Barr thinks trump may be toast after seeing indictment details

Trump has no loyalty to the Republican party. Trump has no loyalty to anyone or anything except Trump. If he can't get the nomination, he'll destroy the Republican party.

And if he does get the nomination, the Republicans lose big. Massive blue wave in 2024.

That's what happens when you turn a political party into a Maoist personality cult.
Well said! The only hope the repubs have is a heart attack. I read that somewhere on line.
C'mon Sue.
You think 'everything' is an attack on the right.

1). Start collecting actual evidence on Joe Biden and feel free to indict Joe Biden once he leaves office, if the evidence is enough to lead to an indictment.
Do it, If Joe is corrupt, then indict him with ample evidence, but you can't indict a sitting POTUS, so collect evidence and be prepared.

2). trump is not some target as you claim.
There is ample evidence that proves he committed crimes, and he has been rightfully indicted and will face the court. His ONLY chance, IMO is a hung jury.
But I don't see that happening (hung jury) for every count.

3). DeSantis.......big whoop, he is just another RW carnival barker. He doesn't have the alleged criminal record that trump has created for himself. Trump is causing all his own pain, and trump doesn't have the ability to STFU. So it will get worse for trump.
trump digs a little deeper everything he opens his orange lips. Now he is attacking Jack Smith's wife, like any Mafia Boss would do.
Where are those "fake charges against DeSantis"?
In my forays into the far right wing noise machine I have heard about "libs" saying Desantis likes young women, really young women. I think Trump even eluded to it when Desantis announced.

This is the guy who trump's enabler in the WH.
Another manufactured crisis in a 7 year long string of manufactured crises by the Democratic Party, their Media and their hit squad the FBI. They are destroying America and you dolts think you are winning. Every American is losing, can't you see that?
It doesn't depend on what is right by the rules of law in America anymore.

His fate depends on the political climate and that should hint to his supporters that there is a way to save his skin.

Then of course there's the nuclear threat with Biden that makes any crazy choice better than M.A.D.

I'm betting on Trump because I have to if I consider the alternative. At least until Russia completes its objective or the D's find an antiwar candidate.

In summary, America may have found itself in a situation similar to the Batista regimes, where another choice was almost unanimously supported by the people.
Oh, since they have already started fabricating fake charges against DeSantis, as you claim, can you tell us what those fake charges are, since you claim to know.
There was Gov. Newcomb saying that DeSantis could be guilty of kidnapping for snatching migrants against their will and shipping them various places, but that was just an offhand dig. It would be essentially impossible to prove. They didn't actually clap irons on the migrants, so the defenses could argue they went of their own free will.

Aside from that, not a thing.
We can only hope. Maybe the Republicans will actually win now
This is a self inflicted wound on trump's party. He could have returned the documents when requested and that would have been the end of it. But his ego and narcissistic tendencies took over and he lied and, with the help of his aide, moved and hid the classified information. THE MAN LIED TO HIS OWN LAWYERS!
Yes. The Democrats are extremely desperate. They're already begun fabricating fake charges against DeSantis and probably the other candidates as well. It's not like the GOP is going to stop them, certainly the FBI isn't, they're helping with the frame ups. They're losing the loyalty of the more hardcore criminals that make up their base, and the DNC can't be sure they can fix the vote as good as they did last time. Now they have to lock up the opposition party candidates and maybe send troops to control ballot boxes, like Lincoln did.

They surely do not realize the very perilous position they're in.

They're not too smart. If they were, they wouldn't be liberals.
They surely do not realize the very perilous position they're in.

Their base are just stupid doper sociopaths, fetishists, and violent racists. They simply don't care.

They're not too smart. If they were, they wouldn't be liberals.

I don't consider them liberals, they are criminal sociopaths, but I get your point.
They surely do not realize the very perilous position they're in.

They're not too smart. If they were, they wouldn't be liberals.
repubs are flailing. They realize that trump cannot win the General, but they are afraid to admit he is a criminal, for fear of alienating his base.

Barr, as much as I detest the man, is right. If half the allegations in the indictment are true, trump is toast. A Grand Jury in Florida, a red red state, indicted him. I would like to know if the vote was unanimous..
Another manufactured crisis in a 7 year long string of manufactured crises by the Democratic Party, their Media and their hit squad the FBI. They are destroying America and you dolts think you are winning. Every American is losing, can't you see that?

Johnathan Turley is a Trump supporter.

repubs are flailing. They realize that trump cannot win the General, but they are afraid to admit he is a criminal, for fear of alienating his base.

Barr, as much as I detest the man, is right. If half the allegations in the indictment are true, trump is toast. A Grand Jury in Florida, a red red state, indicted him. I would like to know if the vote was unanimous..
Baloney. You idiots are flailing, you have no candidate and you keep campaigning for Trump.
jimboliar why are you so stupid?

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