he apparently can't do it with honest people he has sabotaged himself into uselessness.
It's really funny and a bit strange how we're discussing the fact that a couple of the major claims of corruption by his enemies against Donald Trump turned out totally fabricated.....and you seem to be still living in this fantasy that it really did happen...despite the release of documents that proved that what everything we've been saying the last several years has turned out to be 100% correct.
The real guilty parties are still out there making false claims that those documents don't exist...and that Bob Barr is a Trump stooge. They also repeat the lie "Why did Flynn lie if he wasn't guilty?" Well.....the docs proved that he didn't lie in the first place.

Personally I think your an idiot.....and continuing with this false assumption only makes you look more and more retarded and extremely gullible.
Perhaps the day will come when you STFU and just disappear into some hole and reflect on the complete waste your life has become.
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anyone who opposes Obama is a racist, classist conservative
Obama lecturing America about the "rule of law" is almost has funny as Madonna lecturing people about chastity.
Too bad you have no evidence just ridiculous propaganda repeated endlessly, brainwashed functional moron.
RUSSIA ya jakov.
Exactly. The Russians hacked the DNC computer and tried to hack others gave them to the lying scumbag GOP propaganda machine who made the whole campaign or 60% about emails that meant nothing. only garbage propaganda makes this mess possible. Everything you know is wrong.
anyone who opposes Obama is a racist, classist conservative
Obama lecturing America about the "rule of law" is almost has funny as Madonna lecturing people about chastity.
Too bad you have no evidence just ridiculous propaganda repeated endlessly, brainwashed functional moron.
RUSSIA ya jakov.
Exactly. The Russians hacked the DNC computer and tried to hack others gave them to the lying scumbag GOP propaganda machine who made the whole campaign or 60% about emails that meant nothing. only garbage propaganda makes this mess possible. Everything you know is wrong.
Bernie Sander's people hacked the DNC server, not the Russians
Trump spending all his political capital covering for the crimes of his henchmen is one of his biggest betrayals. He could have been making America great again but since he apparently can't do it with honest people he has sabotaged himself into uselessness.
It's really funny and a bit strange how we're discussing the fact that a couple of the major claims of corruption by his enemies against Donald Trump turned out totally fabricated.....and you seem to be still living in this fantasy that it really did happen...despite the release of documents that proved that what everything we've been saying the last several years has turned out to be 100% correct.
The real guilty parties are still out there making false claims that those documents don't exist...and that Bob Barr is a Trump stooge. They also repeat the lie "Why did Flynn lie if he wasn't guilty?" Well.....the docs proved that he didn't lie in the first place.

Personally I think your an idiot.....and continuing with this false assumption only makes you look more and more retarded and extremely gullible.
Perhaps the day will come when you STFU and just disappear into some hole and reflect on the complete waste your life has become.
Yes yes, the Trump campaign meeting with Russians 30 times not writing anything down denying it and being shown to be liars doesn't mean a thing no problem. Why they would want to collude with the trumpet idiots is another question. But the trumpers soon made it obvious they were in favor of it. A disgrace.
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anyone who opposes Obama is a racist, classist conservative
Obama lecturing America about the "rule of law" is almost has funny as Madonna lecturing people about chastity.
Too bad you have no evidence just ridiculous propaganda repeated endlessly, brainwashed functional moron.
RUSSIA ya jakov.
Exactly. The Russians hacked the DNC computer and tried to hack others gave them to the lying scumbag GOP propaganda machine who made the whole campaign or 60% about emails that meant nothing. only garbage propaganda makes this mess possible. Everything you know is wrong.
Bernie Sander's people hacked the DNC server, not the Russians
every member of the House and Senate intelligence committee said the Russians did it there's no question. Poor America. everyone outside your propaganda bubble thinks you people are absolutely nuts and incredibly ignorant.
Obama turned the US into a 3rd World Banana Republic with his dictatorial regime's violations of Constitution and Rule of law...and he says he is worried that reversing that would 'accelerate the decline of the Rule of Law'?

Perhaps the dictatorial Obama Rule Of Law....
Born in Kenya Barack fingerfucked the Constitution
of course you have no examples that stand up or any evidence whatsoever, brainwashed functional morons. Everybody outside your bubble of Bologna propaganda believes the Obama administration was totally scandal free. And you have nothing. Poor America try innocent until proven guilty or even some standard of evidence. Pathetic.
anyone who opposes Obama is a racist, classist conservative
Obama lecturing America about the "rule of law" is almost has funny as Madonna lecturing people about chastity.
Too bad you have no evidence just ridiculous propaganda repeated endlessly, brainwashed functional moron.
RUSSIA ya jakov.
Exactly. The Russians hacked the DNC computer and tried to hack others gave them to the lying scumbag GOP propaganda machine who made the whole campaign or 60% about emails that meant nothing. only garbage propaganda makes this mess possible. Everything you know is wrong.

