Barry Fears Blacks Won't Back Hillary


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hmmmm, let's see...

She called blacks 'Super Predators'...

She tried to throw a black man and black woman - Collin Powel and Condi Rice - under the bus to protect her ass in the FBI investigation into her e-mails...

The DNC and Hillary's leaked emails exposed them for racistly mocking, making jokes about, and insulting blacks...

A rich liberal elitist donor was just exposed calling blacks 'Nazis', 'Murderers', and 'F*ed up in the head' for not supporting the Liberal agenda & candidates....

Louis Farrakhan just compared Hillary to Hitler...

Black turn-out for Hillary early voting is reportedly down...

Nah, she'll be fine. :p

Obama worries black vote is not solid enough for Clinton
Hmmmm, let's see...

She called blacks 'Super Predators'...

She tried to throw a black man and black woman - Collin Powel and Condi Rice - under the bus to protect her ass in the FBI investigation into her e-mails...

The DNC and Hillary's leaked emails exposed them for racistly mocking, making jokes about, and insulting blacks...

A rich liberal elitist donor was just exposed calling blacks 'Nazis', 'Murderers', and 'F*ed up in the head' for not supporting the Liberal agenda & candidates....

Louis Farrakhan just compared Hillary to Hitler...

Black turn-out for Hillary early voting is reportedly down...

Nah, she'll be fine. :p

Obama worries black vote is not solid enough for Clinton
Barry hates her guts. He screws her on one hand and on the other, he's out campaigning for her.

BTW, why isn't he back in D.C. doing his job............collecting championship jerseys?

If Trump wins and given Obama is staying in DC, Obama will be a constant presence. The Media will seek him out asking him to weigh in on everything.....not a complaint, just an analysis.
Barry hates his own people and a traitor to them. Well, the half black part of him.
If Trump wins and given Obama is staying in DC, Obama will be a constant presence. The Media will seek him out asking him to weigh in on everything.....not a complaint, just an analysis.
If the witch wins due to her flying monkeys, will be up for an ambassador role or that last seat on the SC.
obie was trying to scare them yesterday. At a black college in NC he told them on Trump's first day he would eliminate Medicare, Medicaid and Pell grants (federal aid for college). The president doesn't have that authority so he lied or he is the dumb fuck he started out to be.
obie was trying to scare them yesterday. At a black college in NC he told them on Trump's first day he would eliminate Medicare, Medicaid and Pell grants (federal aid for college). The president doesn't have that authority so he lied or he is the dumb fuck he started out to be.
'SSDD' - Same Shit Different Day. This is the traditional, 'old faithful' Liberal 'boogey man' Fear-Mongering tactic, usually reserved only for the elderly:

'The GOP is coming for your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaide'!

Halloween's over, Barry - enough with trying to scare people!

(Liberals have proven they can not win on ideology or results - they have to rely on Fear-Mongering, Lies, the 'Politics of Personal Destruction', handing out tons of 'free shit', and Election Fraud!)
obie was trying to scare them yesterday. At a black college in NC he told them on Trump's first day he would eliminate Medicare, Medicaid and Pell grants (federal aid for college). The president doesn't have that authority so he lied or he is the dumb fuck he started out to be.
'SSDD' - Same Shit Different Day. This is the traditional, 'old faithful' Liberal 'boogey man' Fear-Mongering tactic, usually reserved only for the elderly:

'The GOP is coming for your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaide'!

Halloween's over, Barry - enough with trying to scare people!

(Liberals have proven they can not win on ideology or results - they have to rely on Fear-Mongering, Lies, the 'Politics of Personal Destruction', handing out tons of 'free shit', and Election Fraud!)
Rubio said if Social Security isn't dealt with, it will be belly up in a couple decades. Trump isn't dealing with it. That's not Democratic fear mongering.
obie was trying to scare them yesterday. At a black college in NC he told them on Trump's first day he would eliminate Medicare, Medicaid and Pell grants (federal aid for college). The president doesn't have that authority so he lied or he is the dumb fuck he started out to be.
'SSDD' - Same Shit Different Day. This is the traditional, 'old faithful' Liberal 'boogey man' Fear-Mongering tactic, usually reserved only for the elderly:

'The GOP is coming for your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaide'!

Halloween's over, Barry - enough with trying to scare people!

