Barr pushes back on Trump: This is Not a ‘Witch hunt’

Ask trump why he chose to do it, then you will know what is going on. It is nothing but a f#ck around and find out moment. First you f#ck around and later you find out. Welcome to later.
I knew I asked the wrong person. Why does what you said only apply to Trump?
Sometimes it is just "Go with the Flow".. You shake your head or have thoughts when you hear something but then just let it go as there is nothing you can say that will change the flow. Also you might like your job and not be looking for a change.

Later on then you may go with another "flow" or you might say what you were thinking months or years ago. I guess that would be "regrets" and the "make amends flow" takes over.

It’s possible that there are a lot of true believers out there who think that the end justifies the means.

And then realized too late that the end game was to retain power by any means necessary.
Yeah, we have to get rid of the "Deep State" FBI, Justice Dept, etc.
And the 'Fake News' MSM!
Only Trump has the truth. In fact he's make many of you into blithering enablers.

Barr pushes back on Trump: This is not a ‘witch hunt’​

06/06/23 - 2:47PM - TheHill

""Former Attorney General Bill Barr pushed back on former President Trump’s claims that a special counsel’s ongoing documents probe is politically motivated and said he thinks the public eventually will come to realize the former president’s culpability.

“Over time, people will see that this is not a case of the Department of Justice conducting a witch hunt,” Barr said in an interview on CBS on Tuesday.
“In fact, they approached this very delicately and with deference to the president, and this would have gone Nowhere had the president just returned the documents.
But he Jerked them around for a Year and a half.”



But in fairness to him, it’s not “a” witch hunt, it’s THE witch hunt.
Well Barr isn't a Trump flunky anymore, how did he stab America in the back? Oh you mean when he was a Trump flunky he was stabbing America in the back. Got it.

The Chinese know a lot more about what is buried at DOJ than you do.

They get it from Hunter Biden in exchange for sacks of crack rocks.

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