Barr thinks trump may be toast after seeing indictment details

This will likely take Trump out of the running, which means you all will start on destroying DeSantis. It will backfire on you but that won't stop you. It's all you know.
This will likely take Trump out of the running, which means you all will start on destroying DeSantis. It will backfire on you but that won't stop you. It's all you know.

Yes. The Democrats are extremely desperate. They're already begun fabricating fake charges against DeSantis and probably the other candidates as well. It's not like the GOP is going to stop them, certainly the FBI isn't, they're helping with the frame ups. They're losing the loyalty of the more hardcore criminals that make up their base, and the DNC can't be sure they can fix the vote as good as they did last time. Now they have to lock up the opposition party candidates and maybe send troops to control ballot boxes, like Lincoln did.
OP =

This will likely take Trump out of the running, which means you all will start on destroying DeSantis. It will backfire on you but that won't stop you. It's all you know.
DuhSantis, like Trump doesn't need ANY help.
They're doing fine................ALL by themselves.
Yes. The Democrats are extremely desperate. They're already begun fabricating fake charges against DeSantis and probably the other candidates as well. It's not like the GOP is going to stop them, certainly the FBI isn't, they're helping with the frame ups. They're losing the loyalty of the more hardcore criminals that make up their base, and the DNC can't be sure they can fix the vote as good as they did last time. Now they have to lock up the opposition party candidates and maybe send troops to control ballot boxes, like Lincoln did.

No, Dudley. Desantis will dig his own grave. He's picking fights with Mickey Mouse while Floridians get a 40% hike in property taxes.
This will likely take Trump out of the running, which means you all will start on destroying DeSantis. It will backfire on you but that won't stop you. It's all you know.
C'mon Sue.
You think 'everything' is an attack on the right.

1). Start collecting actual evidence on Joe Biden and feel free to indict Joe Biden once he leaves office, if the evidence is enough to lead to an indictment.
Do it, If Joe is corrupt, then indict him with ample evidence, but you can't indict a sitting POTUS, so collect evidence and be prepared.

2). trump is not some target as you claim.
There is ample evidence that proves he committed crimes, and he has been rightfully indicted and will face the court. His ONLY chance, IMO is a hung jury.
But I don't see that happening (hung jury) for every count.

3). DeSantis.......big whoop, he is just another RW carnival barker. He doesn't have the alleged criminal record that trump has created for himself. Trump is causing all his own pain, and trump doesn't have the ability to STFU. So it will get worse for trump.
They're already fabricating fake charges against DeSantis and probably the other candidates as well.
Oh, since they have already started fabricating fake charges against DeSantis, as you claim, can you tell us what those fake charges are, since you claim to know.
Trump has no loyalty to the Republican party. Trump has no loyalty to anyone or anything except Trump. If he can't get the nomination, he'll destroy the Republican party.

And if he does get the nomination, the Republicans lose big. Massive blue wave in 2024.

That's what happens when you turn a political party into a Maoist personality cult.
Yes. The Democrats are extremely desperate. They're already begun fabricating fake charges against DeSantis and probably the other candidates as well. It's not like the GOP is going to stop them, certainly the FBI isn't, they're helping with the frame ups. They're losing the loyalty of the more hardcore criminals that make up their base, and the DNC can't be sure they can fix the vote as good as they did last time. Now they have to lock up the opposition party candidates and maybe send troops to control ballot boxes, like Lincoln did.
Where are those "fake charges against DeSantis"?