(Liberals have proven they can not win on ideology or results - they have to rely on Fear-Mongering, Lies, the 'Politics of Personal Destruction', handing out tons of 'free shit', and Election Fraud!)
Rubio said if Social Security isn't dealt with, it will be belly up in a couple decades. Trump isn't dealing with it. That's not Democratic fear mongering.
Yes, because "the GOP is coming for your @#$%$" isn't fear mongering. The last week or so you have really transformed into a moon bat. WTF is your problem?
Barry hates his own people and a traitor to them. Well, the half black part of him.
I don't think so.
He's filling the DOD with thousands of new black employees.

The PX and Commissary hires nothing but blacks and foreigners and supply is filling up with nothing but blacks.

Watch that. I never knew it, but we are the ones that are down with the cause.

Obama, along with those blacks he appoints are all part of the 80% that are traitors to their own.

Malcolm X
obie was trying to scare them yesterday. At a black college in NC he told them on Trump's first day he would eliminate Medicare, Medicaid and Pell grants (federal aid for college). The president doesn't have that authority so he lied or he is the dumb fuck he started out to be.
'SSDD' - Same Shit Different Day. This is the traditional, 'old faithful' Liberal 'boogey man' Fear-Mongering tactic, usually reserved only for the elderly:

'The GOP is coming for your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaide'!

Halloween's over, Barry - enough with trying to scare people!

(Liberals have proven they can not win on ideology or results - they have to rely on Fear-Mongering, Lies, the 'Politics of Personal Destruction', handing out tons of 'free shit', and Election Fraud!)
Rubio said if Social Security isn't dealt with, it will be belly up in a couple decades. Trump isn't dealing with it. That's not Democratic fear mongering.
What's your solution? Cause what Rubio is saying, is true.

What, are the democrats lying to you about that too?
obie was trying to scare them yesterday. At a black college in NC he told them on Trump's first day he would eliminate Medicare, Medicaid and Pell grants (federal aid for college). The president doesn't have that authority so he lied or he is the dumb fuck he started out to be.
'SSDD' - Same Shit Different Day. This is the traditional, 'old faithful' Liberal 'boogey man' Fear-Mongering tactic, usually reserved only for the elderly:

'The GOP is coming for your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaide'!

Halloween's over, Barry - enough with trying to scare people!

(Liberals have proven they can not win on ideology or results - they have to rely on Fear-Mongering, Lies, the 'Politics of Personal Destruction', handing out tons of 'free shit', and Election Fraud!)
Rubio said if Social Security isn't dealt with, it will be belly up in a couple decades. Trump isn't dealing with it. That's not Democratic fear mongering.
Yes, because "the GOP is coming for your @#$%$" isn't fear mongering. The last week or so you have really transformed into a moon bat. WTF is your problem?
You again? You didn't believe Rubio or what?
obie was trying to scare them yesterday. At a black college in NC he told them on Trump's first day he would eliminate Medicare, Medicaid and Pell grants (federal aid for college). The president doesn't have that authority so he lied or he is the dumb fuck he started out to be.
'SSDD' - Same Shit Different Day. This is the traditional, 'old faithful' Liberal 'boogey man' Fear-Mongering tactic, usually reserved only for the elderly:

'The GOP is coming for your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaide'!

Halloween's over, Barry - enough with trying to scare people!

(Liberals have proven they can not win on ideology or results - they have to rely on Fear-Mongering, Lies, the 'Politics of Personal Destruction', handing out tons of 'free shit', and Election Fraud!)
Rubio said if Social Security isn't dealt with, it will be belly up in a couple decades. Trump isn't dealing with it. That's not Democratic fear mongering.
Yes, because "the GOP is coming for your @#$%$" isn't fear mongering. The last week or so you have really transformed into a moon bat. WTF is your problem?
You again? You didn't believe Rubio or what?
Rubio is right, that isn't fear mongering. SS isn't sustainable, less workers per recipient, by a wide margin. Something like 3 workers to 1 now when it was 30 to 1 starting out and people didn't live nearly as long.
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obie was trying to scare them yesterday. At a black college in NC he told them on Trump's first day he would eliminate Medicare, Medicaid and Pell grants (federal aid for college). The president doesn't have that authority so he lied or he is the dumb fuck he started out to be.
'SSDD' - Same Shit Different Day. This is the traditional, 'old faithful' Liberal 'boogey man' Fear-Mongering tactic, usually reserved only for the elderly:

'The GOP is coming for your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaide'!

