Bannon Rips Romney Of Decades Ago(?)! Christian Woman Wants To Suckle CNN Staffer's Baby(?)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Electoral College was intended to protect Minority Faction rights--certain property owners. It worked well in 2016, such that people's worldwide could see what another Minority Faction believes. Firstly, it is not even Mormon, and Secondly, They do make this stuff up(?)!

Judge Roy Moore has been declared unfit for Senate Office Holding due to allegations of predatory sex with underage females. That was Decades ago. Steve Bannon declared Mitt Romney unfit for Senate Office Holding due to allegations of political expression during the Vietnam War.

While Defending Roy Moore, Steve Bannon Slams Mitt Romney For Not Serving In Vietnam | HuffPost

So history happened, or it did not.

A pregnant CNN woman-staffer was harassed by a Moore campaign defender, alleging that Jones wanted to kill the baby(?). The matter likely has to do with a suggestion of fetus infanticide, legal abortion. The way the language reads, however: The concept that the pregnant woman-staffer missed is that the fetus is not yet a baby.

"Do you want to yank it out of the womb and suckle it?" was not remarked. "Then when you're done, you plan to put it back?!(?)!" That was not opined, but should have been noted: To expose the absurdity of the Christian belief of conception.

Fertilized ovum get flushed down the toilet regularly, in fact.. It is part of the plan. No one thinks of them as being real live critter-foals. The Constitution routinely confers rights to persons "Born."

Then there are the Christians.

And Mormons want to be thought like them.

There is all kinds of basis for disqualification for disqualification from election for the U. S. Senate. Anyone can think of 52 reasons, just today!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Funny fact is that so many LGBT think so consistently straight!)
Most states consider it fetal homicide if someone kills a pregnant woman, a double murder. Only in the case of abortion and the unholy Roe v Wade decision does federal law supersede this. So as far as the law in concerned the fetus has the right not to be murdered.
Making Stuff Up is about the Christian, hate U. S. A. and make it sin, kind of jaded political opinion. Going back centuries there is no concept of "Double Murder," even subsequent the famous crucifixion story. That too, was legal then. Many opine that it should be legal now(?). It is called a "Death Penalty."
FOR MOST OF AMERICAN HISTORY, the question of whether a fetus had any standing in court was a simple one: It didn’t. States went along with the common law “born alive” rule, which mandates that fetuses can only be declared legal victims of crimes if they have taken breaths independent of the mother. (Even where abortion was illegal for doctors to perform, it wasn’t considered a crime against the fetus itself.)

This approach followed a view that had existed since at least the 4th century BC, when Aristotle proposed a three-part framework of fetal development: The fetus moves from a “vegetable” stage to an “animal” stage and finally to the “rational” stage, soon after birth. The idea that a fetus is on a continuum, becoming gradually more “person-like” as it progresses from a cluster of cells to a viable entity to a newborn, has made a certain intuitive sense to most human beings throughout history. As political scientist Jean Reith Schroedel points out in her 2000 book, “Is the Fetus a Person?,” this is roughly analogous to the Supreme Court’s logic in the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, which ruled that the fetus has no independent status in the first trimester.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many choose worship. . .even of Seagulls of Great Salt Lake(?)! Locusts, somehow, are still thought a plague(?)!)

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