Barr pushes back on Trump: This is Not a ‘Witch hunt’

Trump appointed a "deep state attack dog"? And you think he's going to get rid of the "deep state" if re-elected. struth ... you want to weigh in on this one?
You think your narrative means a fucking thing to me? It doesn't. Barr's job is as clear as Christie's. Get Trump.
NARA and the DOJ had no right to demand documents from a former president in the manner they did.

The president is not some Secretary or cabinet member or enlisted man. He's the president.

It breaks decorum, protocol, tradition, and laws with what they are doing.
So you’re saying you want two systems of justice?
Don't be trying to put words in my mouth, fucktard.
You expressed outage that the president would be treated like someone of a lower station.

You want two systems of justice. I don’t have to put words in your mouth. You said it.
You expressed outage that the president would be treated like someone of a lower station.

You want two systems of justice. I don’t have to put words in your mouth. You said it.
So how long have you been clairvoyant? What am I thinking right now?

No president has ever been gone after by a corrupted bureau for having things all presidents

have always had. So yes, that IS outrageous.

No incumbent president has ever gone to a former president and said "Hey! Gimme your stuff cuz I'm president now!"

as an excuse to trump up hokey legal charges.

:nono: That breaks decorum and tradition and general decency.

And laws, and court precedents, as you will soon be finding out.
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No president has ever been gone after by a corrupted bureau for having things all presidents
have always had. So yes, that IS outrageous.
Presidents don’t take hundreds of classified documents to keep in their basement.

Your outrage is based on lies.
Presidents don’t take hundreds of classified documents to keep in their basement.

Your outrage is based on lies.
Neither do Senators, that's patently illegal, but Biden did. Actually all presidents have taken home "classified" things.

None have ever had a corrupt incoming administration try to prosecute them for it.
Vice presidents do not take them and put them in their garage either.
See response to dork Marener above.
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It’s possible that there are a lot of true believers out there who think that the end justifies the means.

And then realized too late that the end game was to retain power by any means necessary.

Someone who has been given the silver spoon his whole life will never admit defeat. Then it just becomes those who still enable him. It is all about me and me pretend that it is about you,
Trump didn’t appoint Jack Smith…

Who are we talking about?
William Barr. According to The Last Deadender...Barr is a "deep state attack dog". You said he wasn't deep state at all.

You guys can't seem to agree on who is in this alleged "deep state" and who isn't. This isn't surprising because it doesn't exist. But I thought you should know that your fellow crackpots think you're nuts.
Yeah, we have to get rid of the "Deep State" FBI, Justice Dept, etc.
And the 'Fake News' MSM!
Only Trump has the truth. In fact he's make many of you into blithering enablers.

Barr pushes back on Trump: This is not a ‘witch hunt’​

06/06/23 - 2:47PM - TheHill

""Former Attorney General Bill Barr pushed back on former President Trump’s claims that a special counsel’s ongoing documents probe is politically motivated and said he thinks the public eventually will come to realize the former president’s culpability.

“Over time, people will see that this is not a case of the Department of Justice conducting a witch hunt,” Barr said in an interview on CBS on Tuesday.
“In fact, they approached this very delicately and with deference to the president, and this would have gone Nowhere had the president just returned the documents.
But he Jerked them around for a Year and a half.”


Barr's a liar. Got any real news?

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