Barr: No evidence of fraud that’d change election outcome

WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General William Barr said Tuesday the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

More kindling for the conspiracy bonfire. Apparently Barr is 'in on it' too.
His answer doesn't say there was no election says they haven't come up with a number or voter fraud sufficient enough to overturn the election...but when the legislators of these states reject certification due to possible fraudulent activity in blue districts Barr will have to investigate that....
You laughing libtards had better pay attention to what is happening in the states.....this whole thing may be undone if the state legislatures can't sign off on their own elections.....
So my question to "all talk Barr" is this. Just how much election fraud is acceptible?"
None is acceptable, all fraud ...with evidence, that can be prosecuted, should be, by the State it occurred in.

Barr, is only involved at the federal level if there is widespread voter fraud where people conspired together, or across state lines, that was large enough, to affect the election results of the Biden win.

Nothing found, would affect the results of the Biden win....

Simple as that...
Unless they fully investigate the Voting software that we know "randomly" switched votes in one county how would we ever know how widespread the fraud was or how much collusion was involved. the FBI made that determination in a week? LOL
What software randomly switched votes? In which state? Where's your proof?
6,000 Trump votes to 6,000 Biden votes labled a "Glitch" by the dems so at least some of them have admitted that it happend.
No software caused that, human error did. And it was detected immediately. And even had it not been detected immediately, it would have been caught during canvassing.

But most of all, it didn't switch a single vote. It was the count that was off, no votes were switched.
But we can't check to make sure it didn't happen elesewhere and how do we know it was human error not programing? If it tallied 6,000 votes to Biden meant for Trump the effect is the effct. The thing was thye got too greedy in too sm,all a district so th 6,000 was caught. What if they were smarter elesewhere ? Don't you want to know the truth?
Of course Faun doesn't want to hear the truth....he knows Trump won and the race was stolen...but he doesn't care....
You are a liar with no proof. You are just plain pitiful. Get professional help.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General William Barr said Tuesday the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

More kindling for the conspiracy bonfire. Apparently Barr is 'in on it' too.
His answer doesn't say there was no election says they haven't come up with a number or voter fraud sufficient enough to overturn the election...but when the legislators of these states reject certification due to possible fraudulent activity in blue districts Barr will have to investigate that....
You laughing libtards had better pay attention to what is happening in the states.....this whole thing may be undone if the state legislatures can't sign off on their own elections.....
So my question to "all talk Barr" is this. Just how much election fraud is acceptible?"
None is acceptable, all fraud ...with evidence, that can be prosecuted, should be, by the State it occurred in.

Barr, is only involved at the federal level if there is widespread voter fraud where people conspired together, or across state lines, that was large enough, to affect the election results of the Biden win.

Nothing found, would affect the results of the Biden win....

Simple as that...
Unless they fully investigate the Voting software that we know "randomly" switched votes in one county how would we ever know how widespread the fraud was or how much collusion was involved. the FBI made that determination in a week? LOL
What software randomly switched votes? In which state? Where's your proof?
6,000 Trump votes to 6,000 Biden votes labled a "Glitch" by the dems so at least some of them have admitted that it happend.
No software caused that, human error did. And it was detected immediately. And even had it not been detected immediately, it would have been caught during canvassing.

But most of all, it didn't switch a single vote. It was the count that was off, no votes were switched.
But we can't check to make sure it didn't happen elesewhere and how do we know it was human error not programing? If it tallied 6,000 votes to Biden meant for Trump the effect is the effct. The thing was thye got too greedy in too sm,all a district so th 6,000 was caught. What if they were smarter elesewhere ? Don't you want to know the truth?
a paper trail of the mistake.

and it was not 6000 votes for Biden.... from my understanding it was 3000 votes went to biden that should have gone to Pres Trump....which caused a 6000 vote spread that was incorrect.
And it was just in the unofficial initial count; it didn't affect a single ballot. It's not like Trump ballots were given to Biden.
The election was stolen...they should have filled in down ballot selections too and it wouldn't be so way a GOP president loses an election when every other race went to the GOP....
You live in a world of make believe. Get some help.