Halloween's over, Barry - enough with trying to scare people!

(Liberals have proven they can not win on ideology or results - they have to rely on Fear-Mongering, Lies, the 'Politics of Personal Destruction', handing out tons of 'free shit', and Election Fraud!)
Rubio said if Social Security isn't dealt with, it will be belly up in a couple decades. Trump isn't dealing with it. That's not Democratic fear mongering.
Yes, because "the GOP is coming for your @#$%$" isn't fear mongering. The last week or so you have really transformed into a moon bat. WTF is your problem?
You again? You didn't believe Rubio or what?
Pay attention to what I actually said, moonbat. I didn't even imply I didn't believe what he said.
Trump :
But Trump left the window open to future reforms in his comments to AARP, saying: “As our demography changes, a prudent administration would begin to examine what changes might be necessary for future generations.”
Similarly, Trump policy adviser Sam Clovis recently said at the 2016 Fiscal Summit of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation: “After the administration has been in place, then we will start to look at all of the programs, including entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare.” At that point, Clovis added, “We’ll start taking a hard look at those to start seeing what we can do in a bipartisan way,” according to The Wall Street Journal.
And although Trump hasn’t aligned himself with the Republican platform, that document says: “We reject the old maxim that Social Security is the ‘Third Rail’ of American politics, deadly for anyone who would change it…Of the many reforms being proposed, all options should be considered to preserve Social Security.”
obie was trying to scare them yesterday. At a black college in NC he told them on Trump's first day he would eliminate Medicare, Medicaid and Pell grants (federal aid for college). The president doesn't have that authority so he lied or he is the dumb fuck he started out to be.
'SSDD' - Same Shit Different Day. This is the traditional, 'old faithful' Liberal 'boogey man' Fear-Mongering tactic, usually reserved only for the elderly:

'The GOP is coming for your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaide'!

Halloween's over, Barry - enough with trying to scare people!

(Liberals have proven they can not win on ideology or results - they have to rely on Fear-Mongering, Lies, the 'Politics of Personal Destruction', handing out tons of 'free shit', and Election Fraud!)
Rubio said if Social Security isn't dealt with, it will be belly up in a couple decades. Trump isn't dealing with it. That's not Democratic fear mongering.
What's your solution? Cause what Rubio is saying, is true.

What, are the democrats lying to you about that too?
This is what the Dems are saying, which is primarily bullshit but they've at least proposed a solution, or the beginning of one. TN says Trump might "look at it" in the future. Neither are perfect answers. I thought Rubio's made sense. But it's not in Trump's playbook, apparently.

The Democratic Platform:
Protecting and Expanding Social Security Democrats are proud to be the party that created Social Security, one of the nation’s most successful and effective programs. Without Social Security, nearly half of America’s seniors would be living in poverty. Social Security is more than just a retirement program. It also provides important life insurance to young survivors of deceased workers and provides disability insurance protection. We will fight every effort to cut, privatize, or weaken Social Security, including attempts to raise the retirement age, diminish benefits by cutting cost-of-living adjustments, or reducing earned benefits. Democrats will expand Social Security so that every American can retire with dignity and respect, including women who are widowed or took time out of the workforce to care for their children, aging parents, or ailing family members. The Democratic Party recognizes that the way Social Security cost-of- living adjustments are calculated may not always reflect the spending patterns of seniors, particularly the disproportionate amount they spend on health care expenses. We are committed to exploring alternatives that could better and more equitably serve seniors. We will make sure Social Security’s guaranteed benefits continue for generations to come by asking those at the top to pay more, and will achieve this goal by taxing some of the income of people above $250,000. The Democratic Party is also committed to providing all necessary financial support for the Social Security Administration so that it can provide timely benefits and high-quality service for those it serves. Our plan contrasts starkly with Donald Trump. He has referred to Social Security as a “Ponzi scheme” and has called for privatizing it as well as increasing the retirement age.

Rubio said if Social Security isn't dealt with, it will be belly up in a couple decades. Trump isn't dealing with it. That's not Democratic fear mongering.
OL, would you agree there is a HUGE difference between 'IGNORING SS' and 'The GOP is COMING for your SS'?!

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