Don't you hate it when the most qualified candidate in history loses to a black amateur from Chicago and a white amateur from New York?
Trump spending all his political capital covering for the crimes of his henchmen is one of his biggest betrayals. He could have been making America great again but since he apparently can't do it with honest people he has sabotaged himself into uselessness.
It's really funny and a bit strange how we're discussing the fact that a couple of the major claims of corruption by his enemies against Donald Trump turned out totally fabricated.....and you seem to be still living in this fantasy that it really did happen...despite the release of documents that proved that what everything we've been saying the last several years has turned out to be 100% correct.
The real guilty parties are still out there making false claims that those documents don't exist...and that Bob Barr is a Trump stooge. They also repeat the lie "Why did Flynn lie if he wasn't guilty?" Well.....the docs proved that he didn't lie in the first place.

Personally I think your an idiot.....and continuing with this false assumption only makes you look more and more retarded and extremely gullible.
Perhaps the day will come when you STFU and just disappear into some hole and reflect on the complete waste your life has become.
Yes yes, the Trump campaign meeting with Russians 30 times not writing anything down denying it and being shown to be liars doesn't mean a thing no problem. Why they would want to collude with the trumpet idiots is another question. But the trumpers soon made it obvious they were in favor of it. A disgrace.

the Trump campaign meeting with Russians 30 times not writing anything down

Which Russians? When? Link?
The Great Obama ran a corruption free administration.

Corruption free? Except for a few minor details.

Odumbo says it, his stooges say "yup yup", and look around for more Kool Ade to wash down the shit sandwich he feeds em.
Obama turned the US into a 3rd World Banana Republic with his dictatorial regime's violations of Constitution and Rule of law...and he says he is worried that reversing that would 'accelerate the decline of the Rule of Law'?

Perhaps the dictatorial Obama Rule Of Law....
Born in Kenya Barack fingerfucked the Constitution
of course you have no examples that stand up or any evidence whatsoever, brainwashed functional morons. Everybody outside your bubble of Bologna propaganda believes the Obama administration was totally scandal free. And you have nothing. Poor America try innocent until proven guilty or even some standard of evidence. Pathetic.

Prog duppes carrying water for the ChiComs
Obama turned the US into a 3rd World Banana Republic with his dictatorial regime's violations of Constitution and Rule of law...and he says he is worried that reversing that would 'accelerate the decline of the Rule of Law'?

Perhaps the dictatorial Obama Rule Of Law....
Born in Kenya Barack fingerfucked the Constitution
of course you have no examples that stand up or any evidence whatsoever, brainwashed functional morons. Everybody outside your bubble of Bologna propaganda believes the Obama administration was totally scandal free. And you have nothing. Poor America try innocent until proven guilty or even some standard of evidence. Pathetic.

Prog duppes carrying water for the ChiComs
It's a conspiracy!! LOL what the hell are you talkin about LOL?
Obama turned the US into a 3rd World Banana Republic with his dictatorial regime's violations of Constitution and Rule of law...and he says he is worried that reversing that would 'accelerate the decline of the Rule of Law'?

Perhaps the dictatorial Obama Rule Of Law....
Born in Kenya Barack fingerfucked the Constitution
of course you have no examples that stand up or any evidence whatsoever, brainwashed functional morons. Everybody outside your bubble of Bologna propaganda believes the Obama administration was totally scandal free. And you have nothing. Poor America try innocent until proven guilty or even some standard of evidence. Pathetic.

Prog duppes carrying water for the ChiComs
It's a conspiracy!! LOL what the hell are you talkin about LOL?
The ChiComs and democrats all want the same things
And again posting nothing but nonsense.
Posting the dictionary definitions of words that you apparently didn't understand yourself while telling others to go look them up is hardly nothing.

Remember, Obama (your apparent god)
My, my, you are an idiot as well as a jackass. Do please go find one post I've ever made here which would supporty that delusional thought. Or are you too stupid to back up even a single word you say?

to support your own mental inferiority
If you think me mentally inferior, do by all means pick the topic you know more about. Anything?

You make claims, supported by your own claims, which mean nothing.
You talk out of your ass. are truly a moron trying to pick a fight without knowing your opponent. I would feel pity for you except that you are such a tool.
Ever a concession if ever I heard one. I do thank you for going easy on me, chap.
Exactly. The Russians hacked the DNC computer and tried to hack others gave them to the lying scumbag GOP propaganda machine who made the whole campaign or 60% about emails that meant nothing. only garbage propaganda makes this mess possible. Everything you know is wrong.

Why did the DNC refuse to allow the FBI to examine their servers? What was the DNC afraid they'd find?

FBI: DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers
By Evan Perez and Daniella Diaz, CNN
Updated 9:04 PM ET, Thu January 5, 2017

Obama turned the US into a 3rd World Banana Republic with his dictatorial regime's violations of Constitution and Rule of law...and he says he is worried that reversing that would 'accelerate the decline of the Rule of Law'?

Perhaps the dictatorial Obama Rule Of Law....
Born in Kenya Barack fingerfucked the Constitution
of course you have no examples that stand up or any evidence whatsoever, brainwashed functional morons. Everybody outside your bubble of Bologna propaganda believes the Obama administration was totally scandal free. And you have nothing. Poor America try innocent until proven guilty or even some standard of evidence. Pathetic.

Prog duppes carrying water for the ChiComs
It's a conspiracy!! LOL what the hell are you talkin about LOL?
The ChiComs and democrats all want the same things
Such as? LOL you know so much crap.

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