They live in a snowglobe. Make no mistake, these are the snowflakiest snowflakes to ever flake.

They're so adverse to anything that would contradict their world view or make them uncomfortable, that they reject even REALITY as 'fake' if it contradict them.

Parler and NewsMax aren't creating this safespaces for no reason. They're feeding a desperate need of many conservatives to disconnect from reality and feed on comforting lies.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General William Barr said Tuesday the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

More kindling for the conspiracy bonfire. Apparently Barr is 'in on it' too.
His answer doesn't say there was no election says they haven't come up with a number or voter fraud sufficient enough to overturn the election...but when the legislators of these states reject certification due to possible fraudulent activity in blue districts Barr will have to investigate that....
You laughing libtards had better pay attention to what is happening in the states.....this whole thing may be undone if the state legislatures can't sign off on their own elections.....
So my question to "all talk Barr" is this. Just how much election fraud is acceptible?"
None is acceptable, all fraud ...with evidence, that can be prosecuted, should be, by the State it occurred in.

Barr, is only involved at the federal level if there is widespread voter fraud where people conspired together, or across state lines, that was large enough, to affect the election results of the Biden win.

Nothing found, would affect the results of the Biden win....

Simple as that...
Unless they fully investigate the Voting software that we know "randomly" switched votes in one county how would we ever know how widespread the fraud was or how much collusion was involved. the FBI made that determination in a week? LOL
What software randomly switched votes? In which state? Where's your proof?
6,000 Trump votes to 6,000 Biden votes labled a "Glitch" by the dems so at least some of them have admitted that it happend.
No software caused that, human error did. And it was detected immediately. And even had it not been detected immediately, it would have been caught during canvassing.

But most of all, it didn't switch a single vote. It was the count that was off, no votes were switched.
But we can't check to make sure it didn't happen elesewhere and how do we know it was human error not programing? If it tallied 6,000 votes to Biden meant for Trump the effect is the effct. The thing was thye got too greedy in too sm,all a district so th 6,000 was caught. What if they were smarter elesewhere ? Don't you want to know the truth?
a paper trail of the mistake.

and it was not 6000 votes for Biden.... from my understanding it was 3000 votes went to biden that should have gone to Pres Trump....which caused a 6000 vote spread that was incorrect.
And it was just in the unofficial initial count; it didn't affect a single ballot. It's not like Trump ballots were given to Biden.
The election was stolen...they should have filled in down ballot selections too and it wouldn't be so way a GOP president loses an election when every other race went to the GOP....
You live in a world of make believe. Get some help.

They live in a snowglobe. Make no mistake, these are the snowflakiest snowflakes to ever flake.

They're so adverse to anything that would contradict their world view or make them uncomfortable, that they reject even REALITY as 'fake' if it contradict them.

Parler and NewsMax aren't creating this safespaces for no reason. They're feeding a desperate need of many conservatives to disconnect from reality and feed on comforting lies.
It must be horrifying to live as they do. They are so terrified of reality and the truth, that they would invest all their time in propping up these fantasies.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General William Barr said Tuesday the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

More kindling for the conspiracy bonfire. Apparently Barr is 'in on it' too.
His answer doesn't say there was no election says they haven't come up with a number or voter fraud sufficient enough to overturn the election...but when the legislators of these states reject certification due to possible fraudulent activity in blue districts Barr will have to investigate that....
You laughing libtards had better pay attention to what is happening in the states.....this whole thing may be undone if the state legislatures can't sign off on their own elections.....
So my question to "all talk Barr" is this. Just how much election fraud is acceptible?"
None is acceptable, all fraud ...with evidence, that can be prosecuted, should be, by the State it occurred in.

Barr, is only involved at the federal level if there is widespread voter fraud where people conspired together, or across state lines, that was large enough, to affect the election results of the Biden win.

Nothing found, would affect the results of the Biden win....

