Barr pushes back on Trump: This is Not a ‘Witch hunt’

Barr is for Barr. He obviously sees an advantage for himself in turning on Trump. Barr is exactly the type of political whore that is destroying this country. Back to MAGA.
It's not a witch hunt when your fellow Republicans, staffers and employees provide virtually ALL of the material and SWORN testimony being used AGAINST you.

Trump is mentally ill and his followers are rubes.
Pardon me if I think you're who's mentally ill for obsessing so much over the guy. It's not natural.
William Barr. According to The Last Deadender...Barr is a "deep state attack dog". You said he wasn't deep state at all.

You guys can't seem to agree on who is in this alleged "deep state" and who isn't. This isn't surprising because it doesn't exist. But I thought you should know that your fellow crackpots think you're nuts.
Yeah, because all Americans read whatever the fuck that is, amirite? :rolleyes-41:

What sez you, obvious leftist shill that is obvious?
Like so many other Republicucks, the Democucks hated Barr before they loved him.

Boy, those Democucks sure are a bunch of cucking flip-floppers, ain't they?

Cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck.
We know what Barr is...

He is much like Melania, she saw Trump and thought she could enter a deal with Trump and she could handle the shit...

Turns out Trump transactional person who thinks in a deal that you have to get screwed for him to win.. So Melania had to become first lady for 4 years of foreign country (something she really hated) but got her parents a green card..

Barr thought being AG would put him on a national stage, it did, as a stooge for Trump...

Non MAGAs know that only go into a deal with Trump if you have no other option. Cause he is going to try and screw you OR you just going to get screwed cause he doesn't give a fuck about you...
They don’t. This is a lie.
We live in totalitarianism that we vote for what is called Democracy every couple of years. Freedom is pushed into borders. If local law enforcement ever treats you or a citizen like vermin, then you experience it. I lived in a county where when I exercised at night, I was stopped a dozen times over a dozen years by the county police. The exercises was just walking for an hour or two. Three time they had multiple cars with K 9 dogs ready to be released. Another time one of the fascists stop me to ask questions and I got a little tired after a few questions and walked a few steps and he moved the car real quick as to get ready to get ready to take me down. I do not agree with you. And I do not agree with them. It is always one way or the other.
William Barr. According to The Last Deadender...Barr is a "deep state attack dog". You said he wasn't deep state at all.

You guys can't seem to agree on who is in this alleged "deep state" and who isn't. This isn't surprising because it doesn't exist. But I thought you should know that your fellow crackpots think you're nuts.
William Barr isn't attacking the former President, the Xiden Reich is.

Barr has given his opinions on the issues at hand, defending the former President at times, and being critical. That's not uncommon among Conservatives that believe you can disagree, and don't have the dembot cult mindset
William Barr isn't attacking the former President, the Xiden Reich is.
Who is Xiden Reich?
Barr has given his opinions on the issues at hand, defending the former President at times, and being critical. That's not uncommon among Conservatives that believe you can disagree, and don't have the dembot cult mindset he's not deep state...according to The LastDeadender he is.

Oh well...
It's not a witch hunt when your fellow Republicans, staffers and employees provide virtually ALL of the material and SWORN testimony being used AGAINST you.

Trump is mentally ill and his followers are rubes.
I can say that may of the Progs in Congress are mentally ill. All you gotta do is notice them. It is not complicated.
Who is Xiden Reich? he's not deep state...according to The LastDeadender he is.

Oh well...
1) Who? It's not a person, it's a thing.
2) No, he is no longer in Govt, so can't be the Deep State. He's simply a man, with a background in law enforcment, giving his here:

WATCH: Bill Barr calls Trump indictment an 'abuse of the prosecutive function'​

Bill Barr blasts FBI for "inexplicable behavior" and claims Russia probe based on "bogus narrative"​

and here:

Barr blasts Trump indictment as ‘abomination’​

“It’s the epitome of the abuse of prosecutorial power to bring a case that would not be brought against anyone else,” he continued. “They are going after the man, not a crime.”
1) Who? It's not a person, it's a thing.
2) No, he is no longer in Govt, so can't be the Deep State. He's simply a man, with a background in law enforcment, giving his here:

WATCH: Bill Barr calls Trump indictment an 'abuse of the prosecutive function'​

Bill Barr blasts FBI for "inexplicable behavior" and claims Russia probe based on "bogus narrative"​

and here:

Barr blasts Trump indictment as ‘abomination’​

“It’s the epitome of the abuse of prosecutorial power to bring a case that would not be brought against anyone else,” he continued. “They are going after the man, not a crime.”
Good to see theres rules to this.

So George Soros, Bill Gates, Zuck et. al. aren't deep state actors? Good to know.
It's not a witch hunt when your fellow Republicans, staffers and employees provide virtually ALL of the material and SWORN testimony being used AGAINST you.

Trump is mentally ill and his followers are rubes.
Trump has to follow through on his promises. No swampers in his administration to start.
Makes you wonder why Trump hired him.

But I'm sure that wasn't Trump's fault. Right?
I don't think Barr has the integrity or the balls to withstand the criticism he got from the MSM just from working for Trump. So he took the easy way out and joined the other deep state government manipulators, attacking Trump to preserve the insider corruption they control within our government. Wray is very similar. It will be hard for any President to remove assholes like this from our bureaucracy, but it can be done.
I don't think Barr has the integrity or the balls to withstand the criticism he got from the MSM just from working for Trump. So he took the easy way out and joined the other deep state government manipulators, attacking Trump to preserve the insider corruption they control within our government. Wray is very similar. It will be hard for any President to remove assholes like this from our bureaucracy, but it can be done.
He hired them. What the fuck are you smoking?

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