Simple as that...
Unless they fully investigate the Voting software that we know "randomly" switched votes in one county how would we ever know how widespread the fraud was or how much collusion was involved. the FBI made that determination in a week? LOL
What software randomly switched votes? In which state? Where's your proof?
6,000 Trump votes to 6,000 Biden votes labled a "Glitch" by the dems so at least some of them have admitted that it happend.
No software caused that, human error did. And it was detected immediately. And even had it not been detected immediately, it would have been caught during canvassing.

But most of all, it didn't switch a single vote. It was the count that was off, no votes were switched.
But we can't check to make sure it didn't happen elesewhere and how do we know it was human error not programing? If it tallied 6,000 votes to Biden meant for Trump the effect is the effct. The thing was thye got too greedy in too sm,all a district so th 6,000 was caught. What if they were smarter elesewhere ? Don't you want to know the truth?
a paper trail of the mistake.

and it was not 6000 votes for Biden.... from my understanding it was 3000 votes went to biden that should have gone to Pres Trump....which caused a 6000 vote spread that was incorrect.
And it was just in the unofficial initial count; it didn't affect a single ballot. It's not like Trump ballots were given to Biden.
The election was stolen...they should have filled in down ballot selections too and it wouldn't be so way a GOP president loses an election when every other race went to the GOP....
You live in a world of make believe. Get some help.
There is no cure for conservatitus.
Barr for whatever reason was sticking a finger in Trump's eye.
But that personal animosity aside there is NO doubt Barr is full of crap in his claim about evidence.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General William Barr said Tuesday the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

More kindling for the conspiracy bonfire. Apparently Barr is 'in on it' too.
His answer doesn't say there was no election says they haven't come up with a number or voter fraud sufficient enough to overturn the election...but when the legislators of these states reject certification due to possible fraudulent activity in blue districts Barr will have to investigate that....
You laughing libtards had better pay attention to what is happening in the states.....this whole thing may be undone if the state legislatures can't sign off on their own elections.....
So my question to "all talk Barr" is this. Just how much election fraud is acceptible?"
None is acceptable, all fraud ...with evidence, that can be prosecuted, should be, by the State it occurred in.

Barr, is only involved at the federal level if there is widespread voter fraud where people conspired together, or across state lines, that was large enough, to affect the election results of the Biden win.

Nothing found, would affect the results of the Biden win....

Simple as that...
Unless they fully investigate the Voting software that we know "randomly" switched votes in one county how would we ever know how widespread the fraud was or how much collusion was involved. the FBI made that determination in a week? LOL
What software randomly switched votes? In which state? Where's your proof?
6,000 Trump votes to 6,000 Biden votes labled a "Glitch" by the dems so at least some of them have admitted that it happend.
No software caused that, human error did. And it was detected immediately. And even had it not been detected immediately, it would have been caught during canvassing.

But most of all, it didn't switch a single vote. It was the count that was off, no votes were switched.
But we can't check to make sure it didn't happen elesewhere and how do we know it was human error not programing? If it tallied 6,000 votes to Biden meant for Trump the effect is the effct. The thing was thye got too greedy in too sm,all a district so th 6,000 was caught. What if they were smarter elesewhere ? Don't you want to know the truth?
a paper trail of the mistake.

and it was not 6000 votes for Biden.... from my understanding it was 3000 votes went to biden that should have gone to Pres Trump....which caused a 6000 vote spread that was incorrect.
And it was just in the unofficial initial count; it didn't affect a single ballot. It's not like Trump ballots were given to Biden.
The election was stolen...they should have filled in down ballot selections too and it wouldn't be so way a GOP president loses an election when every other race went to the GOP....
You live in a world of make believe. Get some help.

They live in a snowglobe. Make no mistake, these are the snowflakiest snowflakes to ever flake.

They're so adverse to anything that would contradict their world view or make them uncomfortable, that they reject even REALITY as 'fake' if it contradict them.

Parler and NewsMax aren't creating this safespaces for no reason. They're feeding a desperate need of many conservatives to disconnect from reality and feed on comforting lies.
I'm in my early 60's and I have never seen a movement/group/cause so very afraid of other points of view.

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